*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Jay-z 's involvement you guys have went too far

Tis not too far. INFLUENCE is what they seek. However I believe Jay is a smart man. And knows how to play both sides just as he did the "street" side of business to the popular culture/corporate side of business.

Win lose or Draw, like picasso. Y'know the best because if not so...

No really though it's all about influence. That's why the freemasons are involved with the corporations and politics. And if you know anything about the music business, or even anything about politics and our government. Then this shouldn't be too hard to fathom.

The thing is though, is that scientology is on the same tip. And in...how long has it been since the illuminati started??? 300 years....Scientology in 300 years from now??
But the fact that Jay has been throwing up the Roc(forming a diamond with his hands) years before he even became famous how do you tie that into suddenly making it illuminati related?

Illuminati's been around forever...

I think he's been practically preaching about this for a long time, just like P, 2pac and Nas before him. The only difference between Jay and the 3 others mentioned is that Jay has more influence, is smarter and didn't try to head butt the institution (2pac).

Im not doubting you. I just want an official answer why subliminally give us clues?, why Have Jay involved? What is the illuminati trying to do and what has itdone to harm us?
Read this first!
What I want to say about 9/11 is that it was a Mega Ritual.
911 Mega-ritual
A ritual - a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order to bring change according to the will of the Performer. A Mega-ritual intends to bringthat change about to a factor of 1million, which infers a far greater 'charge' than a personal ritual, consequently influencing many more'wills' 911 - Nine Eleven , the date [according to the US dating system] of the destruction of buildings in New York City on September 11, 2001. Theafter-effects of this event have affected the physical and mental states of humans, directly and indirectly. One may argue that the ritual remains incomplete.This may come with the completion of the Freedom tower.�

After reading and�watching about�synchromysticism, I�believe everything is plan and not just a coincidence.��If you go more into this, you will see that thereare more rituals like wars, shootings, and other�stuff that�envolve killing.��

The rabbit hole gets deeper.

Originally Posted by CJ863

10th cousin once removed??? Like seriously people... not saying I don't believe that Obama is related to Cheney and Bush... but I have yet to see any factual evidence... even if they are in fact related 10th cousin once removed??? Come on... that's a reach...
^^^NEGATIVE, it's not a reach. You just need to get your mind right Fam...you think you will get this kind of info from thenews/media?
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

wow , i thought i was the only one walkin around here with my eyes open !!!!! iv known about the ELITE for quite a while , but as iv done more and more due-dilligance on the subject iv learned that this is not a conspericy theory , its not a buch of bs . its TRUE !!! its right in front of of eyes and we cant even see it . and obama aint gonna help , he was put there by the same elitest that put bush into power , to further surve there needs . there goal is just like everyone elses " to try and take over the world " there just not doing it by force . there doing it by manipulation . for you out there that think this is bull , all i ask is that you do some homework . dont believe whats being spoonfeed to you by the mass media , find out the truth . thats your first step to freeing yourself of the monitary system that you are a slave of and dont even know it .
^^^I feel you...and it's funny because most people just see Obama's skin color and say "oh he is black and this n that". Most people don't know that he is a cousin of %*## Cheney and George Bush!! Yeah, i said it, do your homework...i will not get too deep into it because there are far too many immature ignorant people "debating" on here but basically there has only been around 4 family bloodlines in the white house and will probably stay this way. Most of the bloodlines have come from the Charlemagnes. Black people i know you see brown skin and say "thank you, it's about time one of us, he is black"...sorry to ruin your parade but he is not. He is of the chosen bloodline with brown skin which benefits their agenda so they can really throw the masses off....i'm done.
Never knew that. Maybe the conspiracies are true.

George W. Bush and Obama, meanwhile, are 10th cousins once removed - linked through a 17th century Massachusetts couple, Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole, according to the Sun-Times.
^^^yeah there is a lot more i can go into that you probably did not know but this site is a little too popular and i don't feel like getting my Internet shut down by Verizon (another Illumianti front), and more people watching me. You know they kill people like me...do your homework people and remember...things are never what they seem and if everything looks too good to be true like January 20th 2009, do more research, i'm gone.
More unplugged people, that's wassup.. I didn't know they were on NT

yeah we out here bro, well at least i am...now let me get back to ducking, lol
naw but it does get annoying talking to close minded people
Originally Posted by BTonNT

^^^yeah there is a lot more i can go into that you probably did not know but this site is a little too popular and i don't feel like getting my Internet shut down by Verizon (another Illumianti front), and more people watching me. You know they kill people like me...do your homework people and remember...things are never what they seem and if everything looks too good to be true like January 20th 2009, do more research, i'm gone.
I can understand where youre coming from but I dont think you should withhold what you wish to share through fear. There are literally thousands of people posting and producing videos on the most popular sites online, also tons of basic information websites, forums, radio broadcasts. The thing to fear is NOT having this information shared and known. Don't be afraid to speak dude....on the contrary, you should be sharing knowledge with as many people as possible in my opinion.



