*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

This entire thread is nutty. Are there a bunch of rich old white folks willing to make some backroom handshakes to ensure they stay rich and maintain the status-quo? Yup. Do they use hand gestures on the cover of GQ and design t-shirts with the "logos" of their "secret societies" on them? No. Let's be logical here people. Does anyone really think @+!@ Cheney is intelligent enough to hide a x-thousand year old secret or some other crazy bs? NO! Instead of focusing your minds on this conspiracy theory crap, why don't you people think more about things that really matter such as voting on a local level so you can see how politics actually affect your daily life, or try to concern yourself with things that relate to REAL LIFE like environmental concern or stopping to genocides in Darfur. SMH @ Dan Brown for starting this tomfoolery bandwagon.

P.S. Every gov't official is one of these
. And Dave Matthews and Brad Pitt are Lizards. True Story.
Basiclly, its the history of certain subjects that interests me. I don't say thatI am enlighten, haha. I at times say somethings because I think its cool to talk about its history. Like on the history of banks, you will look up theRothchilds(sp). Or when did we start decorating the christmas tree? and Why?

Did you know that Obama and Cheney are related. Yes its true. Even Cheney's wife said it in an interview on those sunday day political shows.
Look at this vid. (sorry. only thing I could find right now.) Forward it to 3:20-4:30. The actual interview of Lynn Cheney.��And is there a conspircy�to this?I hope not.� But�it does make you think.

edit:� The vid is supposed to be on the bottom.
CurtisCarter23 wrote:
Beermann2 wrote:
Look at the pic of above. look whats he doing with his hand. I have seen pics of many leaders doing the same thing.


check this creepy %%* @%%$ out!
at the 1:39-1:42 and 3:45-3:47! i saw this a couple of days ago and was like
! especially after reading through some of this thread.

Did anybody else catch what dood was talkin about at�1:39-1:42 ? IT WAS...

I am SOOO effing confused bro.
This thread went from Jay-z being evil to Barack Obama and Cheney being related AND links to threads about the Matrix & the Terminator.

what you guys are trying to say is that we live in an illusory simulated reality?
or that we have crazy families who are trying to control the entire world and they try to bring rich people to help them aid in their plot to conquer theearth?
that there are "EVIL" people who keep quiet about the "business" going on amongst these cults/rich groups?

EVERY SINGLE PERSON CONTRIBUTING TO THIS THREAD SAYING THAT THIS IS REAL OR TO WAIT FOR THE TRUTH OR TO WAIT TO BE PUT INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION NEEDS HELP. AndOR needs to go out some more, read books, make money, spend money, smoke weed, get drunk, become a bum, party, smash as many females as you can/want, learn,love just everything you can do. live your life to the fullest.

damn. smh

crazy +%* people. its people like ya who make this world the way it is. allowing for this nonsence to continue for generations to come.
You know when you were little and your parents tell you "if you're not a good boy for the WHOLE YEAR, Santa Clause wont bring you anything forChristmas and you wont have anything under you might end up with a lump of coal under your tree for Christmas!" "You better watch out. You betternot cry. Better not pout. I'm telling you why..." Your parents tell you "go to sleep little NTer and Santa Clause will bring your gifts and putthem under the tree tonight and when you wake up, you can open them and thank mighty Santa for bringing these gifts to you!" How did you feel once youfinally OPENED YOUR EYES and come to realise that there is no Santa Clause? My parents never introduced me to him in the first place, so I wouldnt know. Imean... If your parents raise you from the time you could comprehend teaching you that the fat man was bringing gifts on December 25th, how could there notbe?! Your parents wouldnt lie to you like that! They wouldnt play with your emotions and heart only to shatter it someday... Would they? Yes.
So there you go. JFK himself just stated EXACTLY what many in this thread were trying to say is not true.

