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  1. sunshine734

    In the spirit of Halloween. Post your city/towns urban legends...

    There is a true story that surrounds Eastern Michigan University about the "Michigan Murderer" John Collins. He killed a bunch of girls back in the day around campus. At first I didn't think much of it besides "ok some psycho killed girls back in the day,whatever", until i found out that one of...
  2. sunshine734

    _how many of you actually use your parking/ebrake?

    because he doesn't want to? I never use my parking brake. I probably should since my driveway is really steep but i ain't worried about it.
  3. sunshine734

    Post your Facebook status. Vol. "If I were a boy..."

    Sunshine is easy like Sunday mornin.
  4. sunshine734

    NT, How many times did you drink beer before you liked it?

    i liked beer the first time i tasted it. there are some i hate of course, but most beers i enjoy. my favorite thing to do is grab a couple of my beer lovingfriends and hitting up random breweries for the "samplers"
  5. sunshine734

    NT! school me on a good MEATLOAF recipe...!

    i wouldnt use bread crumbs, regular sliced bread works better. the way i make it is: preheat oven to 375 put the meat in a big bowl add: chopped onions and garlic 3 or 4 slices of bread 1 egg pepper, garlic powder, and some seasoned salt mix everything together (works best to just get in...
  6. sunshine734

    If your not Black.... and for Halloween you dress up as a Gangsta or a Rapper...

    i dressed up as T.I. last year and I'm white. i wore a black and white "prisoner" style striped shirt, shades, wore a hat the way he wears hisand carried 4 different toy guns around. I don't see it as a problem as long as youre not doing black face, thats taking it a little too far. the same...
  7. sunshine734

    YO! Siblings as roommates?...

    i was wondering the same thing the other day. my brother is buying a house soon and said i could move in if i wanted, aka, he wants roomates to help with themortgage. Hes 26 and im 22 and we do hang out a lot, so i dont see that to be a problem. the only thing im worried about is how he may feel...
  8. sunshine734

    Why are all Movies filmed in New York and California??

    LA mainly because thats where the movie studios started out. NY i dont think they film as much as it seems, its really expensive. I know lately they have been moving to other states to start filming because of new tax breaks for the companies. In MI they are getting huge breaks or refundsor...
  9. sunshine734

    What if your roommate left your dorm room unlocked for 4-5 days?

    you need to definetly let him know that dont fly with you, and immediately take inventory on your belongings. I had an 800 leather jacket taken out of my room when i was gone one weekend. my roomate loved to leave the door to our room open and wandered down the hallwith my coat hanging up in...
  10. sunshine734

    NT, What's The GRIMIEST Place You've Ever Been To?

    detroit some parts of cleveland
  11. sunshine734

    Driving Pet Peeves

    this is actually appreciated. i dont want someone bumper to bumper with me at a stop light. if someone comes up behind them not realizing werestopped or something and plows into them, they wont necessarily slam into me. one of my girls was at a red light one day when the guy who was stopped...
  12. sunshine734

    NTers paying CHILD Support.....Vol. Baby mama got some new shoes.

    dang if you got her half the time and are still payin you are doing something wrong. if shes got legal custody, you need to try to go the court route and getjoint custody. if you can prove you have her 50% of the time you may no longer need to pay. a friend of mine was in a similar situation...
  13. sunshine734

    Is gas droppin in price in your area?

    dunno,havent gotten gas in a week or so but when i did it was at 3.90. i hope its going down bc i gotta fill up friday morning
  14. sunshine734

    Post Pics of Your Room Vol. 2

    we're remodeling my bedroom and its still a work in progress. we've finished the floor and moved in the furniture but i still have to hang everythingup and organize. ill put up pics of the final product later this week
  15. sunshine734

    Post Pics of Your Room Vol. 2

    we're remodeling my bedroom and its still a work in progress. we've finished the floor and moved in the furniture but i still have to hang everythingup and organize. ill put up pics of the final product later this week
  16. sunshine734

    Bun B- II Trill apreciation post!

    People always sleeping on Bun. He is one of my top 3 rappers. Theres a few wack songs on the album but over all its typical fire from him
  17. sunshine734

    Late nite question about money (math and common sense) dudes enter

    in any roomate situation ive ever been in, we just split it up per room in your case, each room is 500, possiby adding 50 to 100 on to the room with its own bathroom and splitting the difference between the other two bedrooms. either 250 each for the shared room and 500 for the single rooms or...
  18. sunshine734

    [___The OFFICIAL (APPLYING FOR JOBS 101) Thread___]

    a lot of this is basic, but for people who have never had a job before, it might be helpful. always smile. you would be amazed how much of a difference that makes. you appear happy and friendly, exactly what employers look for. when talking aboutyourself, try to tie you good qualities into how...
  19. sunshine734

    Reccomend me GOOD TV SHOWS (Stuff like Law and Order, CSI, Numb3rs, etc.)

    csi: Miami and The First 48 I'm addicted to these shows and almost everynight there is like 4 episodes of either one on a&e
  20. sunshine734

    What are you guys sippin on this week-end?

    was drinkin crown royal and cranberry earlier and a couple shots of jim beam with my pop for his birthday
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