9 years ago on September 11th, give a summary of your day?

waking up getting ready for school 10th grade, my boy calls home since i didnt have a cell phone and he says "turn the tv on" and asked "what Chanel?" he says "it doesn't matter wtc just got hit." i went to school remembering hearing that all planes were grounded and i looked up in the sky not a single plane in sight. watched the news all day in classes, came home to watch the news i remember seeing people jumping out of the buildings it was sad and scary. i remember the 2 person male and female jumped out went down holding hands. and i remember sing another man jump out looked like he was sky diving it was nuts.
urban planning trip downtown los angeles. our class took the red line to union station. When we got off the subway we had heard the news. People were freaking out, only the first crash had happened at this point. My teacher had us get back on the subway back to North Hollywood, where i went to school. The subway back was packed...like tokyo at peak hour packed. people were worried that dowtown LA might be a target and such.

crazy, my school didn't even open for 2 days after the event. i wonder how whomever is responsible for that feels, at how impactful, albeit negative that was...must feel really weird/good/bad/empowering to them. Really really sad though. RIP and heart out to victims, friends and fam of all.

i think a mosque near ground zero would really be a olive branch, a sign of tolerance. I know im not out there, but maybe build a giant catholic cathedra next to it? heck i duno.

hope nothing of this magnitude ever happens again..just crazy
urban planning trip downtown los angeles. our class took the red line to union station. When we got off the subway we had heard the news. People were freaking out, only the first crash had happened at this point. My teacher had us get back on the subway back to North Hollywood, where i went to school. The subway back was packed...like tokyo at peak hour packed. people were worried that dowtown LA might be a target and such.

crazy, my school didn't even open for 2 days after the event. i wonder how whomever is responsible for that feels, at how impactful, albeit negative that was...must feel really weird/good/bad/empowering to them. Really really sad though. RIP and heart out to victims, friends and fam of all.

i think a mosque near ground zero would really be a olive branch, a sign of tolerance. I know im not out there, but maybe build a giant catholic cathedra next to it? heck i duno.

hope nothing of this magnitude ever happens again..just crazy
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I live 5 blocks away from the towers, I went to school about a mile away from the towers...

Let's just say it was the craziest day of my life

I got off the train to school and saw a hole in one of the towers and was like
...Went to school told my teacher, stopped class, assembly yada yada. Went to my friend's house where my parents picked me up, couldn't get into my crib for two weeks.  My neighborhood had the most rancid air and smell for so long.

I was in 10th grade...watching it on tv in English class...didnt really understand how serious it was...i remember that was the only day we didnt have to run in basketball practice...got home family trying to get in touch w/ family in NY and all that...crazy
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I live 5 blocks away from the towers, I went to school about a mile away from the towers...

Let's just say it was the craziest day of my life

I got off the train to school and saw a hole in one of the towers and was like
...Went to school told my teacher, stopped class, assembly yada yada. Went to my friend's house where my parents picked me up, couldn't get into my crib for two weeks.  My neighborhood had the most rancid air and smell for so long.

I was in 10th grade...watching it on tv in English class...didnt really understand how serious it was...i remember that was the only day we didnt have to run in basketball practice...got home family trying to get in touch w/ family in NY and all that...crazy
I was in my sophomore year of college at east Tennessee state university and I had a roommate from Ireland. I wake up for class, and he's like, Troy there's planes flying into buildings in NY. I'm like %%% are you talking about, then I'm like oh %@@, that's the damn WTC and he's like what's that and I tell him that's where the world economy is traded. Then boom, we see the second plane hit the building live on tv and see people jumping, fire, they were showing people running down the street, the smoking and debris rolling down the street, that was a crazy day in America. And when I first saw it, my first thought was terrorists. And NY is really about to let them build their we conquered you building close to where all that %!!@ went down. UNBELIEVABLE.
I was in my sophomore year of college at east Tennessee state university and I had a roommate from Ireland. I wake up for class, and he's like, Troy there's planes flying into buildings in NY. I'm like %%% are you talking about, then I'm like oh %@@, that's the damn WTC and he's like what's that and I tell him that's where the world economy is traded. Then boom, we see the second plane hit the building live on tv and see people jumping, fire, they were showing people running down the street, the smoking and debris rolling down the street, that was a crazy day in America. And when I first saw it, my first thought was terrorists. And NY is really about to let them build their we conquered you building close to where all that %!!@ went down. UNBELIEVABLE.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by MBen32

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Does anyone remember the Times issue that focused on the 9/11 attacks? That pic of the guy on one of the towers with the plane behind him had me going nuts

Anyone know where I can find this photo?

