2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

That's my PG.


Life long Bulls fan i don't know if ready to go through another rebuilding process. Been knew the time was coming, but not like this. I wasn't ready. Not going to abandon ship just yet...but it's still **** the whole FO.
i could care less about this Rose trade, he was never going to be in the teams future anyways. In the Bulls season thread I along with many others have expressed my hatred toward Reinsdorf and his loyalty to his GM's.

Jerry "krumbs" Krause never got fired, he stepped down on his own free will after the Tim Floyd debacle, Fizer pick, Eddie Robinson signing, etc, etc.
Same thing is happening now with Pax (now VP of the team).
After pushing Thibs out, punching Del Negro, and his god awful inability to sign any big free agents, he will still retain his position and possibly use Gar and Hoiberg as scapegoats. :smh:

Rose was a malcontent who carried a lot of baggage, if his production was still at a high level the team would've still put up with him but since his production decreased.....the team made a business decision.....Same thing that Rose was going to do this season. He made it perfectly clear last year that he wants to cash out. Let's not make any mistakes here. I liked Rose, but I was first a Bulls fan not a Rose fan, at the end of the day I'm still a Bulls fans and wish Rose nothing but success.

Now if the team is all about a true rebuild...then Jimmy is next to go! If not they'll have another head case to work with...at least this nut is relatively injury free and still produces at an above average level.

Completely forgot about this :rofl: :rofl:,dude is untouchable :lol:
I'm open to the idea but like DSK said, low risk/high reward sounds like the same **** Knicks fans always get hyped about and yeah..

If they go after Dwight I'm going to have a real problem.

Best case, Rose can have a resurgence in his contract year and we have a veteran PG to lead the team. Worst case? He's awful, gets injured, and he's off the books next year.

I'll be down for it.
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Gar speaking on espn now...get this guy out of here...this is ******** man..im defeated..

1st thibbs now this..i was never down with thibbs leaving..now this?

"Find players that play how fred wants them to play"-gar

What? Man forget hoiberg..who knows when his experation date is up.
Now gars dumb *** is on tv trying to sell Calderon..haha i cant take this..

Sorry NT but I have to vent.
Damn, they didn't even tell Rose ahead of time. "We got his voicemail, I haven't talked to him for about three weeks" :x

Cold world.
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Rose trade got people ready to jump ship 
 I can understand the pain though.

I knew the Hawks would eventually trade either Jeff or Dennis and I figured it would be Jeff. I'm okay with moving forward with Dennis there is alot where his game can grow and im interested to see what we do with this picks or if we move them or not.
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anybody who thinks the Celtics are coming up in that deal plays too much fantasy hoops

Utah should be arrested and commended at the same time if that deal went through
How times flies. I remember those cocky Bulls fans talking about Pooh this and Pooh that :lol:

Which is the reason why I slandered him as much as people slandered Lebby. I got sick of hearing about how great dude was, how he's BYKE, how a healthy Rose team would beat every team.
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