2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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KD does panic with double teams a lot. Scott Brooks should be double teaming him as the whole next practice. Straight up. This is one of the things I mean when I say he has so much more to learn and will get ALOT better, (not talking about Post play at all) leave that game alone, stay slim and swift don't muscle up even 5 lbs for a post game
How can people watch the Thunder implode the same way time after time the same ways, and believe that Clippers chance of advancing isn't higher. Do you guys watch? Or just look at the score from time to time.
i think there is a good chance OKC loses.  The fact that nobody on that team can contribute jack **** outside of Westbrook, KD, and sometimes Ibaka allows me to give the Clippers a great chance of winning this series.

Honestly i was expecting the Thunder to lose to Memphis
KD does panic with double teams a lot. Scott Brooks should be double teaming him as the whole next practice. Straight up. This is one of the things I mean when I say he has so much more to learn and will get ALOT better, (not talking about Post play at all) leave that game alone, stay slim and swift don't muscle up even 5 lbs for a post game
it would help but practice is not the same as late game situations

it all started when cp3 stripped him at the 3pt line, after that he seemed scared to put the ball on the floor

lebron took a while to figure it all out, kd could get there someday but he's not ready yet
Melo will win a Chip before he leaves the game. Unless he leaves in the next few years from an injury.
I didn't see the game I watched it (Thunder/Clips). But a Doc said in post game interview, KDs dribble was killing them the last 2 games, so he purposely put a smaller guard on him to at least take away the dribble. That's some coaching for your ***! Never heard Brooks even mention making any kind of adjustment. Just says "I told them to stay focused and believe" or some thing like that.
I didn't see the game I watched it (Thunder/Clips). But a Doc said in post game interview, KDs dribble was killing them the last 2 games, so he purposely put a smaller guard on him to at least take away the dribble. That's some coaching for your ***! Never heard Brooks even mention making any kind of adjustment. Just says "I told them to stay focused and believe" or some thing like that.
Doc also said in the same interview that putting Paul on Durant: "wasn't brilliant coaching, it was desperate coaching"

Wasn't great coaching more like inept coaching by Brooks and Durant being too frail to go to the block to post up
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How can people watch the Thunder implode the same way time after time the same ways, and believe that Clippers chance of advancing isn't higher. Do you guys watch? Or just look at the score from time to time.
i think there is a good chance OKC loses.  The fact that nobody on that team can contribute jack **** outside of Westbrook, KD, and sometimes Ibaka allows me to give the Clippers a great chance of winning this series.

Honestly i was expecting the Thunder to lose to Memphis

Me too, especially once the series started.
I didn't see the game I watched it (Thunder/Clips). But a Doc said in post game interview, KDs dribble was killing them the last 2 games, so he purposely put a smaller guard on him to at least take away the dribble. That's some coaching for your ***! Never heard Brooks even mention making any kind of adjustment. Just says "I told them to stay focused and believe" or some thing like that.

Doc also said in the same interview that putting Paul on Durant: "wasn't brilliant coaching, it was desperate coaching"

But he also said that it didn't really work, that Durant just kept missing is all and wouldn't do it again. That's a Coach being sly, he knew it worked,

Yeah I can def see why folks block dude. You can't be serious with this post. Smh
I just think he posts nonsense because he knows it bothers some of you :lol:
That's what I said in my intial post.

He posts something stupid that he knows will start an argument and then this thread turns into 5 pages of "coaches don't matter/Scott Brooks is better than Thibs". And some people who don't know his schtick get suckered into it every time.

It's not so much what he posts; it's the result/reactions. I don't want to go through those stupid arguments every day. 

Pretty much.

Not to mention he's posted over 5400 times in this thread... he's probably not batting a good percentage with actual quality posts.

This thread has gone downhill by people who bait others into dumb arguments that go on for a dozen pages. And then it's made worse by people who should know better but feed into it because "who cares it's all in good fun". Even throwing out obvious jokes "Compare Kobe to Lebron" does more harm than good. Yeah, at the end of the day, it's not a big deal.. but for people who want to use this thread to discuss basketball and have reasonable discussions, it's just not worth it to go through the nonsense. There's a reason regulars don't visit and participate as often.
But he also said that it didn't really work, that Durant just kept missing is all and wouldn't do it again. That's a Coach being sly, he knew it worked,
Oh it definitely worked, but again, not because of what Doc did but because of what Durant and Brooks didn't do
But he also said that it didn't really work, that Durant just kept missing is all and wouldn't do it again. That's a Coach being sly, he knew it worked,

Oh it definitely worked, but again, not because of what Doc did but because of what Durant and Brooks didn't do

But wouldn't you have to say that making the adjustment to even "try" to take away the dribble, and the "try" turning into taking away the dribble, may have been desperate, but it was also good
The dude is the lone member of TEAM MBENGA give the man a break.

Ok I'm done talking about it.

Let's talk about stuff that we never discuss.

Kobe vs Jordan vs LeBron ...rank them.

C'mon son. You know that if Tmac wasn't plagued by injuries and had Shaq his rookie year he'd have just as many rings as Kobe, if not more.

Natural talent > hard work

Plus, if you put Lebron in MJ's era, he'd totally dominate. He's the mod amazing physical specimen in sports history. He'd dominate in any era. MJ only dominated because he had Pippen.

Speaking of Pippen, he ain't even top 50 of all time.
what would bill russell be in todays game? 

But I see what you are saying though, KD allowed it to happen, it's clear that's a part of his game that needs improvement, he'll fix it, just not before Thunder is Gon' Fishing
As for the whole OKC debacle from earlier.. the common trend in all of their bad losses isn't Westbrook being selfish, isn't Durant being passive, isn't Perkins being Perkins, it's Brooks.

Sure, if Durant hits a couple shots or Russ makes that 3, they pull out a win.. but they should have never been in that situation in the first place. Adjustments... you have to make them as a coach.

Credit as well to the Clippers, though. It's easy to focus on OKC blowing it, but LA still had to climb back in and they pulled out a great win. I still have OKC winning the series, but they made life a lot harder.
I just think he posts nonsense because he knows it bothers some of you
That's what I said in my intial post.

He posts something stupid that he knows will start an argument and then this thread turns into 5 pages of "coaches don't matter/Scott Brooks is better than Thibs". And some people who don't know his schtick get suckered into it every time.

It's not so much what he posts; it's the result/reactions. I don't want to go through those stupid arguments every day. 
Pretty much.

Not to mention he's posted over 5400 times in this thread... he's probably not batting a good percentage with actual quality posts.

This thread has gone downhill by people who bait others into dumb arguments that go on for a dozen pages. And then it's made worse by people who should know better but feed into it because "who cares it's all in good fun". Even throwing out obvious jokes "Compare Kobe to Lebron" does more harm than good. Yeah, at the end of the day, it's not a big deal.. but for people who want to use this thread to discuss basketball and have reasonable discussions, it's just not worth it to go through the nonsense. There's a reason regulars don't visit and participate as often.
people just take it way too seriously in here, this isnt baby daycare people know how to control themselves and talk basketball. i even try to make most of my comments so over the top that its clearly sarcasm/joking, but i do stand by 90% of what i say. 

people have a good game, ill point it out. they have a bad game, ill point it out. i point out a flaw about a player and they have a bad game because of it, ill point that out too. this isnt rocket science, understanding basketball is easy. but i guess the thread would be better off with everyone blaming every coach for everything 
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