*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

Originally Posted by CJ863

RKO2004: you and I have similar beliefs... I've seen you post in various forums and I applaud you for standing up for Christ when no one else will... I do believe that there are factions that are manipulating society, but I also know that while they may have temporary power over things on earth... Christ has ultimate power...

My man! Its just apart of the job. But yeah there will come a time where everyone will kneel before Christ. Its only a matter of time. Yeah this earth and itsrulers are temporary. Christ will reign FOREVER. Honestly I don't get why dude gets so much hate. I can see if He went around disrespecting people anddowning them but He empowered them. I will always stand up for that. No matter what I may go through I'll still have my faith.
Behold a pale horse by William Cooper. yea, dam. I had a chance to buy that book at 10 bucks. I don't know why I didn't. But he is one of the guys Iwould put my trust in, and not these other peeps like alex jones, jordan maxwell. They seem suspect to me.

Symbols of lucifer are everywhere. He has many names. And some symbols date back to Babylon time where they worship the sun or baal. (correct me if I'mwrong)
Originally Posted by Beermann2

Behold a pale horse by William Cooper. yea, dam. I had a chance to buy that book at 10 bucks. I don't know why I didn't. But he is one of the guys I would put my trust in, and not these other peeps like alex jones, jordan maxwell. They seem suspect to me.

Symbols of lucifer are everywhere. He has many names. And some symbols date back to Babylon time where they worship the sun or baal. (correct me if I'm wrong)

I remember when I read over that part about the sun being Osiris and Osiris being Lucifer, and immediately I thought about the name of my bank which is"Sun Trust"
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Behold a pale horse by William Cooper. yea, dam. I had a chance to buy that book at 10 bucks. I don't know why I didn't. But he is one of the guys I would put my trust in, and not these other peeps like alex jones, jordan maxwell. They seem suspect to me.

Symbols of lucifer are everywhere. He has many names. And some symbols date back to Babylon time where they worship the sun or baal. (correct me if I'm wrong)

I remember when I read over that part about the sun being Osiris and Osiris being Lucifer, and immediately I thought about the name of my bank which is "Sun Trust"
Egyptian religion pre-dates Christianity by thousands of years so how could that be possible? I'm confused.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CJ863

RKO2004: you and I have similar beliefs... I've seen you post in various forums and I applaud you for standing up for Christ when no one else will... I do believe that there are factions that are manipulating society, but I also know that while they may have temporary power over things on earth... Christ has ultimate power...

My man! Its just apart of the job. But yeah there will come a time where everyone will kneel before Christ. Its only a matter of time. Yeah this earth and its rulers are temporary. Christ will reign FOREVER. Honestly I don't get why dude gets so much hate. I can see if He went around disrespecting people and downing them but He empowered them. I will always stand up for that. No matter what I may go through I'll still have my faith.

Jesus, if real, was a great dude. Real class act. Much respect. Didn't Gandhi say that he had no problem with Christ, he just wished more Christians wouldact like him? Well anyway, Jesus was cool. However, that whole "endless reign" thing? Well, lets just say I view it as... unlikely.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CJ863

RKO2004: you and I have similar beliefs... I've seen you post in various forums and I applaud you for standing up for Christ when no one else will... I do believe that there are factions that are manipulating society, but I also know that while they may have temporary power over things on earth... Christ has ultimate power...

My man! Its just apart of the job. But yeah there will come a time where everyone will kneel before Christ. Its only a matter of time. Yeah this earth and its rulers are temporary. Christ will reign FOREVER. Honestly I don't get why dude gets so much hate. I can see if He went around disrespecting people and downing them but He empowered them. I will always stand up for that. No matter what I may go through I'll still have my faith.

And that's why u are saved brotha, by faith alone and not good works so no man can boast

I try to refrain from these religous topice b/c I know I can get real angry and what not but yall 2 helped me realize that that's just what the enemy wantsme to do. I'm not as avid a reader I once was but I do that there is a higher power and his name is Christ, not Muhammed, Buddah, etc. In fact, I know thatthe prophet Muhammed got all of his beliefs and ideas from the Christians and the bible while living in Medina after he was chased out of Mecca, but that'sneither here nor there. Earth is called the devil's playground. He's been on earth since the creation of Adam and Eve, he's the reason why snakesslide on their stomachs. All of this conspiracy this and that is nothin more than what has happend in the past. There is NOTHING new under the sun. There areno subliminal msgs in anything. Every piece of information is dead smack in front of your face, u just need to have the mental freedom to see them. Authors areconvincing and bias in their own way that's one of the main reasons I stopped reading certain things. Narrow-minded people read one thing and base theirbelief on that one piece of literature. They fear the readings of anything else b/c they want their primary source of belief to be correct. The world iscorrupt b/c of narrow-minded ppl and those that exploit them.
. Therewill be many who denounce God and his son, why?, because to them seeing is believing. It's actually pathetict
. According to Anselm's Ontological Argument, the FOOL says that Goddoesn't exist. For the fool to make this claim, he must have an idea of who God is. Since he has this idea, he is creating the existence of God mentally,so in turn, God does exist. Something does not have to exist physically in order for it to exist. Cars did not exist physically first, the idea created them.Just cause u're not around to hear a tree make a sound doesn't mean it doesn't.

