*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by BangDak

i never seen this thread....can someone fill me in?
i dont got time to read 30 pages...

Reading all 30 pages is probably the best thing you can do. You'll have so many questions that will probably be answered in the 30 pages.
Actually you'll probably lose 30 minutes of your life that you can never get back.

Tell me this, why are you so bent on opposing this thread? Trying to stay in context your your username, ey?
I dont even know why I bother responding to these type...
lol I guess so, You cant deny that stuff Leo Zagami knows my man said Obama was going to be the next president even before he beat out Hillary..........The guyeither is the biggest liar in history or knows way too much for his own good, he has documentation/pictures of so many things he talks about and the people heknows list longer then Ben Ballers a-list friends lol......if anything it really makes you think
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Why would you put out a shirt to make people "wonder and speculate" most wouldnt even question that shirt or know what it means...........He has never said he was not a Mason and will NOT talk about it in interviews I know that for a fact.........and relevant on NT does not mean that his clothing line or the shirts dont sell well regardless of these shirt designs

"wonder and speculate" = more attention for the brand = potentially more sales

rocafella appeals to the same demographic that the members of the nt fall under, so the more relevant it is on here, the more it will probably sell. just aguess, i dont know the facts and figures
Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Why would you put out a shirt to make people "wonder and speculate" most wouldnt even question that shirt or know what it means...........He has never said he was not a Mason and will NOT talk about it in interviews I know that for a fact.........and relevant on NT does not mean that his clothing line or the shirts dont sell well regardless of these shirt designs

"wonder and speculate" = more attention for the brand = potentially more sales

rocafella appeals to the same demographic that the members of the nt fall under, so the more relevant it is on here, the more it will probably sell. just a guess, i dont know the facts and figures

It's not a whole line its 3 shirts.......I could understand if it was a whole line with the stuff but 3 $30.00 t-shirts? the brand does not need moreattention to get more sales......do you know how much Jay-Z has made off his line? and nothing before this has had Mason stuff on it.......It has nothing to dowith getting attention to get sales off 3 t-shirts......or even the overall brand
bottom line is that controversy sells, and in a recession sales across the board get hurt, so you have to distinguish yourself from the rest of thecompetition. you cant keep selling the same stuff and expect to increase sales. imo its all business

besides what does jay z gain from this aside from $$$
This is a nice thread, ive gone through all 32 pages and read some cool stuff.

With regards to the shirts, its in their protocol that once their agenda is complete they will be a lot more evident, blatant and open about the so calledsecret society. The fact that all this is becoming so accesible is that they have completed whatever it was they wanted to do. What that is exactly, im notquite sure. But i do know they have done a lot, just look at all the people in here saying its just a shirt, and all the symbols that exist are justcoincidents. Its become normal to just live the present moment. There is no longer a reason to believe in anything, all that you are required to do as a modernday human is NOT THINK. The modern day human has become so efficient that we no longer have time to make our thoughts.

One thing to add I must say that no where in the Bible or in paintings has there been a true depection of Jesus. Now that should give you some insight into allthe pictures you see and your current image of Jesus. If the whole Christian faith as well as other millions of people have been led to believe that Jesuslooks like that, how easy would it be to be manipulated by other imagery we see every single day through out our lives?

In the religious topic... There could be a lot of controversy as well as bias with regards to this topic. As a muslim its extremely hard for me to discussreligious topics with out completely basing it on my beliefs and my religion. The idea that christianity is based on ancient Egyptian relgions is ridiculous (Iam also Egyptian and have studied ancient egypt a lot) Christianity may have been manipulated by many people including the pagans (vatican) to become somethingway more than what it really stood for. All the crosses, the paintings of jesus, all these things are not really part of the relgion... With Islam there is nota single picture of Mohammed the prophet, nor is there a picture of jesus, moses, or any other prophet. There is no direct symbol correlated with the religion.And i think thats the way Christianity was as well, how ever it has strayed away.
OnTheNephs: I totally agree with everything you said. I am a Christian and I honestly believe all the crosses, paintings, and etc. are man made ideas that havebeen intergrated into Christianity... but as a Christian I know that a true portrait of Jesus doesn't matter. Its jesus in spirit that is really important.A blonde hair blued Jesus? I think not...
But that's not fair to say "Christian" 95% of the painting either came from the Catholic Church and the Vatican or The Mormons.......The mostwidely seen "picture" of Jesus is the Mormon painting of him......I dont understand why "Christian" gets lumped with them........ill stopnow lol
well... mormons catholics and all other sectors of Christianity would all fall under Christians.. Regardless of what sector it may have gotten done by, itsstill some serious manipulation...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