That said, I would like to share some videos...some you all may have seen or remember, some you may not have seen. Ill put them in the following posts. Interestingly, this has by far been the most difficult post to put up on here...I had to redo this like 5 times and its been loading UNBELIEVABLY slow and the videos kept messing up....

^^^ i was being facetious my dude...i share all the time mainly to people with an open mind. I will not force feed...whatever you want to know, hit me. I amnot going back n forth with immature folks though. some of these clowns on here have never read/comprehend a full 2 to 300 pg book.
BTonNT wrote:

10th cousin once removed??? Like seriously people... not saying I don't believe that Obama is related to Cheney and Bush... but I have yet to see any factual evidence... even if they are in fact related 10th cousin once removed??? Come on... that's a reach...

^^^matter of fact,�D�Cheney even said it himself on the news a while back. come on now please spare me with�your futile debates...know something before youjust start saying no this and no way that, it's silly

Originally Posted by enyceking

say it aint so barack


^^^hey where did you get that pic? yup, it's so and in plain site as you see the pic, sorry. the old satanic horns for ya...they play with us in broaddaylight, what a shame
Originally Posted by AmericanDream

beermann: good looks on that info sir.

to add some fuel to this fire... here's something else to ponder. It just struck me that there is no footage of the Hudson River plane crash in its entirety. In this age of technology I can't believe that only two people got videos, and those two were about the worst quality you can imagine. The first is apparently from a zoo and contains about 15 seconds or so as the plane was flying overhead but doesn't capture any of the descent, while the Coast Guard video is a short, grainy clip of the plane already in the water gliding into the video frame. this may be just coincidence but I've been hearing some things that make me question what really happened.

peep this (link): 'Assassination By Plane Crash' Of Top American Bankers Fails In US


^^^Good catch bro...flock of geese huh, lol
these jokers are ridiculous
Originally Posted by DJ Entendre

Make sure you watch out for them too!!!!


< >
^^^jokes. as with anything, there is the informed and the uninformed. they are obviously uninformed. i GUARANTEE the people who started this orwho run this know the real
It's no secret that all greek letter frats have masonic influences in them. From their hand signs, initiations, and even the strolls.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Someone please explain the connection between insider trading and 9-11... I can't see how the government orchestrated an attack on itself... and for what gain?? What purpose?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods

That video that AmericanDream posted is scary. This is the same stuff that William Cooper forewarned us of in the eighties. I also agree that Olbermann is aliberal Bill O' Reilly. Two heads to the same dragon.
Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Some of you guys take information then take it to the extreme.

What would you say/do if all of this were true and you had the chance to do something, but by the time the government told your the truth (since that'sobviously what it's going to take), it's too late?
sorry to gravedig this but i just watched the Zeitgeist and I am amazed/shocked. it has really opened my eyes to what really is going on in society thesedays...
may 2008 has passed though and US citizens dont need to carry around those cards tho haha
They say pics are worth a thousand words, so i will leave yall with a few thousand words and i am out...
















Originally Posted by enyceking

say it aint so barack

We talk about how much we hate the media for misinforming people, often by taking things out of context,then someone tries to use this picture, which very likely was taken out of context to say Obama is part of some secret society? I'm not in a position tosay whether or not this is infact true, but it's senseless, not to mention irresponsible to get up in arms over one single picture. Do you know where itwas taken? When? Was he perhaps in the midst of waving to someone? Was it Photoshopped? After all this [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]is[/color] commonly known as the sign for "I Love You" here inthe States? Apparently it's also used to curse someone in Italian... ( I don't claim to know this information off the top of my head, I did look itup). All I'm trying to say is don't assume things, don't jump to conclusions unless you have other evidence to back something up. There's alotof great information in this thread, no doubt but you guys that are getting all scared need to go do some research of your own and form your own opinion.Don't be lemmings, blindly and mindlessly letting other people form your opinion for you, after all that's what got us into this situation in the firstplace...

yea Obama is my boy and I don't take kindly to people talkin %@%# about him

PS Oh noeeeeeez John Lennon is one of em too!


^Lennon's hand is facing the opposite. I'm just saying...

But those illustrations were dope
This clip is shocking of how similar he describes 9/11 and the events around it... Because it was originally about WWII...

And the tidbit about movies glorifying war he was talking about around 4:20 of the vid that have happened around 9/11 is crazy too...!

War movies in 2001...
Total (17)

Black Hawk Down
Pearl Harbor
Enemy at the Gates
Behind Enemy Lines
Band of Brothers
No Man's Land

War Movies in the two previous years 99-00 (15)
Three Kings (99)
U-571 (00)
Rules of Engagement (00)

That's 2 more movies in one year compared to the previous two years combined... And look at the quality of titles... I'm sure A LOT of people saw thosein 2001...

I know I might be reading into too much, but I found it pretty crazy...
Originally Posted by buggz05

^Lennon's hand is facing the opposite. I'm just saying...

But those illustrations were dope

yooo them pictures should be on display would make people stop & think for a minute about things
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