I remember it was posted on NT during the week that it happened.


fake, but still bone chilling
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by MBen32

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Does anyone remember the Times issue that focused on the 9/11 attacks? That pic of the guy on one of the towers with the plane behind him had me going nuts

Anyone know where I can find this photo?

I remember it was posted on NT during the week that it happened.


fake, but still bone chilling
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Wow some of y'all are young. Elementary school? I was a freshman in high school. I remember we were in class and the teacher came from another room to inform my teacher. My teacher just broke down crying and it scared the hell outta the kids. We turned the tv on and everybody starting freaking, some saying they knew people that worked there, people were related to some of the WTC workers. Cast day. I remember watching that 2nd plane hit live on TV.

America has never been the same since. Kind of like a planted ideology in the people.

Haha....Freshman in high school? I was on my second year in college.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Wow some of y'all are young. Elementary school? I was a freshman in high school. I remember we were in class and the teacher came from another room to inform my teacher. My teacher just broke down crying and it scared the hell outta the kids. We turned the tv on and everybody starting freaking, some saying they knew people that worked there, people were related to some of the WTC workers. Cast day. I remember watching that 2nd plane hit live on TV.

America has never been the same since. Kind of like a planted ideology in the people.

Haha....Freshman in high school? I was on my second year in college.
i live the across the waters in jersey city and it was crazy

had to be in 5th grade when it happened

i was in school but i dint hear about it until lunch time around 12:00 p.m. some fat kid was running around screaming "DEY BLOWIN UP THE TWIN TOWERS" mind you this was @ 12 so he was a little late

but my moms came to pick me and my brother up and we went to go pick up my god sister from her school down town

there is a street called grand st. that leads straight to the down town Newport area in JC and before the event you could directly see the WTC because it was the tallest builds

but at around 2:00 o'clock all you could see was smoke like it was a real movie scene

all i kept thinking was if it would have happened 9/10 it would have been real nasty because it rained hard the day before

it also was hard for me for a while because i lived in a building on the 5th floor that allowed me to see the WTC and for a while i was always afraid a plane would crash in to my build ( i had to be like 10 going on 11 at the time

that was a traumatic experience that i will never forget
i live the across the waters in jersey city and it was crazy

had to be in 5th grade when it happened

i was in school but i dint hear about it until lunch time around 12:00 p.m. some fat kid was running around screaming "DEY BLOWIN UP THE TWIN TOWERS" mind you this was @ 12 so he was a little late

but my moms came to pick me and my brother up and we went to go pick up my god sister from her school down town

there is a street called grand st. that leads straight to the down town Newport area in JC and before the event you could directly see the WTC because it was the tallest builds

but at around 2:00 o'clock all you could see was smoke like it was a real movie scene

all i kept thinking was if it would have happened 9/10 it would have been real nasty because it rained hard the day before

it also was hard for me for a while because i lived in a building on the 5th floor that allowed me to see the WTC and for a while i was always afraid a plane would crash in to my build ( i had to be like 10 going on 11 at the time

that was a traumatic experience that i will never forget
Freshman year if high school in geography class. Thought it was the start of another boring day in school when the teacher from another class room came in and whispered something in my teachers ear. She had this look on her face like she just found out who her baby daddy was on Maury and we watched TV for the rest of the day in school. Except for my geometry class because our teacher said she wasn't about to get all hyped up over stuff on tv. She said she was gonna just let it alone. Now that I look back, that was a smart lady.
Freshman year if high school in geography class. Thought it was the start of another boring day in school when the teacher from another class room came in and whispered something in my teachers ear. She had this look on her face like she just found out who her baby daddy was on Maury and we watched TV for the rest of the day in school. Except for my geometry class because our teacher said she wasn't about to get all hyped up over stuff on tv. She said she was gonna just let it alone. Now that I look back, that was a smart lady.
Woke up to the radio in westcoast time, the first plane just hit the building. Turned on the TV and called my parents. Then went to school (I was in the 9th grade) and everyone that day was in a scared/frightened mood that day. My Japanese teacher decided not to teach that day, explaining to us what happened.

A couple of my friends in other classes said they were watching the TV and told me both towers collapsed and I was in a complete shock after that. 2 weeks of being glued to the TV trying to figure out what was happening.

I am very glad that my family and I got to visit the WTC 2 years before it happened. I remember wanting to go to the Empire State Building first but my parents insisted to go to the WTC, and man, was that sky view of New York was truly breath taking.

RIP to all those who lost someone and my condolences to those who are deeply affected. Forgive but never forget.
Woke up to the radio in westcoast time, the first plane just hit the building. Turned on the TV and called my parents. Then went to school (I was in the 9th grade) and everyone that day was in a scared/frightened mood that day. My Japanese teacher decided not to teach that day, explaining to us what happened.

