2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

#4 . I tell ya . My son wants every shoe I cop in his size (he is 6 years old) . I tell him everyday . When you get older u Get a job . Pay whatever bills u get in life first before you go spendin on sneakers. As far as camping out . I never have and never will. It be hard not to go with him camping out for kicks. I usually resort to online so maybe he will do the same .. Man this question makes me wish he would stay 6 forever lol .
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ill answer a few of these i guess.

1. i was scammed for a ds GMP and some diamond supply shirts, ended up losing about $500 on the "trade" This has stopped me from doing any trades at all. I did a few before and they went well, but I most likely wont make another trade in the future. 

2. Not really sure if this counts, but i felt grimy for doing something a little while ago. I had a pair of digi floral janos for sale at a high price. i forgot to loower the price on them when the market dropped, and some guy ended up buying them for 260, when i was only looking for 175. i felt pretty bad, but the guy seemed fine with it. As far as what ive done for a shoe, i stayed on my computer for about 16 straight hours when the yeezys were dropping on NDC. I felt like a slob and was pasy bored, but i ended up with 2 pairs of yeezys, so it was worth it. 
anyone know where i can find  Style # 304292-025  in a size 11.5?  they're the black/midnight fog/midnight navy lows.   any help would be much appreciated!!!
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Good questions, John. Lots of subsections to each question, and I'm a verbose dude, so you know this is going to be a bit long...

I think I'll answer one question per post.

1. A. There are two times that come to mind, though one of them isn't really a scam in the classic sense of the word. The first instance, which I think I recounted here before, was making deadstockshoes.com (FKA shoetrends) for a pair of 49ers Speed Turfs and never receiving them, nor receiving a refund. Where I went wrong there was actually not being a ****. I had dealt with the store before and they are generally reputable. I had known from experience that they are really slow to ship - they have very good prices though, so I just took that as a trade-off. I didn't worry for a while because in the past I've had items arrive 2 or 3 weeks after order. But, then I forgot about it. By the time I realized they never came, the window for disputing via paypal had expired so I couldn't file a claim. I contacted Ron and he said he'd refund me, but never did, despite several further attempts to follow up. The other time was actually the purchase of an inauthentic pair of Tiffanys. (I called them overrated in answer to last week's question and was purchasing a third pair at the time... kids, don't be like me, I have a problem!) Anyway, I wouldn't call this a scam, I just got fooled. I purchase a lot of items from collectors and consignment shops overseas and sometimes the communication is bad and I don't have complete information. In this instance I had no direct contact with the seller and limited pics. The shoes looked quite good and the price was good but not red-flag waving good. I went for it and got burnt. ...I'll have you know, they turned out to be very good fakes. I've seen worse fakes approved as legit in the LC thread on NT. Fact is, I could probably sell them and there'd be like a 85% chance the buyer wouldn't even know. But, I'm not that kind of guy. I go through clothes and stuff a few times a year and donate stuff I don't want or need anymore. There's usually a few pairs of kicks in there too - I just threw them in with one of the donation batches.

b. What did I learn from it? From the first instance, I learned to boycott deadstockshoes.com. I should have been more diligent, but in that instance it was really a shock. This was an established business that I had ordered from many times before. And, from the second instance, actually I didn't change my behavior at all. ...I say this as somebody being lucky enough to be in a position where this makes sense, but I'm willing to take chances and know that occassionally I'll take an L. Some of the best scoops I've made over the years have been from bad pic listings or whatever. Rolling craps once in a while is par for the course, but I've come up so many times that the spoils of victory far outweigh the cost of the defeats.

c. why is scamming so prevalent today? Well, the obvious part of the answer is that the knowledge quotient of the average "sneakerhead" has dipped drastically, while the hobby has gotten a lot of attention. So, you have dumber buyers and more people aware that it can be profitable to resell kicks. But, I'm not going to focus on that. I'll say two other things instead. One, and this goes back to what I said earlier about "barriers to entry," is that when this was more of an urban phenomenon, a lot of the people involved had "streets smarts" simply because of the nature of the participant in the hobby. The second this is that a flood of new technologies, platforms, and models for selling create a greater opportunity for potential scams - there are more venues for them. Fewer sneakers than ever, as a percentage of the "collectible sneaker pool," are purchased from established, accountable, regulated, brick and mortar shops. So, more of the stock exists in the ether where scamming is more possible. I'm not going to say the new generation is necessarily more or less honest, but technology allows more avenues for transactions to happen and an easier means of letting people know about it. ...It's like the younger kids doing dumb stuff on Facebook or whatever. We weren't any brighter than you, but the technology didn't exist to show everybody we know how dumb we were.
noticed that too. The pair is being sold from Korea (if I remember right), and the text on the tag is Korean as well. I'm Korean, I should know. lol. Don't know if that makes them a Korean sample, but I'd say it appears that way. FYI.

EDIT: sorry, didn't see the original post. well, I added the "Korean text" info, so it wasn't totally for naught...
all the SBs come with that tag on them over there. I think I still have some pairs that I bought in korea that I haven't worn.
Alright, here are the other 3

Question #2: What's the grimmest thing you've EVER done for a pair of sneakers or to get the money for the sneakers? Do you regret it? Be honest!

