*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*


Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Eh, that still doesn't make it evil per say. Was it wrong? Yes, not evil though.

I agree with your comments on Mexico, they are having a great deal of trouble dealing with everything that is going on there and it is possible that a revolution will come. I doubt that we will have anything to do with it though.

I didn't mean to sound condescending when I asked those questions, I was just interested. You sound a lot more reasonable than some of the other people who believe in all the conspiracy theories though.

I think (I hope) most of those who are college educated take some time out to study things that interest them in particular, I know I do.
I just wanted to elaborate on what dude might be talkin about in his "Christmas is Evil" statement. i dont really know what he was tryinto say there.

As for the North American Union taking effect. I really hope it does not.
I was born in Mexico, and speaking for myself as a Mexican, I wouldnt want anything to do with "joining" theU.S. on this Idea or many others they have.
I doubt many in here would disagree with me when I say that the U.S. isnt liked very well Worldwide. (exceptin Britain now, where Obama has gained popularity and several other European countries). There must be a good reason for this, and someone somewhere must havesolid proof, for why the U.S. is seen as "evil" around the world.

Now im not saying EYE (
) have the proof for this Union taking place,but if someone out there is considering it, the idea must come from someone very high up on the pyramid.
This "pyramid" of power must be bigger than just the U.S. government if it can juggle the future of Countriesat will.
This "pyramid" is what I don't doubt to exist and also what I wouldn't want Mexico to be a part of.
This being said, I Do agree with the OP and the Citizens of the WORLD, not just the U.S. must wake up, enlighten themselves, and realize whats really going on.

Does anyone else notice, Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" being prevelant in what is being presented here?

I doubt many in here would disagree with me when I say that the U.S. isnt liked very well Worldwide. (except in Britain now, where Obama has gained popularity and several other European countries). There must be a good reason for this, and someone somewhere must have solid proof, for why the U.S. is seen as "evil" around the world.
It depends on what region you are talking about but the reason for the United States not being well liked around the world is as clear as day.

If you are talking about our problems in the Middle East then it deals with a number of issue. One being our constant, undying support for Israel, a state whohas committed many war crimes with weapons that we provided them with. Also, our inaction in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace process, and when we do take somesort of action it favors Israel heavily.

The second thing causing the problems over there is how we are seen as Imperialist. The Middle East has a rich, fairly recent memory of imperialist nationsmassacring hundreds of thousands in their countries. They see the United States invading Iraq, and Afghanistan under the same flag that these imperialistnations once used barely a century ago, and they get suspicious.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I doubt many in here would disagree with me when I say that the U.S. isnt liked very well Worldwide. (except in Britain now, where Obama has gained popularity and several other European countries). There must be a good reason for this, and someone somewhere must have solid proof, for why the U.S. is seen as "evil" around the world.
It depends on what region you are talking about but the reason for the United States not being well liked around the world is as clear as day.

If you are talking about our problems in the Middle East then it deals with a number of issue. One being our constant, undying support for Israel, a state who has committed many war crimes with weapons that we provided them with. Also, our inaction in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace process, and when we do take some sort of action it favors Israel heavily.

The second thing causing the problems over there is how we are seen as Imperialist. The Middle East has a rich, fairly recent memory of imperialist nations massacring hundreds of thousands in their countries. They see the United States invading Iraq, and Afghanistan under the same flag that these imperialist nations once used barely a century ago, and they get suspicious.

That's all fact and very good information, but your concentrating on the wrong thing.
I used that statement to support my bigger point of this "pyramid" that exists.
Nonetheless, I'll address your statement.

Yes, the U.S. has its hands where they don't belong.
Yes, the U.S. tries to be the "World's Police".
Yet, what your not looking at is the bigger picture.
You ever ask yourself, "Why does the U.S. feel the need to have an influence and say in EVERYONE'S way oflife??!"

If there was ever a country, that felt as entitled to have their views pushed onto everyone else, as much as the U.S., it was Germany in the 40's and howright they believed to have their views be accepted by everyone.

Now, dont get my words twisted. Im simply comparing the U.S.'s ability to think its right in whatever it does, to how Germany felt they were right. That isall.

but if you stop and think if these views really express those of the American people, then you will notice a trend in divide between public opinion and U.S.policy on the world (and Domestic affairs as well, which is why the bailout wasnt supported by the American People late last year, yet it was still passed.).