I'm going to need those who have been making it seem as though this thread is full of nuts to point out the flaws in what the late president was saying.
It is in mans very nature to challenge anything that distorts or compromises his belief system. It's important for both parties in this argument tounderstand that. Secondly it is

extremely arrogant and illogical for anyone in here to believe they slightly know everything. Now I personally am addicted to reading and I have hadexperiences in my life that have

made me question the nature of reality and how exactly the world is so backwards. That being said I quite frankly started reading everything about ancientcivilizations, quantum

mechanics, social engineering, economics, meta physics etc. There was a time where if I wasn't working I was reading and my girlfriend would be annoyed dueto my reading so

much. I will say this NOTHING IN HUMAN HISTORY HAS HAPPENED BY ACCIDENT. When one studies our existence in the third dimensional plane one realizes and learnsthat ALL IS


believed in mythical creatures, Gods and realms of existence in fact one would say we live in a magical world and if anyone studies or is familiar with theoccult they would understand

that magick is in fact the manipulation of energy and it does exist. Now most question how hand signs emblems and colors that a so-called ruling elite practicehave no power and to

that I say understand the power of the subconscious mind and how it shapes your biochemistry and mind chemistry. Now the Jay-z thing i feel is quiteinteresting the same people

that are fans of this man who obviously will have a bias are labeling the conspiracy theory guys nuts for believing it but miss the whole point Jay-z has asong called D'evils on

reasonable doubt where the sample for the hook is "illuminati want my mind soul and my body, secret society trying to keep there I on me"WOULDN'T THAT MAKE HIM A CONSPIRACY

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

You know when you were little and your parents tell you "if you're not a good boy for the WHOLE YEAR, Santa Clause wont bring you anything for Christmas and you wont have anything under you might end up with a lump of coal under your tree for Christmas!" "You better watch out. You better not cry. Better not pout. I'm telling you why..." Your parents tell you "go to sleep little NTer and Santa Clause will bring your gifts and put them under the tree tonight and when you wake up, you can open them and thank mighty Santa for bringing these gifts to you!" How did you feel once you finally OPENED YOUR EYES and come to realise that there is no Santa Clause? My parents never introduced me to him in the first place, so I wouldnt know. I mean... If your parents raise you from the time you could comprehend teaching you that the fat man was bringing gifts on December 25th, how could there not be?! Your parents wouldnt lie to you like that! They wouldnt play with your emotions and heart only to shatter it someday... Would they? Yes.
Here I'll summarize this:

I have no clue what I'm talking about, but I'm paranoid enough to say that Santa is a conspiracy. I might possibly be bat$$%^& insane. Grow uplittle boy.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Jay-z has a song called D'evils on

reasonable doubt where the sample for the hook is "illuminati want my mind soul and my body, secret society trying to keep there I on me" WOULDN'T THAT MAKE HIM A CONSPIRACY


No... Because Jay-Z just put it there because it sounds hot....
... I just wish people would be more open minded so important things in lifearent missed. I'm not saying this post is more important than anything else in your life, or that anything else in your life is more important than this,but all I'm saying is put things in consideration and eleminate them through a logical process before you start denying.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

You know when you were little and your parents tell you "if you're not a good boy for the WHOLE YEAR, Santa Clause wont bring you anything for Christmas and you wont have anything under you might end up with a lump of coal under your tree for Christmas!" "You better watch out. You better not cry. Better not pout. I'm telling you why..." Your parents tell you "go to sleep little NTer and Santa Clause will bring your gifts and put them under the tree tonight and when you wake up, you can open them and thank mighty Santa for bringing these gifts to you!" How did you feel once you finally OPENED YOUR EYES and come to realise that there is no Santa Clause? My parents never introduced me to him in the first place, so I wouldnt know. I mean... If your parents raise you from the time you could comprehend teaching you that the fat man was bringing gifts on December 25th, how could there not be?! Your parents wouldnt lie to you like that! They wouldnt play with your emotions and heart only to shatter it someday... Would they? Yes.
Here I'll summarize this:

I have no clue what I'm talking about, but I'm paranoid enough to say that Santa is a conspiracy. I might possibly be bat$$%^& insane. Grow up little boy.

