9 years ago on September 11th, give a summary of your day?

i wasn't posting on nt when it happened but im sure that thread must have been crazy
I was 16 at the time and just sitting in class like every other day.A teacher comes in and lets us know that a plane hit the WTC and we REALLY didn't understand the
magnitude of what was happening because we were under the impression that it was like a Cessna or something like that.We get word back from that same teacher that one of the towers was down...
NOW we understood how serious that !@%# was!
Everyone was summoned to the auditorium and they let us know what was going on in NY and what was happening not too far from us (i'm in DC) and that they'd be sending us home early.At the time my moms worked in VA (basically in the same area as the Pentagon) so I was a little stressed out over the fact that I couldn't get in contact with her.She came home in one piece,but unfortunately a few people I knew weren't so lucky...

My favorite teacher (who's class I was in when the other teacher came in to inform us of what happened) lost her daughter that day (she worked in one of the towers and it was impossible for her to escape because she was at the top...) and a Security Guard I was tight with in JHS lost his daughter.She was ON one of the planes. (DC heads might remember a group of students from a particular school here who were heading west if i'm not mistaken.She was in that group).
R.I.P to them.
I was 16 at the time and just sitting in class like every other day.A teacher comes in and lets us know that a plane hit the WTC and we REALLY didn't understand the
magnitude of what was happening because we were under the impression that it was like a Cessna or something like that.We get word back from that same teacher that one of the towers was down...
NOW we understood how serious that !@%# was!
Everyone was summoned to the auditorium and they let us know what was going on in NY and what was happening not too far from us (i'm in DC) and that they'd be sending us home early.At the time my moms worked in VA (basically in the same area as the Pentagon) so I was a little stressed out over the fact that I couldn't get in contact with her.She came home in one piece,but unfortunately a few people I knew weren't so lucky...

My favorite teacher (who's class I was in when the other teacher came in to inform us of what happened) lost her daughter that day (she worked in one of the towers and it was impossible for her to escape because she was at the top...) and a Security Guard I was tight with in JHS lost his daughter.She was ON one of the planes. (DC heads might remember a group of students from a particular school here who were heading west if i'm not mistaken.She was in that group).
R.I.P to them.
I was in 9th grade history chillin. The teacher turned the news on and we watched it for a lil bit. Then we got to go home early cuz we were close to dc so i went back around my way and me, my homeboys n brother just chilled on our block for the rest of the day.
I was in 9th grade history chillin. The teacher turned the news on and we watched it for a lil bit. Then we got to go home early cuz we were close to dc so i went back around my way and me, my homeboys n brother just chilled on our block for the rest of the day.
My freshman year of HS. I remember I was in English and they made an announcement of what happened. My mom and aunt worked in the South Tower and my cousin was FDNY but at that time they didn't say which tower was hit or how bad it was. I tried to get out of school but got stopped by security. I was freaking out the entire day. The auditorium at my HS (Brooklyn Tech) is one of the biggest in the city so a ton of us crowded in there to listen to the radio. I remember some reporters saying that a lot more planes were hijacked and heading for major buildings in the NYC area. Being that we were one of the 3 "specialized" schools, people started to panic. From our 7th floor where the cafeteria is, on one side you can see directly in to the city and a lot of kids went up there and saw when the towers collapsed. Once they let us out from the school, the C and A trains I took home weren't working so I had to walk back to Queens. I was relieved as hell to see my mom and aunt there when I walked through the door. My cousin was one of those that was not fortunate enough to make it.

It was rough afterwards to go down around there the next couple weeks and to go to the memorial every year. Stuyvesant (which was considered the top HS at the time) was affected badly by the dust and stuff so they had to come and use our building so we'd go to school from 7 to 1 and they'd go 1:30 to 6:30.

Tears almost hit me the first time I went over the Williamsburg Bridge on the J train and saw the towers missing from the skyline.
My freshman year of HS. I remember I was in English and they made an announcement of what happened. My mom and aunt worked in the South Tower and my cousin was FDNY but at that time they didn't say which tower was hit or how bad it was. I tried to get out of school but got stopped by security. I was freaking out the entire day. The auditorium at my HS (Brooklyn Tech) is one of the biggest in the city so a ton of us crowded in there to listen to the radio. I remember some reporters saying that a lot more planes were hijacked and heading for major buildings in the NYC area. Being that we were one of the 3 "specialized" schools, people started to panic. From our 7th floor where the cafeteria is, on one side you can see directly in to the city and a lot of kids went up there and saw when the towers collapsed. Once they let us out from the school, the C and A trains I took home weren't working so I had to walk back to Queens. I was relieved as hell to see my mom and aunt there when I walked through the door. My cousin was one of those that was not fortunate enough to make it.

It was rough afterwards to go down around there the next couple weeks and to go to the memorial every year. Stuyvesant (which was considered the top HS at the time) was affected badly by the dust and stuff so they had to come and use our building so we'd go to school from 7 to 1 and they'd go 1:30 to 6:30.