But what do I know, I'm just a young, foolish Christian

It was a difficult task to accomplish, but you just succeeded in saying the stupidest thing in this entire thread. I applaud you.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

And that's why u are saved brotha, by faith alone and not good works so no man can boast

I try to refrain from these religous topice b/c I know I can get real angry and what not but yall 2 helped me realize that that's just what the enemy wants me to do. I'm not as avid a reader I once was but I do that there is a higher power and his name is Christ, not Muhammed, Buddah, etc. In fact, I know that the prophet Muhammed got all of his beliefs and ideas from the Christians and the bible while living in Medina after he was chased out of Mecca, but that's neither here nor there. Earth is called the devil's playground. He's been on earth since the creation of Adam and Eve, he's the reason why snakes slide on their stomachs. All of this conspiracy this and that is nothin more than what has happend in the past. There is NOTHING new under the sun. There are no subliminal msgs in anything. Every piece of information is dead smack in front of your face, u just need to have the mental freedom to see them. Authors are convincing and bias in their own way that's one of the main reasons I stopped reading certain things. Narrow-minded people read one thing and base their belief on that one piece of literature. They fear the readings of anything else b/c they want their primary source of belief to be correct. The world is corrupt b/c of narrow-minded ppl and those that exploit them.
. There will be many who denounce God and his son, why?, because to them seeing is believing. It's actually pathetict
. According to Anselm's Ontological Argument, the FOOL says that God doesn't exist. For the fool to make this claim, he must have an idea of who God is. Since he has this idea, he is creating the existence of God mentally, so in turn, God does exist. Something does not have to exist physically in order for it to exist. Cars did not exist physically first, the idea created them. Just cause u're not around to hear a tree make a sound doesn't mean it doesn't.

But what do I know, I'm just a young, foolish Christian

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Behold a pale horse by William Cooper. yea, dam. I had a chance to buy that book at 10 bucks. I don't know why I didn't. But he is one of the guys I would put my trust in, and not these other peeps like alex jones, jordan maxwell. They seem suspect to me.

Symbols of lucifer are everywhere. He has many names. And some symbols date back to Babylon time where they worship the sun or baal. (correct me if I'm wrong)

I remember when I read over that part about the sun being Osiris and Osiris being Lucifer, and immediately I thought about the name of my bank which is "Sun Trust"
Egyptian religion pre-dates Christianity by thousands of years so how could that be possible? I'm confused.

Yeah, but this government was built uppon Christianity. SunTrust is an American based bank that was established AFTER Egyptian religion and Christianity.
But you just said Osiris is the same thing as the bibles Satan, I'm curious how you came to that conclusion. It's two different god's from twodifferent religions from separate times.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

But you just said Osiris is the same thing as the bibles Satan, I'm curious how you came to that conclusion. It's two different god's from two different religions from separate times.

I see what you're saying, but when you put it in context, it COULD mean the Christian version of Lucifer Trust or Osiris Trust, depending on how you lookat it. I'll post the text in a sec...
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

And that's why u are saved brotha, by faith alone and not good works so no man can boast

I try to refrain from these religous topice b/c I know I can get real angry and what not but yall 2 helped me realize that that's just what the enemy wants me to do. I'm not as avid a reader I once was but I do that there is a higher power and his name is Christ, not Muhammed, Buddah, etc. In fact, I know that the prophet Muhammed got all of his beliefs and ideas from the Christians and the bible while living in Medina after he was chased out of Mecca, but that's neither here nor there. Earth is called the devil's playground. He's been on earth since the creation of Adam and Eve, he's the reason why snakes slide on their stomachs. All of this conspiracy this and that is nothin more than what has happend in the past. There is NOTHING new under the sun. There are no subliminal msgs in anything. Every piece of information is dead smack in front of your face, u just need to have the mental freedom to see them. Authors are convincing and bias in their own way that's one of the main reasons I stopped reading certain things. Narrow-minded people read one thing and base their belief on that one piece of literature. They fear the readings of anything else b/c they want their primary source of belief to be correct. The world is corrupt b/c of narrow-minded ppl and those that exploit them.
. There will be many who denounce God and his son, why?, because to them seeing is believing. It's actually pathetict
. According to Anselm's Ontological Argument, the FOOL says that God doesn't exist. For the fool to make this claim, he must have an idea of who God is. Since he has this idea, he is creating the existence of God mentally, so in turn, God does exist. Something does not have to exist physically in order for it to exist. Cars did not exist physically first, the idea created them. Just cause u're not around to hear a tree make a sound doesn't mean it doesn't.

