*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by enyceking

say it aint so barack

We talk about how much we hate the media for misinforming people, often by taking things out of context, then someone tries to use this picture, which very likely was taken out of context to say Obama is part of some secret society? I'm not in a position to say whether or not this is infact true, but it's senseless, not to mention irresponsible to get up in arms over one single picture. Do you know where it was taken? When? Was he perhaps in the midst of waving to someone? Was it Photoshopped? After all this is commonly known as the sign for "I Love You" here in the States? Apparently it's also used to curse someone in Italian... ( I don't claim to know this information off the top of my head, I did look it up). All I'm trying to say is don't assume things, don't jump to conclusions unless you have other evidence to back something up. There's alot of great information in this thread, no doubt but you guys that are getting all scared need to go do some research of your own and form your own opinion. Don't be lemmings, blindly and mindlessly letting other people form your opinion for you, after all that's what got us into this situation in the first place...

yea Obama is my boy and I don't take kindly to people talkin %@%# about him

PS Oh noeeeeeez John Lennon is one of em too!



^^^yes Lennon is
, nah seriously he is and the whole group along withothers...do some research on the music industry bud...try doing so heavy research on Chubby Checker and them old school cats and the manipulation of music, youwill be amazed.
obama is down with "them boyz" too.... aint no way he jump rank so fast without assistance from "them boyz" sorry but I dont believe it...

its damn near too perfect..

I'll be back with some info later on today
Obama was supposed to win. After the repubs chose Palin as their VP choice it was clear to me.
I watched the movie u posted, Zeitgeist and did I a lil reading on this whole thing IMO some of it sound pretty interesting about the banks, and how ppl areview as slaves to the government and what not. But the Venus project just sound a lil far fetched that was a lil too much for me..and the Jay-z thing is kindof got me tripping...alot those things he promotes and display does have Freemasons thought, beliefs and mentality..even the letter Prodigy wrote in jail has alink to this jay and Kanye thing.
Wait Im serious when I say I cant tell if half of you people are serious. You invest to much faith into people. People cant keep secrets something would haveleaked since 1776. I believe that the government has secrets but nothing "god like" as you make it seem.
Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by enyceking

say it aint so barack


^^^hey where did you get that pic? yup, it's so and in plain site as you see the pic, sorry. the old satanic horns for ya...they play with us in broad daylight, what
I knew it Obamas an Eastside Blood
^^When Nikola Tesla died, the govn't came in and took all his future inventions. Such inventions like a death ray and unlimited energy to every household.

Well I found this doc. that pretty much goes thru all the stuff we are talking about in this thread. Look up "The Arrivals" on google video.

Where's everybody at?

Did the
get u guys.
Wow I just finish watching "the arrivals". Now this project is
. I recommend it to all my conspircy buddies. Its way better than Zeitgeist. It was like 80% review and the other 20% was new to me. It was goodhow they connected everything! This is a masterpiece. So you guys stop recommending Zeitgeitst and watch the arrivals. Trust me. This film goes deep.

Wow, some crazy $$## just happened to me!

I was just watching one of the videos you posted up there, and then my internet stopped working and my speakers had this loud static sound coming out. Scary...
Originally Posted by Beermann2

^^When Nikola Tesla died, the govn't came in and took all his future inventions. Such inventions like a death ray and unlimited energy to every household.

Well I found this doc. that pretty much goes thru all the stuff we are talking about in this thread. Look up "The Arrivals" on google video.

Where's everybody at?

Did the
get u guys.
Wow I just finish watching "the arrivals". Now this project is
. I recommend it to all my conspircy buddies. Its way better than Zeitgeist. It was like 80% review and the other 20% was new to me. It was good how they connected everything! This is a masterpiece. So you guys stop recommending Zeitgeitst and watch the arrivals. Trust me. This film goes deep.


I'm still here homey. I'll definately check out that video tomorrow when I have time. Thanks for the Information.
hahaha. I love reaching pics.
Na. but i found that link. I didn't make it.

Ima go look for hand gesture, signs, etc. maybe it'll come up again.
You guys know movies like Zeitgeist were used in Germany they helped convince alot of germans to kill Jews

And a brief history on conspiracy theorists. Peasants and people who knew very little would create conspiracy theories because they feared the people at thetop. The people at the top would let the theories continue so the people at the bottom would continue to fear them.
Originally Posted by asu334

You guys know movies like Zeitgeist were used in Germany they helped convince alot of germans to kill Jews

And a brief history on conspiracy theorists. Peasants and people who knew very little would create conspiracy theories because they feared the people at the top. The people at the top would let the theories continue so the people at the bottom would continue to fear them.

That's along the same lines as what's being discussed here.
That video posted a few pages back about Freemasonry hijacking Hip-Hop was a complete joke.

Transformers? T-Pain's voice coder? Common and Pharrell's video?
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Second shirt is copped.


They are laughing in our faces ...... his one of them MOds BAN
Whoa @%*% I didn't even notice that, that mf'er got a @#$!#++ Illuminati symbol up and everything.


Anyone also realize what his sig. says
So Michelle's masonic horn sign she is flashing lowkey is a coincidence too huh?
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I'm late, and I probably posted in here already, but its not the government who has us under a spell, its the people who control our government
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