All im trying to say is that the U.S.government does what a higher power wants it to do, not what the American people want it to.


Such blatant disregard for a countries citizens! and this is suppose to be a democracy? this saddens and angers me.

How can all ya ignore this like the proof isnt there?

Originally Posted by YaAintReady



Such blatant disregard for a countries citizens! and this is suppose to be a democracy? this saddens and angers me.

How can all ya ignore this like the proof isnt there?

Because the "proof" is a rumor of a rumor that someone heard from someone else who heard it from some guy who has a friend who has afamily member who has a friend who know someone that's "on the inside"
So getting the information from a government made website is hearing it from "someone"?

check that vid posted up there. would you call THAT speculation?
Originally Posted by YaAintReady

So getting the information from a government made website is hearing it from "someone"?

check that vid posted up there. would you call THAT speculation?
So, wait, you were complaining about the video? What the hell was wrong with the video?
nothing is wrong with the video. that video is pure info that can be backed up by an official source.

all im sayin is, how can people ignore that?
Originally Posted by YaAintReady

nothing is wrong with the video. that video is pure info that can be backed up by an official source.

all im sayin is, how can people ignore that?
Is there something in that video that I should be upset about?
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by YaAintReady

nothing is wrong with the video. that video is pure info that can be backed up by an official source.

all im sayin is, how can people ignore that?
Is there something in that video that I should be upset about?
ur not upset at the fact, that ur living in a country with a democratic system of government, in which voted officials do what they want, withouttaking into consideration the people they are meant to represent?

decisions are being made for you, when you are the one thats suppose to be able to say no to anything you disagree with.

this North American Union is being brought about without the American people having knowledge of it.

thats what that video says. this doesnt bug u?
Originally Posted by YaAintReady

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by YaAintReady

nothing is wrong with the video. that video is pure info that can be backed up by an official source.

all im sayin is, how can people ignore that?
Is there something in that video that I should be upset about?
ur not upset at the fact, that ur living in a country with a democratic system of government, in which voted officials do what they want, without taking into consideration the people they are meant to represent?

decisions are being made for you, when you are the one thats suppose to be able to say no to anything you disagree with.

this North American Union is being brought about without the American people having knowledge of it.

thats what that video says. this doesnt bug u?
Sounds like the normal operations to me.
if u believe that, then u my good man, is exactly who needs to read this thread.

(Word to the title of this thread)

Wake up.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by RKO2004

enyceking wrote:

say it aint so barack

Isn't that "their" hand signal? I've seen that alot.

ALL of the world leaders do this hand symbol. those are the horns of the devil. it is a public display of their loyalty to satan and the cause. as crazy as it might sound it is def. real. why do u think they ALL do this??
Figures. You know what sucks? The fact that we argue and fight all the time on here over which one of us is right. Its been said before andI'll repeat it. More connects us then separates is us. We are on the the same tree, just different branches. If we can stop the bickering and arguing thenwe can get somewhere.
Originally Posted by YaAintReady

if u believe that, then u my good man, is exactly who needs to read this thread.

(Word to the title of this thread)

Wake up.
I did, and it basically made me lose faith in humanity. The things people will believe
I got this from another site. Its a interesting read. check it out.
Understand the language to defeat New World Order.

Solomon as many know was considered a very wise man, and if one reads 1 Kings it appears that he also was quite the architect, building a palace for himself and of course a temple.
"And Solomon built his own house in thirteen years, and brought it to perfection." (1 Kings 7:1)
Interesting that it took thirteen years as thirteen is the number of Jewish tribes, "Reuben", "Simeon", "Levi", "Judah", "Zebulun", "Isschar", "Dan", "Gad", "Asher", "Nephatali", Joseph's sons "Ephraim" and "Manasseh" (Joshua 17:17), and "Benjamin", kind of like the Jewish calendar - which is lunar based, with twelve months, and thirteen in leap years; thirteen is also the number representing the apostles with Christ included, the number of States when the union was formed and thirteen is the number of points it takes to make a Star of David, (one in the center where there is no err).
The Star of David (so called) has six outer points, six small triangles and six inner sides, a curious reflection of the number 666, a number which is also found in 1 Kings.
1 King 10:14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,
1 Kings 10:14 is the first occurrence of the number 666 in the Bible. A special significance is given to the first use of a word or symbol in the bible, and that significance is carried throughout the entire Bible. Many scholars have attempted to link 666 to Solomon or the Queen of Sheba but the plain fact is that the direct context of 666 in this verse is gold, six hundred threescore and six talents of gold to be exact.

