2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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The NBA has to make money in the long run I guess. This is all for show.

It's going to be Spurs vs. Heat like I predicted in the beginning of the season. 

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just say you hate life and get it over b. It seems like you hate everything.
he probably doesn't hate you 
just say you hate life and get it over b. It seems like you hate everything.
he probably doesn't hate you 
I don't hate him either, it just seems like you can literally count on your hand how much he likes tho.

Spurs, Steph Curry, Jay Z, Ackee and saltfish, porridge, Steph Curry's wife and a few more 
just say you hate life and get it over b. It seems like you hate everything.
he probably doesn't hate you 
I don't hate him either, it just seems like you can literally count on your hand how much he likes tho.

Spurs, Steph Curry, Jay Z, Ackee and saltfish, porridge, Steph Curry's wife and a few more 
I'm a simple guy.
It's not even worth it.. I didn't talk at all about the specifics of the last game. I was addressing how you're flat-out wrong about "EVERYTHING negative will be blamed on Brooks". That's what the entire first paragraph was about. You somehow read that.. then went on a rant about KD and that last game. Your own posts contradict what you're crying about. You're constantly blaming Durant (I'm not even addressing if you're right or wrong about last game).. yet you're saying everyone blames Brooks.

They don't. You blame Durant, so do other people. Then others blame Westbrook.. or say it's some combination of both. It's not all on Brooks.. at all.

It's like how arguing with ninjahood used to be. He'd rant on and on about something.. someone would respond line by line and refute his points.. he would ignore EVERYTHING and continue ranting on about his original topic and pretend like he didn't read any of the response

This is much better post pointing out His rambling or bias or inconsistencies and makes sense to me. Last night it sounds like you were just
The reason people like him don't get legitimate responses is because when you take the time to engage.. you get this kind of response. He completely missed my point and kept going on with his narrative about Durant being soft and coaches not making a big enough difference. I didn't talk about last night's game, yet he replied like I did. I pointed out that he complained about bias and hypocrisy yet was being hypocritical and showing his own bias AT THE SAME TIME
So yeah, if you see my original post as "hating" it's because this kind of presence is annoying.. Zyzz does it.. mjshoes and DBD did it.. ninjahood did it, etc. Random homers do it, etc. I've seen it far too often and I just don't even participate in the back and forth anymore. It's hard to talk basketball when the other person ignores what you're actually talking about

I'll let you have the last word because it's not going to be about basketball if it keeps going.. so I won't derail the thread with our back and forth.
I feel ya. But you know man, I've felt this kind of feedback or blowback from so many people in this thread where nothing I say is listened to but rather taken completely out of context. Even when I clear up the confusion to try and discuss a particular topic posters just kept running with a misused post that I made and I never get a decent or objective discussion.

example: @a-friend  said "Harden is a Pippen and will never be a Jordan"

people flamed me saying "idot, ignorant yada yada for  comparing Harden to Pippen because Harden sucked Pippen is Gawd"

I then explained that what I meant was, Harden should be 2nd option like Pippen was and never a 1st and boy..you guys just ran and ran and ran and flamed and flamed no matter how much I tried to explain what I meant so we could actually discuss that, correct me if I'm wrong but you were one of those guys not trying to listen to me just blatantly/continuously taking my analogy out of context with me PLEADING for you guys to stop. Even Mods got in on the flames and shortly after that I was banned for making a "disrespectful" remark to a guy in the middle of all these Flames coming at me. 

I say all this because I feel like I bring a lot to this thread but it seems like most only care to discuss things with regs or ribbons or mods etc so I never get a decent convo. 

But I can post something purposely STUPID just to see if I am really just being ignored, and i get 15 instant responses from the same people that won't respond to very GOOD info I post. This thread does seem kind of like a JOKE most of the times because of this
Joe Johnson
James Johnson
Are u serious guys?
U guys are internet Lames

What are there grade school kids on nt now u can't be serious guys I said James instead of Joe oh so so funny.
Lol @ you virgins
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when did i say everyone would blames everything negative on brooks?

watch a thunder game and literally everything negative that happens to the team will be blamed on brooks

One more time...

when did i say everyone would blames everything negative on brooks?

watch a thunder game and literally everything negative that happens to the team will be blamed on brooks
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