enyceking wrote:

say it aint so barack

Isn't that "their" hand signal? I've seen that alot.

ALL of the world leaders do this hand symbol. those are the horns of the devil. it is a public display of their loyalty to satan and the cause. as crazy as itmight sound it is def. real. why do u think they ALL do this??
^^^how stupid does this guy look now that it's months later and we now know "the amero crap" is really on the verge of becoming reality?

How is the Amero on the verge of becoming a reality? Do you have any articles at all proving this that are from reputable sources or are you just pullingthings from the air?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


If I have given misinformation anywhere in this thread, I appologise, and the only thing I hope to accomplish out of this is awareness and the truth for myselfand everyone else.
ATLien: break this one down and see how it fits into your theories:

i apologize if im late on this, but i just came across it last week, and theres a lot of good info in here.
if anyone doubts the info in this video, check it for yourself.
yes it is One hour and Fifty somethin minutes. but it opened up my eyes to a lot of things that i had speculated on in the past.
if u want a quick overview of whats going on go to 0:57:00-1:00:00
the ending had me like��

just watch, n dont judge before you do.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

^^^how stupid does this guy look now that it's months later and we now know "the amero crap" is really on the verge of becoming reality?

How is the Amero on the verge of becoming a reality? Do you have any articles at all proving this that are from reputable sources or are you just pulling
things from the air?

well, it's obviously not in the mainstream media much if at all, but the info is definitely out there for those who seek it. based on your post, it isovbious that u are also oblivious as to what the north american treaty is and what it entails.

also, define "reputable" for me please. i mean, cause some ppl actually think fox news, for instance, is a "reputable" source when it isactually not. the answer to the question of what is reputable will differ depending on who u ask, understand??

that being said, what u have to do is get information from as many sources as possible, then u have to try to sift thru the misinformation and legitinformation to try to piece together the overall puzzle. like i said, i've been studying this for a while, but by no means do i consider myself a scholaron the subject or anything.

i do know that i have more knowledge than the average on these topics in particular, but in the grand scheme of things, there is still A LOT that i have tolearn. there is still A LOT or research and stufying to be done. so to answer ur question, no i don't just pull any of this out of the air.

i guess, the part that i really don't understand is many ppl's inability to think for themselves. many ppl are told what to think. take christmas forexample. it was passed down as tradition, but who has really taken the time to investigate the origin of what they're actually celebrating?? the truemeaning of this so called holiday. sadly, not many. i know my parents didn't. ppl just get caught up in the giving and receiving of gifts, decoratingchristmas trees, all-the-while not having a clue of what exactly it is they are partaking in. the origin of the hanging of the ornaments from the tree and soforth. it all has meaning that is very evil to say the least.

i just thru that in there to drive home the point of ppl simply accepting what's given to them without having a clue of what it is they're accepting.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


If I have given misinformation anywhere in this thread, I appologise, and the only thing I hope to accomplish out of this is awareness and the truth for myself and everyone else.
I was just joking dude
Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

why would america want to align themselves with mexicos economy through the amero?

Same reason the U.S. just gave Mexico $700 million to help control the drug wars, its in the U.S.'s best interest.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

^^^how stupid does this guy look now that it's months later and we now know "the amero crap" is really on the verge of becoming reality?

