2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added


I try to wear sb's atleast 3-4 times a week.
Ok so I knew that the shoezeum auctions were going to go higher than that of your average eBayer, but I'm taking a look at some of these prices and 'm sitting here like WTF. Thought I'd name a few of the listed SBs and their prices for those who haven't seen: 

Jamesons currently at 250 (WTF)

Crown Royals currently at 167

Born in the USAs currently at 285!!

huxtables currently at 315

buellers currently at 335

Boba fetts currently at 210

mama and baby bears currently at 330 and 311

Mind you, many of these still have like 3-5 DAYS LEFT before the listing ends!! Honestly some people are just so lazy and refuse to do any research on these shoes, many are ALREADY higher the Flight Club prices and the listings haven't even ended yet. I mean come on, there are crown royals on FC for like $110. This dude is going to make a fortune
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Ok so I knew that the shoezeum auctions were going to go higher than that of your average eBayer, but I'm taking a look at some of these prices and 'm sitting here like WTF. Thought I'd name a few of the listed SBs and their prices for those who haven't seen: 

Jamesons currently at 250 (WTF)

Mind you, many of these still have like 3-5 DAYS LEFT before the listing ends!! Honestly some people are just so lazy and refuse to do any research on these shoes, many are ALREADY higher the Flight Club prices and the listings haven't even ended yet. This dude is going to make a fortune
Yeah, he's going to make a lot of money back, but keep in mind, that 10% ebay fee + whatever 2%+ paypal fee they have now, it's actually not a whole lot more.
Will they be in store only? Can you guys recommend any online stores that will have the ballistics? Thanks?

As stated only place online will be undftd.com. If they do the same as previous release then all chapter undftd stores will have em on the west coast and overseas. East coast will be stocked by select NSW boutiques. Last time It was Bodega, 21 Mercer and some others I don't remember. Most are ISO.
@phinsfan It's still a good amount more though. 250 and growing for a pair of Jamesons? Lets say they sell for 300. eBay and pp fees might take off like $35. That's a damn good profit

He definitely should've opened up his own site though
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Mind you, many of these still have like 3-5 DAYS LEFT before the listing ends!! Honestly some people are just so lazy and refuse to do any research on these shoes, many are ALREADY higher the Flight Club prices and the listings haven't even ended yet. I mean come on, there are crown royals on FC for like $110. This dude is going to make a fortune
This is what happens when you go on ESPN, get put up on Sneakernews and every other site picks up the story. You have people that for the most part were NOWHERE NEAR interested in these when they dropped, fighting over them because the shoes were in his museum. Most people bidding on these probably think they're limited.   
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