Most Pressure-filled Positions in all of Sports

Apr 18, 2005
After watching Jim Mora crucify his kicker in the post game interview, it had me thinking about the crazy amount of pressure a kicker goes through. If Ihad to rank the various positions in all sports that have more pressure to perform than other positions I'd list them in this order:

1) NFL Kicker - Self explanatory. You're out there for maybe a total of 5 minutes an entire game and you're expected to be successful 100% of thetime.
2) Major League Closer - You blow a lead, that's all on you.
3) Soccer Goalie - A goal may not entirely be your fault but you're the last line of defense so blame is always going to come back to you.
4) Hockey Goalie - Same as in soccer, except their scores are higher so goals are expected.
it's gotta be a kicker... you are relied on to score more points than anybody else on the team, yet you get the least amount of chances to do so and arealmost always called on in the clutch, and expected to be automatic in 95 percent of situations you're thrown out there.

just gotta be really tough to be a kicker... you're always treated like a punk by the other players, always have pressure situations to face.. Iwouldn't wanna do it most of the time.
There's a difference between pressure filled and hardest job.

I think I see what the OP is saying though.

QBs get multiple chances throughout the game, though they obviously have to perform and have pressure to...a kicker has to assume he has only 1 chance. Younever know when you'll be called on and if you are, you HAVE to perform...hence the pressure.

A goalie, it's only you preventing the other team from scoring as the last line of defense and you can't always assume you're team will bail youout and score again.

Eh, I dunno..I see what you mean though
QB is so hard. I remember doing it for a year and it's just so crazy just to be able to recite the play back in the huddle. You have to manage the clock,manage the entire team, read disguised defenses, read your receivers being open and their speed, come through in the clutch, take all the blame when the teamloses, take care of the ball at all times and be ready for weakside pressure, reading blitzes, etc.

I feel like kicking is something where the amount of variables that you have to deal with are limited. Temperature, ball placement, distance, wind, gamepressure. The actual kicking part of it must become muscle memory. I say this, but I can't kick an extra point.
Kicker in rugby.

You have to play the whole game as a regular player just like everyone else and then step up and score big points - and games are often won or lost on kicks.

The best in the game is Chris Paterson who plays for Scotland. Last year he went almost 6 months without missing a kick - and from all over the field. He waskicking about 4 a game too - not like he didn't miss because he didn't try.
the hitter when the bases are loaded, 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th, game 7 in the world series, and down by 2.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

After watching Jim Mora crucify his kicker in the post game interview, it had me thinking about the crazy amount of pressure a kicker goes through. If I had to rank the various positions in all sports that have more pressure to perform than other positions I'd list them in this order:

1) NFL Kicker - Self explanatory. You're out there for maybe a total of 5 minutes an entire game and you're expected to be successful 100% of the time.
2) Major League Closer - You blow a lead, that's all on you.
3) Soccer Goalie - A goal may not entirely be your fault but you're the last line of defense so blame is always going to come back to you.
4) Hockey Goalie - Same as in soccer, except their scores are higher so goals are expected.
Was coming in to co-sign this.
Anyone shooting free throws with the game on the line. That's pretty pressure packed right there.

And co-sign to the NFL kicker and MLB closers.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

There's a difference between pressure filled and hardest job.

I think I see what the OP is saying though.

QBs get multiple chances throughout the game, though they obviously have to perform and have pressure to...a kicker has to assume he has only 1 chance. You never know when you'll be called on and if you are, you HAVE to perform...hence the pressure.

A goalie, it's only you preventing the other team from scoring as the last line of defense and you can't always assume you're team will bail you out and score again.

Eh, I dunno..I see what you mean though

A QB has multiple chances to redeem himself throughout the game, as well as throughout the season. A kicker +%#+# up and he's cut quicker than lunch meat.

I feel like kicking is something where the amount of variables that you have to deal with are limited. Temperature, ball placement, distance, wind, game pressure. The actual kicking part of it must become muscle memory. I say this, but I can't kick an extra point.
Did you forget that a kicker has to block out the fact that 11 mother +%%*#$$ are barreling down his throat, trying to block the kick? When youfactor in this with all those other variables, it becomes one of the hardest things to do in all of sports.

Then you got those coaches who call a timeout with 1 second left, with the game on the line, and you have to re-do your kick. That doesn't happen in ANYother sport. Goalies don't have to re-do penalty kicks, closers don't have to re-do a pitch, basketball players don't have to re-do a free throwor game winning shot.

What about Cornerback, i think Cornerback is def one of the hardest.
We're not talking about hardest though.

I haven't played baseball at a high level but what's it like as a DH? All you're doing is hitting and not playing any defense, so it's likeyou better come through with the bat or else you're viewed as worthless. Not like you can make up your slacking on offense with your play on defense.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta


I feel like kicking is something where the amount of variables that you have to deal with are limited. Temperature, ball placement, distance, wind, game pressure. The actual kicking part of it must become muscle memory. I say this, but I can't kick an extra point.
Did you forget that a kicker has to block out the fact that 11 mother +%%*#$$ are barreling down his throat, trying to block the kick? When you factor in this with all those other variables, it becomes one of the hardest things to do in all of sports.

Then you got those coaches who call a timeout with 1 second left, with the game on the line, and you have to re-do your kick. That doesn't happen in ANY other sport. Goalies don't have to re-do penalty kicks, closers don't have to re-do a pitch, basketball players don't have to re-do a free throw or game winning shot.

Yes, they do. All the time actually
i would say a soccer goalie.... if you let in a goal, you let your entire country down, and god forbid, someone will go and execute you and your family
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

What about Cornerback, i think Cornerback is def one of the hardest.
Foreel, the coach use to chew me out when I let the receiver get open. Also I didn't get along with our safety so we had bad communication. Iuse to blame him on the deep routes though because we played zone D alot.
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