How is the Amero on the verge of becoming a reality? Do you have any articles at all proving this that are from reputable sources or are you just pulling
things from the air?

well, it's obviously not in the mainstream media much if at all, but the info is definitely out there for those who seek it. based on your post, it is ovbious that u are also oblivious as to what the north american treaty is and what it entails.

also, define "reputable" for me please. i mean, cause some ppl actually think fox news, for instance, is a "reputable" source when it is actually not. the answer to the question of what is reputable will differ depending on who u ask, understand??

that being said, what u have to do is get information from as many sources as possible, then u have to try to sift thru the misinformation and legit information to try to piece together the overall puzzle. like i said, i've been studying this for a while, but by no means do i consider myself a scholar on the subject or anything.

i do know that i have more knowledge than the average on these topics in particular, but in the grand scheme of things, there is still A LOT that i have to learn. there is still A LOT or research and stufying to be done. so to answer ur question, no i don't just pull any of this out of the air.

i guess, the part that i really don't understand is many ppl's inability to think for themselves. many ppl are told what to think. take christmas for example. it was passed down as tradition, but who has really taken the time to investigate the origin of what they're actually celebrating?? the true meaning of this so called holiday. sadly, not many. i know my parents didn't. ppl just get caught up in the giving and receiving of gifts, decorating christmas trees, all-the-while not having a clue of what exactly it is they are partaking in. the origin of the hanging of the ornaments from the tree and so forth. it all has meaning that is very evil to say the least.

i just thru that in there to drive home the point of ppl simply accepting what's given to them without having a clue of what it is they're accepting.

Well do you have proof of this North American Treaty?

Sadly, Fox News is more reputable than Alex Jones.

You need to get information from as many trustworthy sources aspossible. Where do you get the majority of your information if the mainstream media is corrupt.

Again, where did you get this true, evil meaning of Christmas?

How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

why would america want to align themselves with mexicos economy through the amero?

Same reason the U.S. just gave Mexico $700 million to help control the drug wars, its in the U.S.'s best interest.
How would aligning ourselves with an economy that is far weaker than ours be beneficial to us.
CallHimAR wrote:

Well do you have proof of this North American Treaty?

Sadly, Fox News is more reputable than Alex Jones.

You need to get information from as many trustworthy sources as possible. Where do you get the majority of your information if the mainstream media is corrupt.

Again, where did you get this true, evil meaning of Christmas?

How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.
Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

why would america want to align themselves with mexicos economy through the amero?

Same reason the U.S. just gave Mexico $700 million to help control the drug wars, its in the U.S.'s best interest.
How would aligning ourselves with an economy that is far weaker than ours be beneficial to us.

Your first set of questions wasnt directed at me, but im gonna try to answer them...
Unfortunately, I don't know who is providing REAL information anymore.
All i know is that there is facts that can be double checked, and proved to be true OR false.
It is these facts that can be used in support of certain "theories" being presented here.

As for the "christmas being evil" thing. im not so sure.
although there are reasons why christians celebrate the birth of christ in December, as opposed to the now (believed to be known) actual birth date of christ,which was in spring.
from what ive read, when christianity (not known by that name at the time) was introduced, pegean beliefs were still very popular amongst the people.
when the church was using the roman empire to spread the christian word, it bumped back the celebration of the birth their new Idol, to around the same time asto the one being held by peagans at the time. thus making it easier for them to transition to the new ideology without completely changing their old customs.(by still having a celebration at the same time of year)

this in a way happened also in Mesoamerica, when the Spanish arrived. The Virgen de Guadalupe (a very popular idol in the catholic religion) appeared to aNative Indian on a hill upon which a previous great Aztec goddess used to be worshipped, and spoke to him in his own language (Nahuatl). This event facilitatedthe conquering of the Aztec people because they just went from worshipping one goddess to what they believed to be, the same one taking a different form.

(It's just ways of how things happen to take place.)

