2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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His crazy sister in law but really though who's Solange. Insert @EightFiveFresh Wiz shoulder shrug gif.
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If Nash shot more his efficiency and assist rate both would've dropped and so would the team's O Rtg.

So was that 2004-2005 playoff run an anomaly? He shot more than the regular season (11.4 FGA vs 17.8 ), his FG% went up (50% vs 52%), his assists were about the same (11.5 vs 11.3) the assist rate dipped slightly (49 vs 44). The offense was as efficient. The guy is such a great shooter, I just don't know man.
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Why does he want to come back to coach a losing roster

probably because he is getting that player personnel power he probably can't get in a more established team.

No shots at you, but I never understood why people focus on the NOW. 

To think a team/roster is gonna stay bad forever is foolish, so if you're confident in yourself and your ability; as I'm sure SVG is, why not take on a losing roster?
If Nash shot more his efficiency and assist rate both would've dropped and so would the team's O Rtg.
So was that 2004-2005 playoff run an anomaly? He shot more than the regular season (11.4 FGA vs 17.8 ), his FG% went up (50% vs 52%), his assist rate stayed the same (11.5 vs 11.3). The offense was as efficient. The guy is such a great shooter, I just don't know man.
Those numbers are a little misleading because his minutes went from 34 a game to 41, his assist rate dropped. His TS% did stay the same on a higher usage rate though so it's a fair point, against three top 10 defenses too. It's always tough to use 15 game samples though, I'm not sure he could've maintained that over a full season.

probably because he is getting that player personnel power he probably can't get in a more established team.

No shots at you, but I never understood why people focus on the NOW. 

To think a team/roster is gonna stay bad forever is foolish, so if you're confident in yourself and your ability; as I'm sure SVG is, why not take on a losing roster?

Being in the East also helps. The West is so loaded that even with a more talented roster, it's hell to just make the playoffs. You don't even have to have near a winning record to make the playoffs in the East.
How can you blame SVG for not wanting to be Lacob's puppet?

Look at how he treated Mark. You really think any respectable coach wants to be spied on at practices and workouts? You think SVG wants to be walking on egg shells everyday he walks into those Warrior facilities?

I know the talent difference between GS and Detroit is obviously significantly huge... But no one wants to go to work and feel like what they're doing is being micro managed and overruled by people above them.

If he has an opportunity to be his own boss and not have to worry about Lacob and his posse watching over him every day from the rafters... How could you blame him for considering?
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What's weird is my dude Jumpman was appalled by the front office for how they treated Mark, but now he's laughing at SVG for asking for control so he's not treated the same way Mark was. As if the Warriors front office is full of Mother Theresa's.

Would you want to be in Marks shoes? So why would SVG?

Pretty respectable request IMO. It ain't like he asked for ownership. He doesn't want to be micromanaged and spied on by dudes who're illegally recording meetings and practices. He wants his own staff. What's wrong with Tha?
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The East could potentially be wide open for the taking next season. I'd hop all over that Detroit situation if I were SVG.
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If SVG goes to the pistons there a playoff team.... They SEVERELY under performed IMO. With Drummond/Monroe i see no reason they couldn't fight for an 8th seed in the east, especially considering the Bucks with the same B.Jennings did the exact thing the year before without Those two big men & josh smith.

And speaking of SmithDo you think he could take his game to a new level if coached by the right guy? I mean the thought of him going to a SA or DAL and finally being in a system that he'll be demanded to respect has always been appealing to me.

I would Def take Josh at 12 a year over splitter @ 9 a year.
I guess, but is that really worth it? I'd take a shot at a title with GS (I think they can do it one day fight me) over the Pistons who will proabably make the second round at best
The Warriors as constructed aren't going to be better than the Thunder, Rockets, Clippers & maybe Portland for the next few years..

In the East you have a elder heat team,

& then who else? Every other young team is in the exact position the Pistons are in
I guess, but is that really worth it? I'd take a shot at a title with GS (I think they can do it one day fight me) over the Pistons who will proabably make the second round at best

Eh, GS's roster is still flawed as currently constructed and don't really have any flexibility moving forward in the immediate future until 2016 at the earliest. I mean Mark Jax got them to play defense finally and they still fired him. Don't see GS being better than OKC, LAC, or HOU and POR in the next 2 years.
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Its funny to me that people don't realize that while Mark Jackson might have done an ok enough job to be still coaching, he was pretty much an *******. When Jerry West wants to watch your practice, you let him watch your practice. He acted like an ******* and lost his job for it, simple.
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