am i the only one that thinks vegas is wack?

I live out in LA and I agree if you're not a gambler, Vegas is going to be whack after a day or two. Clubs, fake boobs, shows, restaurants, are all verycomparable to spots out in LA, Miami, NY.

The only reason I go out to Vegas is to gamble and mess with females from other cities. Everything else is a side attraction.
the best thing about Vegas is that EVERYONE there is out to have a good time and party up...they're in that mode 24/7

Vegas , like any other what you make of it.
don't go there expecting to crap happen just b/c
it isn't "popping" all the time. i don't think a place is fun when the only way you can enjoy yourself is buy spending $.....
Vegas is very fun and like everyone has mentioned VERY Expensive. Im from Manhattan n still have to say that but i loved it i went Thursday nite to Mondaymorning but i heard Monday to Thursday it sucks he might have gone during the week.
I gotta agree with dirty...

On a side note, can anyone picture him goin buckwild in, trying to band bouncers n @#!
2 nights for me is fun and fine. I have no idea how people can go there for like a week or something. i just want to party hard for a few nights then headhome. lol.
I can have fun anywhere. I don't gamble because i have an addictive personality. With that being said, im sure vegas is a blast. salty dudes
Fore me Vegas is wack during the day. How many times can you walk that hot *%% strip. lol. Nights go crazy, but during the day it's wack. The best time ihad out there was All-Star weekend. So many cakes out there
I don't gamble or care for Strip Clubs so I doubt I'd have fun.
One of the few places I have absolutely no desire to visit. If I am gonna spend the money I would rather go else place.
Whack? hell no!... you must not get or have the following: 1. laid, 2. $$$
BUT, i can't imagine staying in Vegas for more than a weekend though..
I LOVE Vegas, and I dont really gamble, club, or hit shows....but the atosphere there is great...maybe just being around all those people you know are there tohave a good time makes it fun. You know when youre on the strip, just about everybody else is there with the express intent of havin a blast, and I like that.
I cant think of any other place you can say that about. Im sure NY, LA, Miami, etc are all great places too, but not everybody there is there specifically tohave fun

word to Dirty...I missed his post till now, but I mean the same thing
Originally Posted by Crftz333

Originally Posted by Ghenges

I've never been but I never saw the big deal and have no desire to go. My brother went and when he was trying to sell it to me as a good time but I didn't buy it. I'm sure if you live in Nowhereville, USA and you go it will be something spectacular..but if you live in a decent sized city that stuff shouldn't impress you. It's all lights and buildings. And I'll be damned if I go on vacation to sit and see a SHOW. really? a show? no thx..

Gambling is eh.. and drinking is drinking anywhere you go. The JW black tastes the same whether you pay $50 or $400 for a bottle.
yeah... okay.

Some of you guys are just haters
"i'm going to find ways to hate something that no male in the world should hate"...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If you don't like gambling, you're not a man... period.[/color] And these aren't little off broadway productions friend, these are some of the most expensive shows in the world night after night. Drinking ain't drinking anywhere unless all you do is drink to pass out, in which case, maybe Vegas really isn't for you because you sound like a real ham-and-egger.

All lights and buildings? Yeah, in the %%+!@!% desert dude. It's a modern day miracle of sorts that they have these ginormous properties and extravagant pieces of architecture sitting in a 10 mile stretch in the middle of the desert.

I guess people will just hate anything to be different... but c'mon now, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]hating on Vegas is just making you look silly[/color].
Pot meet kettle...
i went for the first time since turning 21 two months ago and i can honestly say i cannot wait to go back. that atmosphere is unlike anywhere else i'veever been
[h3]am i the only one that thinks vegas is wack?[/h3]
you are definitely not doing it right

Vegas is THAT spot
unless you're a lame

like everything else though, it all depends on who you go with, where you go, what kind of person you are, your $ situation, etc...

the best thing about Vegas is that EVERYONE there is out to have a good time and party up...they're in that mode 24/7

Vegas , like any other what you make of it.
Vegas is the best if you have a good amount of cash to blow. Everything from the club scene, to top notch shopping boutiques, to gambling. Pool parties arepoppin too during hot days. I don't know, when I go hit vegas this inner beast comes out of me. I was trying to go for new years eve to saturday, but damnairfares are around $250 round trip from SFO to LAS.
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