What if your roommate left your dorm room unlocked for 4-5 days?

Nov 28, 2007
Our fall break began Friday and I dipped outta there by like 3 .. I KNOW he left after me. When I see him tomorrow I'm gonna flip my *$+@, is there any wayto rationally handle this situation??
Rationally, no I don't think so.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Was anything stolen?

No, but that's not the issue. I called my RA just now and asked and he said nothing looks like it's been stolen.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Check to make sure and just tell the dude to make sure he locks it next time.

I've stressed locking the %$%@ before, I keep TOO much nice stuff in that room. Am I overreacting here?
Originally Posted by GAS BREAK DIP

Act like something got stolen, and tell him to reimburst you for it.

Good point it teaches him a lesson plus u get something in return. I would go with this option.
Originally Posted by GAS BREAK DIP

Act like something got stolen, and tell him to reimburst you for it.

Good point it teaches him a lesson plus u get something in return. I would go with this option.
you need to definetly let him know that dont fly with you, and immediately take inventory on your belongings.

I had an 800 leather jacket taken out of my room when i was gone one weekend. my roomate loved to leave the door to our room open and wandered down the hallwith my coat hanging up in the closet (in plain view from the hall since our closets are in the entryway of our rooms). i was so heated when i got back ialmost beat the hell out of her but instead i did some childish crap like cleaning the grout in the tile around the toilet with her toothbrush after havingsome of my guys over after the bar one night. i know they had to have missed the toilet a few times in their drunken state.

also, when you leave for breaks, dont your RA's check each room to make sure the windows and doors are locked? i know mine did.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Roommate is mad dirty... Dude left doodoo in the toilet for 3 days because hedidn't have a plunger, and currently there are dishes filling the sink from like two weeks...[/color]
i'd be beyond pissed whether something was stolen or not. people got to be responsible and you got to let how you feel be known. i'd get anotherroommate too
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