Tears almost hit me the first time I went over the Williamsburg Bridge on the J train and saw the towers missing from the skyline.
i was in the 5th grade at ps 127 in east elmhurst queens. earlie in the morning everybody still talking and stuff about to start up class for the day we look out the window and we seen smoke out the twin towers cause the city is what we look at when we daydream and we thought it was just the roof was on fire. 5th grade.... and alot of kids just kept being picked up and and then we seen another explosion and everything out there in the distance got bigger and scary and then turned on the tv, we was watching the mayhem in the city a while later they weren't there. RIP UNCLE STEVE.  ' and yes the 2nd plane hitting fireball was bigger then tv showed'
i was in the 5th grade at ps 127 in east elmhurst queens. earlie in the morning everybody still talking and stuff about to start up class for the day we look out the window and we seen smoke out the twin towers cause the city is what we look at when we daydream and we thought it was just the roof was on fire. 5th grade.... and alot of kids just kept being picked up and and then we seen another explosion and everything out there in the distance got bigger and scary and then turned on the tv, we was watching the mayhem in the city a while later they weren't there. RIP UNCLE STEVE.  ' and yes the 2nd plane hitting fireball was bigger then tv showed'
11th grade, second period, advanced algebra. Teacher got the news turned on the TV and started making phone calls while crying. Me and the rest of the students just sat there in awe. I kept looking out the window thinking I was gonna see a plane hit a building downtown. I'll never forget that day.
11th grade, second period, advanced algebra. Teacher got the news turned on the TV and started making phone calls while crying. Me and the rest of the students just sat there in awe. I kept looking out the window thinking I was gonna see a plane hit a building downtown. I'll never forget that day.
Jr year of high school sitting in AP American History 2nd Hour....teacher gets a call, starts freaking out cuz of course she is a history buff...she turns on the TV and boom...we start to see the footage it was unbelievable PAIRED with her commentary on the seriousness of the matter is sumtin Ill never forget....and then things started to get crazy cuz of Barksdale Air Force base being in the city and the rumors that mutiple targets were going to be hit across the country...sum schools got out we didnt tho...When I got outta school alot of stores had closed early, target was one of the few that didnt  so I went and copped The Blueprint Album....listened to that and watched the news the rest of the night
Jr year of high school sitting in AP American History 2nd Hour....teacher gets a call, starts freaking out cuz of course she is a history buff...she turns on the TV and boom...we start to see the footage it was unbelievable PAIRED with her commentary on the seriousness of the matter is sumtin Ill never forget....and then things started to get crazy cuz of Barksdale Air Force base being in the city and the rumors that mutiple targets were going to be hit across the country...sum schools got out we didnt tho...When I got outta school alot of stores had closed early, target was one of the few that didnt  so I went and copped The Blueprint Album....listened to that and watched the news the rest of the night
and i dont know if anybody in the ny area recall fire jets flying around pretty low for a couple days. put fear in my heart lol and everybody came out there house holding there chest. EVERY ONE WAS EFFECTED BADLY but before that i remember what it was like to fly on a plane... FREEDOM! I WANT That back so bad.
and i dont know if anybody in the ny area recall fire jets flying around pretty low for a couple days. put fear in my heart lol and everybody came out there house holding there chest. EVERY ONE WAS EFFECTED BADLY but before that i remember what it was like to fly on a plane... FREEDOM! I WANT That back so bad.
I was in 10th grade at newtown h.s. in queens and we got word of a plane crashing through the first twin tower over the loud speaker by the principle then the end of the period bell rang and everyone ran to the side of my h.s. that looked straight to the manhattan skyline and we all were able to see the second tower falling. Still rememeber that day clearly. After the next period was over I said eff it and left school and went to a pizza spot near Rockaway blvd. where they had the news on and everybody was watching.

I left the pizzaria to wait for the bus and I could smell a difference in the air like an ashy smell all the way in queens from the world trade.

My phone didn't work, people were all getting a little crazy that day so the best thing I could think of doing is going home and hope I didn't have any of my family near ground zero. Luckily my sister stayed in midtown manhattan that day. But I remember she came home late because everyone was forced to walk over the bridge into queens.
I was in 10th grade at newtown h.s. in queens and we got word of a plane crashing through the first twin tower over the loud speaker by the principle then the end of the period bell rang and everyone ran to the side of my h.s. that looked straight to the manhattan skyline and we all were able to see the second tower falling. Still rememeber that day clearly. After the next period was over I said eff it and left school and went to a pizza spot near Rockaway blvd. where they had the news on and everybody was watching.

I left the pizzaria to wait for the bus and I could smell a difference in the air like an ashy smell all the way in queens from the world trade.