Now any student of history can tell you that the numbers 13 or 666 do not have their origins from the bible. A simple observation of nature and the cycle of the moon gives us the number 13.
As for the number 666, it's origin dates well before the writing of the books of the bible, for it was used by the Babylonians to represent the sun in connection with their 37 gods.
The number 666 was also prominent in Egyptian sorcery (for which the Israelites spent many years as slaves) and the Romans also adopted 666 and worship of the sun most probably from the Babylonians. But I am sure the Chinese would probably argue that the origin of 666 is well to the east.

Many people associate numerology with the practice of "black magic or darksided witchcraft, witches who want to control all knowledge of nature" and that is true, but numbers also many times were used by military men of the past as a means of conveying a messege via code, in fact by giving meaning to numbers communication was much easier than communicating via languages.
There is also evidence that Christians used numbers for codes to excape persecution by the Romans, but the problem with using numbers is that it is necessary to have a consistent code and not allow it to be discovered or perverted.
Constantine, who was a military conqueror, was the Roman authority who assisted in effort for the making of the bible. It was during his reign that the books of the bible were chosen although many were burned or lost. At the time of Constantine Christianity was growing in popularity even when there were no bibles, and as Christianity of that time did not recognize earthly governments the Roman State saw it as a threat.
As for Constantine he was a Roman and a worshipper of the sun, this is apparent from much of the architecture of his time including the inscription on Roman coins with the phrase Solis Invictus (Invincible Sun). Constantine needed a way to control the Christians to dominate the region and at the same time appease those who wanted to maintain the Roman religion.

The point for which I will try to make is that the bible became the law (Latin Codex) for the Roman Empire under Constantine, the bible had codes associated with it, and many of the codes were developed by sorcerors of Constatine's day with the use of numerology. Therefore those familiar with the craft of numerology could continue to practice their religion under the guise of Christianity, perverting it's true messege. What I write is not to discredit the messege of the books within the bible, since the Christian messege continues to ring out from the bible, but to discredit the Church/State that benefited from the bible, a book of which they turned into a talisman of worship, to dominate the people, kill in the name of Christianity to bring about a New World Order.
I would venture to say that numbers probably were an easy way to communicate in simpler times, especially for builders, and for this reason many stories became associated with them. Numbers were especially practical for military of the past and continues until today as the military continues to use numbers as codes. Kind of like James Bond 007.

As many people are not aware, the first bibles contained 46 books to form the old testament and 27 to form the new testament for a total of 73 books.
The number 46, innocent enough, could be a code, how? Well for one thing, when 4 is divided by 6 it equals .666 the same number discribing Solomon's gold. (The same is true for number 23 and 69)
Gold is not evil, but as with any tool, it can be used by men for evil.
James 5:3 "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days."
The number 27 could have many meanings. In respect to the moon it takes 27.32 days for it to rotate around the earth based on the sidereal cycle. Since there are 365.25 days in a year, this means the moon rotates around the earth 13.369 times per year. But how the number 27 is used in the code is rather simple as what I see is that 2 plus 7 equals 9 and the number 9 has an interesting function as part of a code which I will explain later.
The number 73 is interesting in that it adds up to 10, for which 10 is a triangular and pyramidal number, but 73 is a way of communicating the number 777. Three sevens meant for the Babylonians their most powerful and 37th god as it was superior to all other 36 gods and controlled them. For this reason it represents a lucky number.

The number 37 is first mentioned in 2 Samuel 23:39 as the number of David's valiant men including David, thirty and seven in all. (As KIng and ruler David controlled the 36 valiant men.
In the bible 777 appears 1 time and is mentioned as the age of Lamech the father of Noah. Lamech is a word for which letters can be arranged to communicate the name Malech, Molech or Moloch, the sun god of the Canaanites, sometimes associated with the Sumerian sun god Baal.
History suggests that Babylonian priests went to Egypt, where they taught their religious practices to the Egyptians. The Egyptians readily picked up these Babylonian religious concepts and further extended and developed some of the ideas that are in astrology. They also picked up the idea of 37 supreme gods from the Babylonians. The Egyptians saw the numbers 3, 6, and 7 as having magical properties, and that was one reason they liked the idea of 37 supreme gods (it had both 3 and 7 in it). By adding up the numbers 1 to 36, they could reach the magical 666. Also, they could multiply 37 by 3 or any multiple of it, and reach magical numbers such as 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666 (the product of 3 x 6 x 37), 777, 888, and so on. (The year 2009 celebrates 222 years of the Constitution, with the 111th congress and 44th president in office).
777 continues to be a magical lucky number even in our modern culture and surprisingly for many Christians as well.

