*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by enyceking

say it aint so barack


dude homie has not replied anywhere else on NT since that last post back on december.
i think hes an insider for the Gov't
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Second shirt is copped.


They are laughing in our faces ...... his one of them MOds BAN
Whoa @%*% I didn't even notice that, that mf'er got a @#$!#++ Illuminati symbol up and everything.


Anyone also realize what his sig. says

dude homie has not replied anywhere else on NT since that last post back on december.
i think hes an insider for the Gov't

i just remembered something. although his post count still says 666, it doesn't update when he post somewhere else. Smh. i forgot -_-
Guys Just check out What Leo Zagami said about Obama wayyyyyyyyy before he got elected............."We got one of our own in" and he said Obama wouldget elected long long before the process even started.......want chills? that will give you chills
Obama is not throwing up the Illuminati hand gesture. Thumb sticking out= Love in sign language. That's also what John Lennon is holding up in thatpic.

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Who brought this mindless dribble back from the dead. Someone put this stupid crap back in the dirt where it belongs.

... Why you so mad?
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Second shirt is copped.


They are laughing in our faces ...... his one of them MOds BAN
Whoa @%*% I didn't even notice that, that mf'er got a @#$!#++ Illuminati symbol up and everything.


Anyone also realize what his sig. says

dude homie has not replied anywhere else on NT since that last post back on december.
i think hes an insider for the Gov't


crazy !+%
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Second shirt is copped.


They are laughing in our faces ...... his one of them MOds BAN
Whoa @%*% I didn't even notice that, that mf'er got a @#$!#++ Illuminati symbol up and everything.


Anyone also realize what his sig. says

dude homie has not replied anywhere else on NT since that last post back on december.
i think hes an insider for the Gov't


crazy !+%

When the thread was bumped I tried to go thru most of the pages, but couldn't....alotta interesting stuff....but when I saw this...

I don't know what's truth but I been knew I wasn't getting a fair shot in the world. Only the strong survive.
lets examine the term secret society, first word secret as in no one is supposed to know, second word society, group of individuals brought together orcharacterized by a common interest.
So now, all these people are masonic huh?
If so why would they make it so obvious to the "common" man, why would they want us to know, isnt it uh what was that first word, SECRET??
Go somewhere else with ur conspiracies DALE(gribble), they can be whatever they want, well all be dead someday so f it, why waste ur time unless they aredirectly coming after you?
oh and im not against ur theory i just think if the govt didnt want us to know something we wouldnt know and ppl who knew and were suspected to be willing totell would be offed on site,
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Something you might want to watch before reading this post...

Today, I went to the mall and I checked out what mainstream designers were doing with their clothing.� Uppon shaking my head in disgust, I noticed that
Rocawear had some VERY BOLD and BLATENT imagery of things that Jay-Z stands for.� I could not believe my eyes, while at the same time, I wasnt suprised.� See
for yourself what Jay uppon others want you to know.� I knew then that I had to do SOMETHING.� Even if it's just making this post on NT.� At least I'll
be opening more eyes.

This piece displays a screenprint of a gold bars, the all seeing eye, the masonic hand shake, and a book with a key drawn or sitting on top of it, all
sitting on top of a hexagram, which has other geometric shapes within, with two owls guarding this display and underneath it reads "QUESTIONS


PLEASE WAKE UP!� Jay-Z is not hiding %*+*!� He's throwing it in our faces just as our government is and lauging as people wear this %*+* not even
knowing what they're representing!� The trends in clothing and cluture today are NOT by accident!� This dark, midevil looking %*+* people are choosing to
wear is the continuation of the incorporation of evils into our souls.� View the Youtube video above, and anyone with more knowledge on this subject, please
chime in and educate us.

I dont know what Jay-Z's motives are and why he chooses to follow this path, but I DO know that it's evil and people are following these evils and
dont even know it.� I'm making this post to urge people to WAKE UP and at least become AWARE of what is really going on.

The knowledge that I know about the Illuminiti is pretty limited and scattered, but I would love begin a thread that compiles information about the subject
in a cohesive and organized manner that we can participate in, ask questions about and learn something from.

Here's another example:


link to Rocawears site where these clothes
can be viewed...

Below is a link to a film that will enlighten you even more on this subject.� Mods, PLEASE do not lock this thread, or edit my post!� The link I am providing
is the film makers website where they provide a link to the movie themselves via Google Video.� It's lengthy, but I promise it will be one of the best two
hours you'll spend in your life.� Especially if you dont know anything reguarding the subject.� If you dont have time to view it right now, make time
sometime durring your week to watch the film, and you wont regret it.


hats off to u, OP. this imigery is def. not just mere coincidence. in the circles i run in, it is common knowledge that jsy z, among many others, have soldtheir souls to the dollar.

i am just happy that SOME,although a very limited few, are starting to wake up and acknlwledge what is very blantantly right in front of them. anyone whothinks shirts like these are just symbols and "doesn't really mean anything" are just fools or blind, really.

jay z for instance is owned by the illuminati and does what he is told. he has to or he will lose all of the material wealth he has.

also, he cannot speak out about or speak on certain things unless he lies. he would surely lose his life if he were to attempt to start telling the truth atthis point. they've held up their end of the deal by allowing him to possess the material wealth he has amassed. now he has to do his part. they know theinsane amounts of influence jay obviously has on the masses and pop culture. it is job now to lead them down the wrong path into the depths of hell.

i just feel sorry for those who simply dismiss these types of things as mere conspiracy.
i have never understood and still don't understand why SO MANY PPL are SO QUICK to dismiss things so quickly as mere "conspiracy theory," withoutever doing any research of their own. i guess that is just the easy way to remain in denial about the FACT that we have ALL BEEN LIED TO FROM THE VERYBEGINNING. these ppl usually have little to no knowledge on the subject, or are in fact trying to keep the lies from being exposed, which is why they alwaysresort to trying to attack someone's character, or make them look "crazy."

i do understand that it is a natural defense machanism of the human mind to go into denial in certain situations. of course we don'T WANT to believe thesethings are true. but the truth is when u really start to investigate for yourself, the massive amounts of proof in the forms of documentation, 1st hand and 2ndhand testimony, whistle-blowers misteriously disappearing, etc. it becomes horribly obvious that SOMETHING EVIL is controlling the world and we have in factall been lied to. there's no getting around it.

the evidence is very damning, not to mention overwhelming.
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