My phone didn't work, people were all getting a little crazy that day so the best thing I could think of doing is going home and hope I didn't have any of my family near ground zero. Luckily my sister stayed in midtown manhattan that day. But I remember she came home late because everyone was forced to walk over the bridge into queens.
I was in the fifth grade, all I can really remember is waking up to a big commotion both on the radio and television. Both my parents were up watching the television in shock and I was there trying to figure out what 'terrorist' were. I get to school and see my teacher crying (since she had grown up in New York) and started talking to everyone and explaining what was really going on, and up until I saw both the towers drop is were it stroked me and will not forget the tragic drop of both the towers and people jumping off.
I was in 7th grade... in Alexandria, VA.... in my 2nd class of the day

We are all chilling in class... and the day had already seemed a little weird teachers going in and out of classrooms (talking about the twin towers) but we had no idead

A few minutes later we all here a big boom! They were doing a construction right outside our school so we thought it was that.... a few min later the principal calls on the intercom and says all teachers to keep their TVs off....

Most teachers didn't care and turned them on anyway... Then word finally got around that the pentagon had been hit as well... We were literally 10 min from the Pentagon...

Parents came and scooped me from school early... crazy day.. will never forget it
I was in 7th grade... in Alexandria, VA.... in my 2nd class of the day

We are all chilling in class... and the day had already seemed a little weird teachers going in and out of classrooms (talking about the twin towers) but we had no idead

A few minutes later we all here a big boom! They were doing a construction right outside our school so we thought it was that.... a few min later the principal calls on the intercom and says all teachers to keep their TVs off....

Most teachers didn't care and turned them on anyway... Then word finally got around that the pentagon had been hit as well... We were literally 10 min from the Pentagon...

Parents came and scooped me from school early... crazy day.. will never forget it
I was in the fifth grade, all I can really remember is waking up to a big commotion both on the radio and television. Both my parents were up watching the television in shock and I was there trying to figure out what 'terrorist' were. I get to school and see my teacher crying (since she had grown up in New York) and started talking to everyone and explaining what was really going on, and up until I saw both the towers drop is were it stroked me and will not forget the tragic drop of both the towers and people jumping off.
I was a freshman in College, 18 years old, in NYC (Baruch) coming out of Calc which was first period, just noticed a lot of black smoke in the air, cellphone wasnt working. tried calling my mom on a payphone............dead..........Confusion..............They blocked up Freshman year so it was like four of us, We kept walking when everyone was walkng the opposite direction. At first I was thinkin, a pilot got drunk or something, freak accident, no worry, well Rebuild and plus we got another tower than all of a sudden we look up and BOOM!!!!!!!! the second tower gets hits, the best feeling I can explain was in Antwone Fisher when they robbed the store and his friend got shot, I froze up like that............Next thing I notice I see soldiers with guns and tanks RIGHT ON LEXINGTON!!!! anyway no trains, no busses, not trying to walk on no bridge so I was stuck in the city with no where to go. I was fortunate enough to have a friend who lived in the city so we chilled at his house for a minute. The trains started working about 6 that night so we got on....everyone was looking outside when we crossed the Manhattan Bridge on the Q line.........Humongous cloud of Black smoke, people on the train started cryin next thing you know everyone on the train is cryin.....Got home, hugged my mom, TV was out so I basically went online to find out what the hell happened. Will never forget........................

I pretty much moved outta NYC shortly after graduating college, I always asked myself why? In hindsight a lot of us got some PTSD and was just forced to move on. NYC is always a target and I really dont wanna test fate anymore. Ill visit but you wont fine me stuck in Manhattan again...........
I was a freshman in College, 18 years old, in NYC (Baruch) coming out of Calc which was first period, just noticed a lot of black smoke in the air, cellphone wasnt working. tried calling my mom on a payphone............dead..........Confusion..............They blocked up Freshman year so it was like four of us, We kept walking when everyone was walkng the opposite direction. At first I was thinkin, a pilot got drunk or something, freak accident, no worry, well Rebuild and plus we got another tower than all of a sudden we look up and BOOM!!!!!!!! the second tower gets hits, the best feeling I can explain was in Antwone Fisher when they robbed the store and his friend got shot, I froze up like that............Next thing I notice I see soldiers with guns and tanks RIGHT ON LEXINGTON!!!! anyway no trains, no busses, not trying to walk on no bridge so I was stuck in the city with no where to go. I was fortunate enough to have a friend who lived in the city so we chilled at his house for a minute. The trains started working about 6 that night so we got on....everyone was looking outside when we crossed the Manhattan Bridge on the Q line.........Humongous cloud of Black smoke, people on the train started cryin next thing you know everyone on the train is cryin.....Got home, hugged my mom, TV was out so I basically went online to find out what the hell happened. Will never forget........................

I pretty much moved outta NYC shortly after graduating college, I always asked myself why? In hindsight a lot of us got some PTSD and was just forced to move on. NYC is always a target and I really dont wanna test fate anymore. Ill visit but you wont fine me stuck in Manhattan again...........
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