am i the only one that thinks vegas is wack?

Originally Posted by Crftz333

Originally Posted by Ghenges

I've never been but I never saw the big deal and have no desire to go. My brother went and when he was trying to sell it to me as a good time but I didn't buy it. I'm sure if you live in Nowhereville, USA and you go it will be something spectacular..but if you live in a decent sized city that stuff shouldn't impress you. It's all lights and buildings. And I'll be damned if I go on vacation to sit and see a SHOW. really? a show? no thx..

Gambling is eh.. and drinking is drinking anywhere you go. The JW black tastes the same whether you pay $50 or $400 for a bottle.
yeah... okay.

Some of you guys are just haters
"i'm going to find ways to hate something that no male in the world should hate"...

If you don't like gambling, you're not a man... period. And these aren't little off broadway productions friend, these are some of the most expensive shows in the world night after night. Drinking ain't drinking anywhere unless all you do is drink to pass out, in which case, maybe Vegas really isn't for you because you sound like a real ham-and-egger.

All lights and buildings? Yeah, in the %%+!@!% desert dude. It's a modern day miracle of sorts that they have these ginormous properties and extravagant pieces of architecture sitting in a 10 mile stretch in the middle of the desert.

I guess people will just hate anything to be different... but c'mon now, hating on Vegas is just making you look silly.

So you're from Nowhereville, USA huh?
Originally Posted by Frijolero

I can't even do the whole clubbin thing, top 40 music just doesn't do it for me.

I prefer house parties where we play bay slaps.
You must really go to the wrong clubs. Yeah clubs aren't going to play slaps all night but they throw in a song or two.
Vegas has it's own thing. Every city has they're things to do and see. What can't you do in vegas that you can do anywhere else?
Eat, drink, party, gamble, sightsee, shop...pretty much all you need.
I am biased though because i love living and going to school here.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Vegas, youre doing it wrong.

@ the people who say clubbing/drinking/etc is the same back where they live.

What's the difference? Does the Goose taste Goose-ier? Are the verses in the songs different?
i find it hard to believe Vegas is whack...

i wanna go just for the food and shopping...i heard the buffets were great out there...
I was not feeling Vegas when I went. Dont get me wrong, I loved being able to drink on the strip, seeing beautiful girls everywhere, but beyond that, I didntfind it to my liking. For one, everyone came off as mad phony. Too many people there are trying to "do it big" and front that they are muchbigger/richer/more of a baller than they are. I'm a real down to earth kind of person, and that vibe was not doing it for me. I'm sure if you had someserious cash to blow, you could have a pretty good time. But being somebody who doesnt, I'd rather spend my money to go somewhere that I can stay a littlelonger, explore a little more, and not constantly having to spend money to stay entertained. I cant say vegas is "whack", but it is over rated, andjust not for me. Plus, I'll take Cali's lax view on cannibus consumption over Nevadas lack of open container laws.
Man I hate it here cant wait till Jan so I can move back to DR... and I aint never comin back
So you're from Nowhereville, USA huh?

The hell are you from that's comparable to Vegas?

I mean... it's not a coincidence that people come from all over the world to goto Las Vegas... but yeah, I'm sure any other town is just as great.

seriously.. you sound actually bitter about Las Vegas, did your girl go there and cheat on you or something?
Originally Posted by Crftz333

So you're from Nowhereville, USA huh?

The hell are you from that's comparable to Vegas?

I mean... it's not a coincidence that people come from all over the world to goto Las Vegas... but yeah, I'm sure any other town is just as great.

seriously.. you sound actually bitter about Las Vegas, did your girl go there and cheat on you or something?

You sound more bitter about me not liking Vegas than me sounding bitter about Vegas. Did your girl cheat on you with me or something?
Originally Posted by 940sicc3

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

You're either goin' with the wrong people or hitting up the wrong spots to be honest with you.

You need $$$ to have some REAL fun though.


im going to vegas for halloween

i'm going to be in vegas for halloween too...
Vegas seems like a great place. Seeing the view is nice enough imo to just even want to go. I would hit up a club or two and the women there look amazing basedon what I've seen via the media and documentaries. Maybe it wasn't the place for you.
I'm goin to Vegas for Columbus weekend and plan to have the time of my boy lives out there and he loves it...
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I plan on going sometime in the near future.. I prefer leaving the country though[/color]

Head to Mexico. Its on the west coast too. I always wanted to go there also.
Originally Posted by Ricasho

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I plan on going sometime in the near future.. I prefer leaving the country though[/color]

Head to Mexico. Its on the west coast too. I always wanted to go there also.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ehh, my boys and I are trying to do Puerto Rico for April.. eitherway, we wanna do 3 trips for '10[/color]
You gotta be the only one OP. I've been twice in the past two years and it is the adult playground. I love the city. If I ever won the lottery, I'd buya condo out there so I could go more often.
im gonna put it this way.... people (women) go out to vegas to do things that they wouldnt usually do in their hometowns

anything goes out there b
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