The bible was assembled in the 4th century under the authority of Constantine, but one thing to remember is that it wasn't until the 16th and 17th centuries that bibles became available to laymen. Until bibles became available to the public only priests would have had access to a bible. The purpose of a priest was to control a congregation and bring them into the Church and the purpose of the Church was to serve the interests of the State.

One of the most popular bibles of our modern day, in English, is the King James Version of the bible published in 1608. It contains 66 books, 39 old testament and 27 new testament books. It was translated from Hebrew and the old Greek Septuagint bible. It is at this time that I believe a more elaborate code was developed, possibly to expose the acts of the Church/State.
At the time that modern English was developed, an alphabet was adopted which we continue to use until today. It is here that something interesting occurs when the alphabet is combined with the number nine.
"Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.* His number is 666.*" Revelation 13:18
The alphabet has 26 letters, a code for the two 6s which reflects the 66 books for which the code should be applied. (One thing to remember is that the English language added most of the words we use today, most all did not exist in English prior to the translation of the bible into the young modern English.)
If one takes each letter ABC... and applies a value to each one A=1, B=2, C=3... and multiply each by 9 then an alphabet of code developes when words and their values are added up.

For example,
DCLXVI which is the Roman numeral for 666
D = 4 X 9 = 36
C = 3 x 9 = 27
L = 12 x 9 = 108
X = 24 x 9 = 216
V = 22 x 9 = 198
I = 9 x 9 = 81

Add up all the letter's positions in the alphabet and we get 74 x 9 = 666.
This demonstrates that the code connects Rome with England for which England shares a major part of Roman history.
Domitianus Caesar Legatos Xti Violenter Interfecit, or "The Emperor Domitian violently killed the envoys of Christ."
But what are some other words that may be of interest.
Well how about the Latin word for gold? In the bible "gold" was identified with the number 666, so if this code is to be considered valid then it should have some connection to gold.
Aurum is the Latin word for gold.
A=1 x 9 = 9
U= 21 x 9 = 189
R= 18 x 9 = 162
U= 21 x 9 = 189
M= 13 x 9 = 117
74 times 9 = 666 the Latin word for gold does add up to 666; 74 by the way is twice 37, the babylonian superior god.
This was the beginning of the code and slowly as modern English developed a list of words began to form, words of interest that add up to 666 in English.

Let's start with the capital of England founded by the Romans. Londinium was established as a town by the Romans after the invasion of CE 43 led by the Roman Emperor Claudius. The name was changed to London to abide with the code.
London = 666
The word "English" was also invented at the time of the code.
English = 666