Ninja llama from hell


If you can't understand what I was trying to convey in that post about Santa Clause, you dont have any business argueing in this post. Basically, Iunderstand that it's hard for some people to question the government and their practices because they've basically raised the United States people frommanny generations to believe what they tell them is what's best for them. The US is the kid waiting for Santa Clause to bring the gifts and the governmentis the parent that raised it's child to believe there is a Santa Clause.
Im going to infiltrate the system who's with me im speaking secret attachments invisible air planes, invisible wire taps, im speaking aliens posing asaliens who are posing as vistors from another planet. I mean we can do this whos with me.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Im going to infiltrate the system who's with me im speaking secret attachments invisible air planes, invisible wire taps, im speaking aliens posing as aliens who are posing as vistors from another planet. I mean we can do this whos with me.

You're making it too complicated! All you need is your brain
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

You know when you were little and your parents tell you "if you're not a good boy for the WHOLE YEAR, Santa Clause wont bring you anything for Christmas and you wont have anything under you might end up with a lump of coal under your tree for Christmas!" "You better watch out. You better not cry. Better not pout. I'm telling you why..." Your parents tell you "go to sleep little NTer and Santa Clause will bring your gifts and put them under the tree tonight and when you wake up, you can open them and thank mighty Santa for bringing these gifts to you!" How did you feel once you finally OPENED YOUR EYES and come to realise that there is no Santa Clause? My parents never introduced me to him in the first place, so I wouldnt know. I mean... If your parents raise you from the time you could comprehend teaching you that the fat man was bringing gifts on December 25th, how could there not be?! Your parents wouldnt lie to you like that! They wouldnt play with your emotions and heart only to shatter it someday... Would they? Yes.
Here I'll summarize this:

I have no clue what I'm talking about, but I'm paranoid enough to say that Santa is a conspiracy. I might possibly be bat$$%^& insane. Grow up little boy.

Ninja llama from hell


If you can't understand what I was trying to convey in that post about Santa Clause, you dont have any business argueing in this post. Basically, I understand that it's hard for some people to question the government and their practices because they've basically raised the United States people from manny generations to believe what they tell them is what's best for them. The US is the kid waiting for Santa Clause to bring the gifts and the government is the parent that raised it's child to believe there is a Santa Clause.
I read a few scriptures in the bible, and researched pretty deep into it and learned that basically everything with a negative influence was created by theDevil. TV, Movies, Videogames, wars, drugs, immoral sex, violence, immodest fashions, worldly governments and a lot of other things as well. Basically it wenton to say that the Devil created these things as "bait" to lure as many people as possible off track. I'll try to find all the scriptures so youguys can read for yourselves.
Yo, any of you ever see repeating numbers like 666 or 911 or 555 or 333 all the time. I think its like an illuminati death countdown marker. I see thesenumbers all the time and im so scared please help me.
And that's just it. When people do their research and figure out that everything in this life, and beyond, coincides with energy. There havebeen millions of studies regarding it, yet there's no concrete answer as to how or why it's so powerful. I read a recent study that concluded thegreatest cure for disease is a positive mindset. The type of energy that you give to the universe is the same type of energy you'll receive in return.

People either downplay or are ignorant to the power of our minds.

I just can't stand when people come in here bashing "conspiracy theorists" as if they're wrong for their beliefs and/or knowledge.

And for those questioning the Jay-Z statement, you have to understand what he's involved in and how it works. Listen to his songs. You can pull a ton oflyrics to help justify the point of this thread.

This way of thinking won't hurt future generations but instead it will influence them to find the truth and think outside the box. Learn to never acceptthings for what they seem but what they are. Realize that we live in a society based upon structured learning that is forced upon us from the moment we areable to absorb information. Take a trip out of the country instead of walking down to the corner.
Originally Posted by Kayway8

And that's just it. When people do their research and figure out that everything in this life, and beyond, coincides with energy. There have been millions of studies regarding it, yet there's no concrete answer as to how or why it's so powerful. I read a recent study that concluded the greatest cure for disease is a positive mindset. The type of energy that you give to the universe is the same type of energy you'll receive in return.

So there you go. JFK himself just stated EXACTLY what many in this thread were trying to say is not true.

I'm going to need those who have been making it seem as though this thread is full of nuts to point out the flaws in what the late president was saying.
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