A couple of my friends in other classes said they were watching the TV and told me both towers collapsed and I was in a complete shock after that. 2 weeks of being glued to the TV trying to figure out what was happening.

I am very glad that my family and I got to visit the WTC 2 years before it happened. I remember wanting to go to the Empire State Building first but my parents insisted to go to the WTC, and man, was that sky view of New York was truly breath taking.

RIP to all those who lost someone and my condolences to those who are deeply affected. Forgive but never forget.
I live way out in Oregon, it was just before 6 AM over here, and I was on my way to work listenin to the radio.  I knew they would be hyped about MJ comin back.  Suddenly they stop talkin for a second and say hold on, the damn WTC is on fire!!!!!  They said a plane hit it, my first thought was a little sesna or whatever those little planes are.  I didn't grasp it.  Few min go by, and all of a sudden they start shouting, a second plane just hit the OTHER TOWER.  I swear, my very first thought was, "what the hell is going on with air traffic control?'  Like was it foggy out there, or was this like a Die Hard 2 type of deal where it was on purpose.  So the next thing I think of, was turn it to Howard Stern.  We all know that dude is a complete jokester, he was dead @#$ serious that morning.  He was in shock.  Then he announced it, the Pentagon was just hit.  When he said that mess, I damn near pulled my car over.  Like literally, the biggest w t f moment of my life.  How in the damn hell is the US of A under attack by our own planes?  I mean, the Pentagon?????? 

Real quick after that, I heard about the place 93, Stern said it was down in an open field out in Penn.  My first thought was, that plane was shot down.  By then the goverment was up and ready, and that plance hit nothing but an open field.  Nobody will ever convince me, that plane wasn't brought down by our own fighters.  (of which the government could never ever live down if the world found out) 

By the time I finally got to a tv to see it all, I was just in shock.  After the day was over, i went home, grabbed a tape and put it in the VCR and just hit record.  Let it run all night.  Soon as I seen the people in the other countries celebrating, my heart broke.  I literally wanted to turn all of the countries out there that were responsible into parking lots.  I was furious.  And I have zero relation to the city of New York whatsoever.  But for people to actually celebrate that event, to me, they needed to suffer. 

Watched the 9/11 doc that was filmed by the two brothers who were just following a proby.  Gut wrenching stuff.  I can't imagine.  I thought about all you New Yorkers that I mix it up with here on NT in the Sports and Training Forum while I was watching.  I tip my cap to all of yous.  (NY accent there 
I live way out in Oregon, it was just before 6 AM over here, and I was on my way to work listenin to the radio.  I knew they would be hyped about MJ comin back.  Suddenly they stop talkin for a second and say hold on, the damn WTC is on fire!!!!!  They said a plane hit it, my first thought was a little sesna or whatever those little planes are.  I didn't grasp it.  Few min go by, and all of a sudden they start shouting, a second plane just hit the OTHER TOWER.  I swear, my very first thought was, "what the hell is going on with air traffic control?'  Like was it foggy out there, or was this like a Die Hard 2 type of deal where it was on purpose.  So the next thing I think of, was turn it to Howard Stern.  We all know that dude is a complete jokester, he was dead @#$ serious that morning.  He was in shock.  Then he announced it, the Pentagon was just hit.  When he said that mess, I damn near pulled my car over.  Like literally, the biggest w t f moment of my life.  How in the damn hell is the US of A under attack by our own planes?  I mean, the Pentagon?????? 

Real quick after that, I heard about the place 93, Stern said it was down in an open field out in Penn.  My first thought was, that plane was shot down.  By then the goverment was up and ready, and that plance hit nothing but an open field.  Nobody will ever convince me, that plane wasn't brought down by our own fighters.  (of which the government could never ever live down if the world found out) 

By the time I finally got to a tv to see it all, I was just in shock.  After the day was over, i went home, grabbed a tape and put it in the VCR and just hit record.  Let it run all night.  Soon as I seen the people in the other countries celebrating, my heart broke.  I literally wanted to turn all of the countries out there that were responsible into parking lots.  I was furious.  And I have zero relation to the city of New York whatsoever.  But for people to actually celebrate that event, to me, they needed to suffer. 

Watched the 9/11 doc that was filmed by the two brothers who were just following a proby.  Gut wrenching stuff.  I can't imagine.  I thought about all you New Yorkers that I mix it up with here on NT in the Sports and Training Forum while I was watching.  I tip my cap to all of yous.  (NY accent there 
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