But what importance should the English have to develop such a code? It could be because York was where Constantine I first became Emperor in 306 AD and with the authority of the throne of England, who got it's authority from the Catholic Church, a new language would be easy. Who knows? Besides in those days royalty did not speak old English what they considered a language of pigs, but were schooled in Latin or French.
It seems a little too involved to be a childish prank, but in any case I will try to be objective and leave it to the individual to do further study as I continue to present the code.
It is good to keep in mind that many words will randomly add up to a certain number just by chance. (Of all the major languages in the world only the words English and Mandarin add up to 666, and for the Chinese 666 is lucky.)
Mandarin = 666
I believe the words and spellings of many words were specifically changed and/or chosen to be included into the English language.
Hexagon = 666 A hexagon is constructible with compass and straightedge as Euclid the Father of Geometry demonstrated.
euclidean = 666
What about words specific to the bible or religion that add up to 666?
Here is a small list.
Jewish = 666
Joshua = 666
Muhammad = 666
Does that mean that Christianity is excluded?
gospel = 666
cross = 666
parables= 666
Messiah = 666
Those are pretty important words in Christianity, but not as important as;
Jesus = 666
Let me point out that in the first King James bible , the name of Christ was IESU, a four letter word, changed to Jesus, a five letter word, 5 of course in "witchcraft" has a specific meaning. The question that arises is if those who changed the name of Christ from Iesu to Jesus were doing so to fulfill their beliefs or warn of what the Church/State had done by perverting the messege of Christ.
By changing the name to Jesus so that it equaled 666 supports the claim by gnostics that Jesus was Lucifer;
Lucifer = 666
And the code does include words associated with Lucifer such as;
abominable = 666
occult = 666
horns= 666
unbelief = 666
ruler = 666
fiendish = 666
clubfeet = 666
beauty = 666
And of course in my opinion, last but not least that he is full of baloney.
baloney = 666
It's always good to be careful of what you eat, especially forbidden fruit.
Fruit = 666
But culture has a tendency to pervert everything.
What are some things that the code suggests that we question or beware?
Papism = 666
The latin name of the Pope is
Benedictus P.P. XVI
D C ( ? ) XVI
Has he been nazified by zionists?
Nazified = 666
From what origin could the code possibly come from?
Masonic = 666
True Christians have to be careful because British Masons look to the Queen of England as the grand patron of Masons and are possibly agents of the Church/State.
Also Masons are known to be widow's sons;
widow = 666
One symbol of masonry is;
Obelus = 666
Obelus is another name for obelisk, a pointed pillar like that of the Washington monument, a symbol for sun worshipping.
I know it sounds a little phallical;
phallical = 666
and I don't want to make any false claim against Masons, since my studies have found that there are both dark and light sides to the Masonic tradition, black and white, kind of like good witches and bad witches, which is a little curious. Besides I wouldn't want Masons to risk getting their throat cut or heart torn out if they were to spill their guts. But who knows, eventually it will all be common knowledge.
Curious that 33, a prized Masonic number, is the exact number of centimeters in 13 inches.

In any case my advice is to be cautious of anyone who uses the bible for gaining riches.
preacher = 666
To continue there is one thing that I should point out, and that is the difference in the number of books from 73 books down to 66 books. There are 7 missing books. So what could 66 mean other than 2 X 33? (Curious that 2009 celebrates 233 years of American Independence, and by the way the year 7-4-1776, by design can be divided by 37 producing the number 20048, which could be interpreted to mean 2004+8=2012).)
One possibility is that 66 could refer to a bible verse found in the book of Daniel which also points to gold.
Daniel 3:1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore (60) cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.
Babylon of course is located in Iraq. Wonder what they are building over there? Hope it isn't nuclear.
nuclear = 666
Are they under Martial Law?
Martial = 666
The New Testament also contains a verse that hints at the Mark of the Beast's close relationship to gold. Acts is the only other book that uses the word charagma, the same Greek word translated as mark in Revelation. It is only used once, translated as "graven," and like 1 Kings is used in the same context as gold.
This is something interesting to watch as there is a crisis in the markets and gold may shortly return as a hegemonious standard for money and the European Community, but even if gold doesn't physically return as a standard, the mark is there.
If you take a look at any Euro coin there's a distinct 666 on the back, blazened right across Europe. It's also very interesting that the Greek two Euro coin depicts a woman riding a beast (Revelation 17:3). There's no doubt that the Euro will continue to grow stronger monetarily and may very well play a supporting role for the Mark of the Beast.
Fabianism = 666
In respect to the number 39 of the 39 books in the King James old testament, as part of the code that is simply a way to communicate three 9s, (999)
999 is nothing more than English "witchery" at work.
w 23 x 9 = 207
i 9 x 9 = 81
t 20 x 9 = 180
c 3 x 9 = 27
h 8 x 9 = 72
e 5 x 9 = 45
r 18 x 9 = 162
y 25 x 9 = 225
111 times 9 = 999
witchery = 999
And witchery comes from the practice of witchcraft.
witchcraft = 999
And those who use witchcraft tend to use bibliographic sorceries of pentagons to do their governing by hierarchism.
bibliographic = 999
sorceries = 999
pentagons = 999
governing = 999
hierarchism = 999
I did check and all the words were in my Webster's dictionary.
Websters = 999
Let me not forget to mention that 111 is trinomial.
trinomial = 999
111 is the product of 3 X 37.
Could all this be linked to the Vatican as all Roads lead back to Rome?
vaticanism = 999
Vaticanism sounds a little like mafia involvement, which brings to mind the mobsters from the film "The Godfather".
Mobsters = 999
Although instead of the Godfather keep an eye on the Godson.
Godson (Prince) = 666
The Vatican is famous for it's architecture, which is a marvelous example of crafty bricklaying, obelisk and all.
Bricklaying = 999
Forget ye not that the Pope hails from Deutschland.
Deutschland = 999
Speaking of Catholics, Sen. Edward Kennedy, recieved Knighthood on the 4th of March, 2009. In direct conflict with the Constitution.
Knighthood = 999
But it is to be expected since he is a Senator.
Senators = 999
They are the ones that legalise issues.
Legalised = 666
Legally = 666
Then again Reagan also recieved Knighthood on June 14, 1989 and he happens to have 6 letters in each of his three names, Ronald Wilson Reagan.
George H. W. Bush former Director of Central Intelligence and ex-president has an honorary Knighthood (Knight Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath) which was awarded in 1993.
And Alan Greenspan recieved Knighthood in September 2002; wonder what that was for?
As Knights they may feel like Lionhearted swordmen.
Lionhearted = 999
Swordmen = 999
Sound more like he socialises like a bourgeois sloth.
Socialises = 999
Bourgeois = 999
Sloth = 666
Don't worry, I'm sure they are patriotic.
Patriotic = 999
Man I feel like I've been hoodwinked by a bunch of outlaws.
Hoodman-blind = 999
Outlaws = 999
I know it sounds a little bit like Harry Potter of the Hogwarts and wych-hazel.
Hogwarts = 999
wych-hazel = 999 (Popularly known as witch-hazel)
You'll be enchanted.
Enchanted = 666
I do hope that this is all make believe like Bigfoot, Supermen, Santa Claus and his reigndeer vixen.
Bigfoot = 666
Supermen = 999
Santa Claus = 999
vixen = 666
But I guess all is well as long as we have enough food to eat, don't worry Monsanto will see to it.
Monsanto = 999
Perhaps some Geneticist will come up with some kind of archite"cure".
Geneticist = 999
Architecure = 999
I repeat, I do hope this is all make believe there is so much illusion!!!
Illusion = 999
I guess that just leaves me to explain the number 333, as perhaps it will lead me out of this hell.
h 8 x 9 = 72
e 5 x 9 = 45
l 12 x 9 = 108
l 12 x 9 = 108
37 x 9 = 333
Guess it doesn't.
hell = 333
fire = 333
hex = 333
That's it! This is about as gay as the Harper valley PTA?
gay = 333
PTA = 333

