2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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cant we all just get along?

Most wiz fans agree we should fire Randy. Our offensive ineptitude is embarrassing. Either fire randy or get him an offensive minded assistant. He is a great defensive mind but if he stays we will not progress to where we should given the talent on the roster.
the wizards team just isnt that good, no point in blaming the coach

I agree in comparison to the big west coast teams...but if we had better coaching we could get through to the eastern conference finals and lose to the heat :lol: . That would be a great feat to all washington basketball fans.

If we would have let otto take some lumps this year he could have helped out last game since ariza was in foul trouble. But we benched the most "nba ready" rookie alllll year. I don't think we are title contenders yet but i think the talent is there to get us to the eastern conference finals.
your core is still very young and they seem to like the current coach (correct me if im wring here). an extra year of improvement and they might be ready to make a longer playoff run, right now its not like there is a plethora of good coaches out there might as well see how much the young core improves than to panic and replace the coach

I agree with you and yes he is reportedly well liked by the players. I just fear this playoff run = long term extension for him. Which i know means nothing with the way coaches get replaced but i feel like its just buying time until he is replaced anyway. But i don't see George Karl walking in or Stan Van or anyone else that would help us walking in. Repped for the rational response in this thread of flames :lol:
You stay wanting to label someone. Hypocrite how? Show me. You came in here trolling me. Your only post was "truth hurts". A Bulls fan with something negative to say about a player who's team just beat them. Hating and trolling. The minute you started to bring up age and kids you lost. This is a basketball thread. No one cares about your daughters ability to comprehend or folks ages bruh. Keep it basketball like I tried until you went left field with that BS. Anyone can go back and read the post. Your a lier that backed yourself in a corner.

EDIT Heat and Spurs win tonight.
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as i originally stated the comment your losing your sense for wasnt directed at you at all , you took it how you want to

im not in any corner ...you clearly called me a hypocrite & upon further review you were doing exactly what you "called me out" on but i didnt do :lol:

Again im not in ANY corner but you are doing a bang up job of making yourself look more & more foolish
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The turnover for NBA coaches is ridiculous.

Something has got to give, dudes is only getting 1 season nowadays.

Think about the pacific division, **** is a joke really.

They act like its just that easy for players to learn a new system and build a personal/professional bond with a new coach.

Last I checked, most great players/great teams had continuity around them which obviously helps the process. It's professional sports, I understand being cutthroat but come on.
Yet DBD isnt allowed to come back. When the Spurs win the chip he must be brought back if only for 5 days to have his moment in the sun.
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Yet DBD isnt allowed to come back. When the Spurs win the chip he must be brought back if only for 5 days to have his moment in the sun.

antelope :lol: had to

nah but seriously wasnt he allowed to come back(earlier this yr i think) & didnt last a full 3 hours
The turnover for NBA coaches is ridiculous.

Something has got to give, dudes is only getting 1 season nowadays.

Think about the pacific division, **** is a joke really.

They act like its just that easy for players to learn a new system and build a personal/professional bond with a new coach.

Last I checked, most great players/great teams had continuity around them which obviously helps the process. It's professional sports, I understand being cutthroat but come on.

I think owners are more keen to social media, and have a closer pulse on the fans which isn't good at all. More likely to hear their cries for coaching change. People just expect success too fast, as if they're the only team with a legitimate chance to win
The turnover for NBA coaches is ridiculous.

Something has got to give, dudes is only getting 1 season nowadays.

Think about the pacific division, **** is a joke really.

They act like its just that easy for players to learn a new system and build a personal/professional bond with a new coach.

Last I checked, most great players/great teams had continuity around them which obviously helps the process. It's professional sports, I understand being cutthroat but come on.

I think owners are more keen to social media, and have a closer pulse on the fans which isn't good at all. More likely to hear their cries for coaching change. People just expect success too fast, as if they're the only team with a legitimate chance to win

now thats VERY true... some cases it could be good & others it could be very bad
what's with you man? stop trying to tell people how or what to post 

I'm saying, does he think he's like an Admin?

Son got that hall monitor/RA syndrome, it's late for that.

If you don't like the conversation, change it by bringing up something you feel is more relevant otherwise you just going to continue to add to the muck.
Yet DBD isnt allowed to come back. When the Spurs win the chip he must be brought back if only for 5 days to have his moment in the sun.
let it go man. he comes back one a month for the sole purpose to troll lolaker fans. if he even cared about you, he would have said hi or something. you guys share the same team, but this love is only one sided :\
Something has got to give, dudes is only getting 1 season nowadays.

Think about the pacific division, **** is a joke really.

They act like its just that easy for players to learn a new system and build a personal/professional bond with a new coach.

Last I checked, most great players/great teams had continuity around them which obviously helps the process. It's professional sports, I understand being cutthroat but come on.

I think every coach needs at least 3 years. If the team is in rebuild mode, they need more than 3.

If your team is rebuilding from the ground up, why fire the coach in his 2nd or 3rd year because they didn't make the playoffs? A full rebuild usually takes about 3 years, so at least give that coach a 4th year to make a playoff push. As for a coach taking over a playoff proven team, they also deserve a 3 year window. This gives management the opportunity to put the correct pieces on the team.

I know Scott Brooks is not the greatest, but let's be real....management took everything away from him when he had all the talent in the world. He still has 2 of the best players in the league on his team, but can you really place more blame on the coach or the management for taking away all other talent not named Durant and Westbrook?

The last time I mentioned DBD, he somehow returned and the thread almost blew up. :lol:
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