As far as the U.S. Mexico question is concerned.
Your looking at it the wrong way. The U.S. doesnt want to align itself with ANY economy. The U.S. doesnt want to beequal to ANYONE.
The real infrastructure running the U.S. wants to have as much capital under its control as possible.
At first (now this is just my speculation) i believe the U.S. is going to try to make this seem like its a good idea, and neccessary for the american people.
Then, it will more than likely keep this idea going of, we need to help our neighbors to the south. Since the U.S. already believes itself to be the worldssavior.
Then next thing you know, with a little chaos and fear mongering, and just as quickly as the Patriot Act was passed, this too will come to happen.
If the people don't open up their eyes.
Originally Posted by YaAintReady

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

why would america want to align themselves with mexicos economy through the amero?

Same reason the U.S. just gave Mexico $700 million to help control the drug wars, its in the U.S.'s best interest.

dont know how that ties in to our best interests if the country we will be uniting with is exposed to systemic economic and internal problems

we gave them 700 million and thats a good thing?
As for the "christmas being evil" thing. im not so sure.
although there are reasons why christians celebrate the birth of christ in December, as opposed to the now (believed to be known) actual birth date of christ, which was in spring.
from what ive read, when christianity (not known by that name at the time) was introduced, pegean beliefs were still very popular amongst the people.
when the church was using the roman empire to spread the christian word, it bumped back the celebration of the birth their new Idol, to around the same time as to the one being held by peagans at the time. thus making it easier for them to transition to the new ideology without completely changing their old customs. (by still having a celebration at the same time of year)
That's what I've come to believe, and I don't see anything evil in there.

Also, everything you said about the aligning of the currencies is complete speculation. There really is NO proof. At all. It's all coming from your head.

Just wondering, how old are you and what level of education do you have as well? If you don't mind me asking.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

As for the "christmas being evil" thing. im not so sure.
although there are reasons why christians celebrate the birth of christ in December, as opposed to the now (believed to be known) actual birth date of christ, which was in spring.
from what ive read, when christianity (not known by that name at the time) was introduced, pegean beliefs were still very popular amongst the people.
when the church was using the roman empire to spread the christian word, it bumped back the celebration of the birth their new Idol, to around the same time as to the one being held by peagans at the time. thus making it easier for them to transition to the new ideology without completely changing their old customs. (by still having a celebration at the same time of year)
That's what I've come to believe, and I don't see anything evil in there.

Also, everything you said about the aligning of the currencies is complete speculation. There really is NO proof. At all. It's all coming from your head.

Just wondering, how old are you and what level of education do you have as well? If you don't mind me asking.

CuriousGeorg3: The President himself said it was necessary for the security of the the country. It's going to mainly be used to purchasehelicopters and beef up security on the MExico side of the border. If you dont believe THAT. Go check for yourself.
FYI: the $700 million will more than likely end up in the hands of the drug cartels, seeing as how many officials down there are corrupt and got many peoplewith their hands in the officials pockets.

I can see where the christmas thing can be called evil though, because it was a way of justifying someone else's beliefs by removing something that was intheir minds "wrong".
But now were getting off topic.

And if you happen to listen to political analysts from around the World, not just from one's here in the world, most of them are in agreement thatMexico's govt is in great trouble.
Not only has it not evolved into a complete democracy (Something a revolutionary in our time was already fighting for by the name of Subcommandante Marcos,Circa- mid90's), but its never really been stable or Just. Many PRESIDENTS in Mexico were outted as corrupt officials. So it shouldnt be news to anyonethat Mexico itself is on the verge of a revolution, when it will take place and if the U.S. will play a roll in it, that is yet to be determined.

I'm College Educated, but I read books to learn, not because it's assigned. As Everyone Should! *Word to "Higher Learning"*
Eh, that still doesn't make it evil per say. Was it wrong? Yes, not evil though.

I agree with your comments on Mexico, they are having a great deal of trouble dealing with everything that is going on there and it is possible that arevolution will come. I doubt that we will have anything to do with it though.

I didn't mean to sound condescending when I asked those questions, I was just interested. You sound a lot more reasonable than some of the other people whobelieve in all the conspiracy theories though.

I think (I hope) most of those who are college educated take some time out to study things that interest them in particular, I know I do.
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