The number 3 is an important number as it relates to the trinity which is trinal, having three parts; threefold.
Trinal = 666
Could explain why the early Catholic Church (Roman Leadership) proclaimed anyone who did not believe in the Trinity a heretic and had them killed.

The number 3 is also the number of books included by Jerome when the Latin Vulgate was commissioned.
The Vulgate is an early Fifth Century version of the Bible in Latin, and largely the result of the labors of Jerome, who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 to make a revision of old Latin translations. It became the definitive and officially promulgated Latin version of the Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. In the 13th century it came to be called versio vulgata, which means "common translation". There are 76 books in the Clementine edition of the Vulgate Bible: 46 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament, and three in the Apocrypha.
76 books 7 + 6 adds up to 13, which bring us back to Solomon's number.
Solomon (The great Wizard) built his own house in thirteen years, and brought it to perfection.
King Solomon turned away from God later in life and dabbled in occult practices at the behest of his many pagan wives and it appears that many have followed his teachings.
It is obvious that chance has nothing to do with what is unveiled above. It is also inevitable that eventually codes get discovered, and perhaps there has been a battle from the beginning to expose a truth within the bible through the use of numbers.
My personal opinion for those who won't admit that a code exists, they are either a party to it or bull-headed.
Bull-headed = 666

May God have mercy on us all.

grant matthew grobbel

P.S. As I am married to a Brazilian, I wouldn´t want my wife to feel left out. So I must include;
Brazilians = 999
Treze = 666 (treze is thirteen in Portuguese)
Which demonstrates that it's not just the English involved.

Prince Charles arrived in Brazil on the 11th of March (Full moon and all) and left on the 15th, the Ides of March.

Beware the Ides of March.
Ides = 37 x 9 = 333

While the President of Brazil Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva left on Friday the 13th to go to meet with President Barack Hussien Obama.

"Lula" is the founder of the worker's party in Brazil (PT) and the number of the party is 13.

"Only he who is familar with geometry shall be admitted here"

"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?
Quote by Mark Twain

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