But what do I know, I'm just a young, foolish Christian


Just a bunch or ranting, ignore please. I'm at work tired and bored and thought I was makin some type of sense
... The father of wisdom is Lucifer, also called the Light Bearer. The focus of worship for the Mysteries was Osiris, another name of Lucifer. Osiris was the name of a bright star that the ancients believed had been cast down onto the earth. The literal meaning of Lucifer is "bringer of light" or "the morning star." After Osiris was gone from the sky, the ancients saw the Sun as the representation of Osiris, or more correctly, Lucifer...
According to Cooper, the Mysteries = a secret society and is synonymous with the Illuminiti
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CJ863

RKO2004: you and I have similar beliefs... I've seen you post in various forums and I applaud you for standing up for Christ when no one else will... I do believe that there are factions that are manipulating society, but I also know that while they may have temporary power over things on earth... Christ has ultimate power...

My man! Its just apart of the job. But yeah there will come a time where everyone will kneel before Christ. Its only a matter of time. Yeah this earth and its rulers are temporary. Christ will reign FOREVER. Honestly I don't get why dude gets so much hate. I can see if He went around disrespecting people and downing them but He empowered them. I will always stand up for that. No matter what I may go through I'll still have my faith.

And that's why u are saved brotha, by faith alone and not good works so no man can boast

I try to refrain from these religous topice b/c I know I can get real angry and what not but yall 2 helped me realize that that's just what the enemy wants me to do. I'm not as avid a reader I once was but I do that there is a higher power and his name is Christ, not Muhammed, Buddah, etc. In fact, I know that the prophet Muhammed got all of his beliefs and ideas from the Christians and the bible while living in Medina after he was chased out of Mecca, but that's neither here nor there. Earth is called the devil's playground. He's been on earth since the creation of Adam and Eve, he's the reason why snakes slide on their stomachs. All of this conspiracy this and that is nothin more than what has happend in the past. There is NOTHING new under the sun. There are no subliminal msgs in anything. Every piece of information is dead smack in front of your face, u just need to have the mental freedom to see them. Authors are convincing and bias in their own way that's one of the main reasons I stopped reading certain things. Narrow-minded people read one thing and base their belief on that one piece of literature. They fear the readings of anything else b/c they want their primary source of belief to be correct. The world is corrupt b/c of narrow-minded ppl and those that exploit them.
. There will be many who denounce God and his son, why?, because to them seeing is believing. It's actually pathetict
. According to Anselm's Ontological Argument, the FOOL says that God doesn't exist. For the fool to make this claim, he must have an idea of who God is. Since he has this idea, he is creating the existence of God mentally, so in turn, God does exist. Something does not have to exist physically in order for it to exist. Cars did not exist physically first, the idea created them. Just cause u're not around to hear a tree make a sound doesn't mean it doesn't.

But what do I know, I'm just a young, foolish Christian

Its weird seeing other Christ followers on here now. Manif there are more then they need to get out the dark and come share this light. I wish solid was still around. Dude really put me on to alot. Those scriptureof the day threads were
Jay-Z, Kanye? Beyonce in on it?...Some of you guys are so damn stupid.

I'm always open to anything, pretty much any theory but this is just dumb.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Jay-Z, Kanye? Beyonce in on it?...Some of you guys are so damn stupid.

I'm always open to anything, pretty much any theory but this is just dumb.
Ok buddy....
Is this true, that all christians are against/disagrees with the vatican and the catholic church? Just wondering. . .
Originally Posted by Beermann2

Is this true, that all christians are against/disagrees with the vatican and the catholic church? Just wondering. . .
From my understanding it KINDA is true b/c of the emphasis and more "worship" of the Mother Mary than Jesus. Not to mention CatholicPriests fondlin alter boys doesn't help the acceptance of Catholic practices. That's just from what I've observed.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Is this true, that all christians are against/disagrees with the vatican and the catholic church? Just wondering. . .
From my understanding it KINDA is true b/c of the emphasis and more "worship" of the Mother Mary than Jesus. Not to mention Catholic Priests fondlin alter boys doesn't help the acceptance of Catholic practices. That's just from what I've observed.
I think its more that then anything else.
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