I haven't done anything I'd consider grimy specifically for sneakers. Though, I have resold and some here would consider that "grimy."

When I was younger, as I alluded to, I did plenty of grimy stuff. I won't go into specifics, but suffice to say, these are all things people are known to rap about. There were semesters I paid for college tuition with a roll of cash, ya know. For most of that time, I worked too, so I guess the general desire for material items contributed to my motivation to do "dirt." And, I sure as hell bought new sneakers all the damn time. But, if I'm honest with myself, the desire for acceptance, for a "rep," and a perverted desire to live the street life was more a motivation than Air Max 95s or Iceberg Sweaters.

Question #3: What was it like for you being interested in kicks growing up? Would your parents cop you multiple pairs a year? Help you camp? Did you have a price limit?

I've probably overshared about my life in this thread already. So, some of you know more about my situation when I was younger from the convo around last week's question. The first pair of sneakers I ever bought with "my money" were the Air Flight 90s. I got a check for $100 for my birthday ( or maybe it was X-mas) from a somewhat distant relative and I spend basically all of it on that one pair of sneakers. Up until I was about 13, my mom would buy me a few pairs of sneakers a year. Usually she'd put up something like $75 and if I wanted anything more expensive, I'd have to supply the rest. Once I was about 14, I almost always had some kind of job. Even before I was allowed to work legally, I found ways to earn a few bucks working "off the books."

Camping was unheard of. The first time I remember hearing about camping for sneakers was the Espo AF2/Pharrel Dunk/Halle Berry Rift release. I was in my mid 20s then and thought it was insane. My attitude has not since changed.

Question#4: If your child would want to be a sneaker head and follow in your footsteps, as a parent would you let them do so? Please consider the danger of camp outs, resellers and shady retail stores these days.

I think it's weird that so many of those into kicks indoctrinate their kids into the lifestyle before they are able to make their own decisions. I don't want to decide for my child that he or she is going to like sneakers. It's an expensive hobby and something you should get into for motivations that are your own. I don't plan to force my children into music, sports, etc. (okay, maybe I'll push for sports a bit...) So, why would I do so for sneakers. No offense to people who buy their young kids all kinds of sneaks, but I think it's actually unfair to the child. Let that kid develop intersts organically... there's a good chance they will gravitate toward what you like anyway, given a parent's influence over a young child. But, why further force your interests on your kids? Doing so is just not consistent with my philosophies surrounding parenting.
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Good questions, John. Lots of subsections to each question, and I'm a verbose dude, so you know this is going to be a bit long...

I think I'll answer one question per post.

DAMN good responses BIP! Repped!
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Question #1) I've got a good scammer story....

I was trading w/ someone on the other site, My DS cdp 12 Plus 100 for his DS KD 4 Galaxy.
This dude had a perfect rep w/ over 30 transactions and years of good reputation, blah blah blah.

Anyway, I sent my pair/cash first. He ended up not responding to my text for over 12 hours and ended up texting me back "not my phone, not my address, thanks for the free kicks ****" or something to that extent.

It gets better, I was so mad that I tell this kid that I have family in law enforcement in the county he lives in, which of course is a lie. I found him on facebook/Instagram, old posts in the local section of ISS and I started telling him where he works/worked/lived friends/family lol.

I scared this kid enough to send my CDP 12s Back!!!!

Cliff notes = I scammed a scammer :pimp:
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Props for getting your stuff back, 9thWonder. ...It's still a huge hassle and investment of time, which can be as much of a price to pay as the money or item itself.

It's sad. Even here on NT, we've seen so many folks with longstanding, solid reps turn scammer.

With the way I am around here, part of me wants to get offended if people don't just full on trust me. And, it's a pain because having to deal with that stuff adds more time and red tape to every transaction. But, objectively, after seeing some of the things I've seen in this hobby, I can't really blame those people.

And, those are the scammers who really irk me. The fly by night, wannabe cyber criminal dude - whatever. That's just the stick-up kid of the digital age. Just deal with that and make sure the next man looks like an easier vic than you do. But, when there are people who have cultivated trust and been part of the community who pull a 180 and turn rogue... that's painful! Those are the people who ensure that nobody will ever be fully trusted again.

People know I'm not the first guy by now. But, there's no way to know if I'm going to be next RockDeep. Those are the dudes whose actions forever impact everybody in the whole community!!
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Cliff notes = I scammed a scammer
That's exactly what he gets! I glad you were able to get your stuff back. Scammers these days are MIGHTY BOLD I see.
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Well, to entertain this idea somewhat and answer your question, no they weren't limited. They were in fact a in-store GR. Were they hyped? HELL YES! You can go back about 30 pages in this thread and see the bull*hit we had to put up with. Now, if you could drop the name of skate shop or the number if they do phone orders it be a great addition to the thread for those who missed out. 

Welcome to the thread my friend. 

