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  1. crftz333

    Most Pressure-filled Positions in all of Sports

    it's gotta be a kicker... you are relied on to score more points than anybody else on the team, yet you get the least amount of chances to do so and arealmost always called on in the clutch, and expected to be automatic in 95 percent of situations you're thrown out there. just gotta be really...
  2. crftz333

    American sports need a tier system... they should compete to play in the top leagues

    I definitely have been one of the loudest voices about the level of play... but while part of the reason is definitely the number of teams, this systempromotes limiting the number of teams at the top level and creating a more competitive 2nd and 3rd tier to play in. I think that actually...
  3. crftz333

    American sports need a tier system... they should compete to play in the top leagues

    Watered down how? Don't blame a city for only offering the amount of support they're able to muster... blame the teams for demanding somuch out of their city. I mean, you can't build a 100k seat stadium, charge an arm and a leg for a ticket, and then expect to be selling out even ifyou're not...
  4. crftz333

    Best team in the NFL

    didn't everyone think B-more was the best team in the league like 2 years ago too? fact is, it's too soon to tell.... we don't know how good anybody's wins or losses are yet, because we don't know how good anybody is yet. Waitfor about another 3 games and we'll start seeing who's who.
  5. crftz333

    American sports need a tier system... they should compete to play in the top leagues

    and their fans might get to see them win the occasional title this way, too. sure, it wouldn't be the grand-daddy of them all... but it's a start.
  6. crftz333

    American sports need a tier system... they should compete to play in the top leagues

    I read a quick little blurb the other day about the idea of introducing this - and I'm fully convinced now. Similar to how soccer works in most European countries, where you have the A (or premiere) League with 20 or so teams, this should be done in all majorAmerican sports. That way: Every...
  7. crftz333

    Steelers @ Bengals thread

    Steelers know not to play that "tough guy" *%%@ wit THESE Bengals why? because they're all petty criminals? yeah,real scary.
  8. crftz333

    You're never too far from a McDonald's... see for yourself...

    A visualization of distance from the fast food giants in the United States. Not surprising, but pretty interesting to see it laid out like this...
  9. crftz333

    When you realize your favorite RB doesn't have "it" anymore UNAPPRECIATION....

    RB's have just become a position that rises and fades quickly... be happy that Portis has lasted as long as he has. I mean, if you look around the league the last 10 years.. it's just rare to see a guy doing it big time for more than a few years in a row. There'salso a new young back in the...
  10. crftz333

    A must watch for past, present, and future students with Student Loan Debt...

    the education system in this country is broken... the idea of a 4-year college is so pointless in this day and age. there is a free trade of all the general information you could possibly need available on theinternet... high schools need to refocus on teaching kids how to find the answers to...
  11. crftz333

    Official Pittsburgh Steelers Season Thread (6-5) Vol. Return of the 6x Champs

    So.... it was kinda like deja vu this week from last... missed chances, completely un-clutch defensive performance, sloppy execution... and still just inchesaway from a W. I guess you can either be really optimistic and say things can only get better... or be really negative and assume we're...
  12. crftz333

    Steelers @ Bengals thread

    Not anymore unlucky they aren't 3-0... they've played like crap in all 3 games, could've easily won or lost all of them. Gave the last 2 away,looking like beating Tenn. wasn't a big deal anyways considering they're 0-3 now. No excuses - we aren't executing the way we're supposed to, team...
  13. crftz333

    am i the only one that thinks vegas is wack?

    yeah... okay. Some of you guys are just haters "i'm going to find ways tohate something that no male in the world should hate"... If you don't like gambling, you're not a man... period. And these aren't little off broadway productions friend, these are some of the mostexpensive shows in...
  14. crftz333

    Steelers @ Bengals thread

    ...meh. boring game.
  15. crftz333

    Steelers @ Bengals thread

    good luck losers.
  16. crftz333

    CFB teams should NOT be ranked at start of season

    this is pretty much an accepted fact at this point by everybody but the media... they sell games better to their TV audience when they can throw rankings onthere, so i think that has a lot of influence in who you see getting ranked early in the year.
  17. crftz333

    Official Iowa @ PSU

    Game played out almost EXACTLY like i told everyone I knew it would. Iowa consistently beats us with less because they are 100x better coached.. and it'sexactly why Ferentz should be the number 1 candidate for the PSU job whenever the hell somebody man's up and kicks Joe to the curb already...
  18. crftz333

    09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

    Wrong - saw them beat Va Tech, who I'm still not sure where they stand yet... and i saw a mediocre first half against FIU... maybe they'llemerge, like i talked about... but as of today I wouldn't say they look great, not yet.
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