Yeah, if you have a spot that has them for retail, I think that info would be appreciated here.
People know I'm not the first guy by now. But, there's no way to know if I'm going to be next JRose5 or RockDeep. Those are the dudes whose actions forever impact everybody in the whole community!!
What's the back story on those dudes? I've heard about them but no solid details. 
#1 I remember i got scammed once but slightly different than all of the other stories.. I sold my extra pair of 99 4's about 3 years back to a dude. Since it was a local listing we arranged to meet at a gas station around 7 oclock at night but it was kinda far from where i was living and i didnt feel comfortable going by myself so i brought my friend. Well we get there and i meet dude on the side of the gas station we shake hands or whatever get to talking and i take the first shoe out of the box and he inspects it as he then asks for the second shoe (This is where i learned a life lesson of only letting local meet ups look at one shoe at a time) looks at it and starts feeling it and starts kinda moving away from me and my friend which is when i got an uneasy feeling. Doesnt dude start trying to run off with my pair of 4's through the side of the gas station! Luckily my friend was positioned on a 90 degree angle to him kinda off to the right and were also lucky for the fact that my friends mother must of induced steroids and excess amounts of protein when she was pregnant with him as he was 6'4 240lbs and FAST it was like reliving the scene of boys in the hood and the dude stealing my 4's was ricky
 My buddy ended up grabbing him in about 6 seconds like i said i never really had a rough upbringing but i remember just being on the subway feeling tough we got the shoes back and having a laugh that dude was even stupid enough to do that.
Im game.

#1. Actually been had a few times. Part of my "retail therapy" include late night ebaying. Ive purchased everything from a zippo display case to fake north reons. My lesson-dont ebay impulsively at 3am.

#2. Grimy..nothing really. When I was younger we'd swap the tags at nordstrom rack But then again they had some wack shoes so I probably did them a favor!

#3. We grew up in a blue collar household and shoe shopping was done at the swap meet. Ive had fake chucks, vans, and airwalks throughout my youth up until 10th grade. That was the year I took up tennis seriously so my mom dropped a bill for a pair of bo Jacksons. They lasted 3 weeks on the courts then literally fell apart. that was the last shoe she ever bought me.

#4. It went something like this, "son, I buy shoes because I get a nice high from it and love sneakers. I buy you shoes based on need and you don't need more than 2 pairs." Honestly, I've overspent on myself beginning in college and partly being raised strict and poor I wanted to project to the world that I was successful by means of nice kicks, name brand clothes and a nice car. With my son its so different, he doesn't take care of the nice things given to him and literally takes everything for granted like a spoiled child...so we've scaled back by a lot and owork on his self esteem via sports and school...not dressing cool.
#3 I'm about to turn 18 and until I got a job when I was 16 my parents bought me one pair of shoes that I had until I needed another, be it due to feet growth or beating the **** out of them. My dad had been into jordans for years, when I asked if I could have a pair he said when he was young he didn't get anything like that. At the time I was pissed but it made me learn that you have to work to get what you want. I can now afford one or two shoes a month and it feels good to buy your own kicks with your own money. If my dad camps it or him and him alone, and my mum doesn't get the shoe thing in general.

#4 I'll treat my kids the same, it's a lesson they need to learn.

Limited sizes remain. Not sure if they do phone orders. Canadian FYI...

Good luck

Thank you.

BTW, I was under the impression - I may me mistaken - that most Canadian shops released these after the US drop date (some may not have even released them yet). So, they may not have been "sitting" by you. You may have just come off with some fortunate timing.
What's the back story on those dudes? I've heard about them but no solid details.

My knowledge of what goes in on in "General" is limited. It seems that JRose was just a racist, not a scammer. So, I got that one mixed up. He got caught making some really uncool remarks.

Rock Deep did the classic scam thing. Got people to send him money for an upcoming release or something and then never sent the shoes and kept the money.

What made this one permanent part of NT lore was when he essentially gloated about it and posted a pic of himself holding a sneaker and gun.

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My knowledge of what goes in on in "General" is limited. It seems that JRose was just a racist, not a scammer. So, I got that one mixed up. He got caught making some really uncool remarks.

Rock Deep did the classic scam thing. Got people to send him money for an upcoming release or something and then never sent the shoes and kept the money.

What made this one permanent part of NT lore was when he essentially gloated about it and posted a pic of himself holding a sneaker and gun.
Wooow. I havent been on NT for couple yrs, this is news to me. JRose was always banning ppl at random or over the littlest thing. Rockdeep tho im suprised. Thanks for the info
Has anyone seen the A.P.C x Nike stuff lately? Not the ones coming out soon, I think its last years Navy/Gum bottom Dunks and Air Max, cant find them anywhere.
Has anyone seen the A.P.C x Nike stuff lately? Not the ones coming out soon, I think its last years Navy/Gum bottom Dunks and Air Max, cant find them anywhere.

I was lucky to get the dunks for $80 shipped on eBay a couple months ago from a power seller who had a bunch of sz 14 and 15 only. Love them, suede is amazing and I'm a sucker for gum soles.
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