*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

This thread is pretty amazing.

This is what happens when you take unrelated information and try to correlate it. You get convoluted non-sense.

The fact that you are getting this information of the INTERNET says it all.










......... . .

for anyone that has watched the ZEITGEIST movie and wanted to know how the ancient egyptian religon ties into modern day christianity look up/ google"ASHRA KWESI"...he is a professor/scholar/african researcher/that dude.... he breaks down ALOT OF THE CONNECTIONS FROM THE ACTUAL SITES THEMSELVES..its so deep that you have to watch it twice... I WENT TO TRINIDAD FOR CHRISTMAS AND BUMPED INTO MY UNCLE WHO GAVE ME THE DVDS... ASHRA has a website thatpromotes it but HE'S INDEPENDENTLY FUNDED SO ITS ONLY SO MUCH HE CAN DO... there's so much to explain..
I am Agnostic... I pretty much believe everything that the video I R Andre posted...

The Bible is a great book, but it's contradicting and shouldn't be taken serious...

A lot of people tell me I think like a Mason and stuff, but I never did any research on secret societies, and stuff like that...

Interesting thread.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Wooow... It's crazy how after the holiday season, people lose intrest in things like this. Right before Christmas, this thread just fell off! Psychology is interesting... With that said, pay close attention to what's going on right now. Were definately living in crucial times.

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

the illuminati will find those who scheme against them. and you all will suffer the consequences.

In my opinion, it's worth it.

dude, I know I didnt lose interest. I was just discussing this stuff for like hours the other day....even if you don't believe this conspiracy stuff itstill pretty much always makes interesting conversation. I started watching a load of these movies on youtube and google...I didnt realize there were so muchof this stuff. I tried to make a thread that didnt start with Jay-Z as the main topic and got close to no responses. If interested here it is....


and as far as the Zeitgeist movie goes, the associations made in part 1 dealing with Christianity are almost entirely bogus....and I watched it with an openmind....but it seems like the largest part of what peter joseph was proposing regarding religious origins was completely false information. and on top of that,whether you are Christian or not, youd have to think twice about someone who feeds you lies tied in with some truth (if you follow that the other parts of themovie dealt in truths) because that's exactly what the movie is dealing with -deception and lies- especially considering the fact that the movie proposesNew Age Religion and technology as humanity's salvation. Research the associations of the others involved and shown in the movie as well. Theosophy is thevery philosophy that the same corrupt elite follow and wish to implement with the New World Order and this is who the Zeitgeist movie claims to be against. abit strange isnt it? Ive taken interest in a lot of the material myself, which is why I started watching all these other movies as well. Whether you areChristian or not, freedom is what is most important and that is what is supposedly threatened if you believe there is some truth to what all of these peopleare saying. so think objectively when you watch all this stuff, don't just get involved in the Christian bashing. (not saying anyone is, just saying lookcarefully at the people giving you the information as well and what theyre proposing.)

Zeitgeist Part 1 Exposed

The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement

Exposing the Satanic Empire

Zeitgeist Exposed and Refuted
Originally Posted by BTonNT

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Wooow... It's crazy how after the holiday season, people lose intrest in things like this. Right before Christmas, this thread just fell off! Psychology is interesting... With that said, pay close attention to what's going on right now. Were definately living in crucial times.

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

the illuminati will find those who scheme against them. and you all will suffer the consequences.

In my opinion, it's worth it.

dude, I know I didnt lose interest. I was just discussing this stuff for like hours the other day....even if you don't believe this conspiracy stuff it still pretty much always makes interesting conversation. I started watching a load of these movies on youtube and google...I didnt realize there were so much of this stuff. I tried to make a thread that didnt start with Jay-Z as the main topic and got close to no responses. If interested here it is....


and as far as the Zeitgeist movie goes, the associations made in part 1 dealing with Christianity are almost entirely bogus....and I watched it with an open mind....but it seems like the largest part of what peter joseph was proposing regarding religious origins was completely false information. and on top of that, whether you are Christian or not, youd have to think twice about someone who feeds you lies tied in with some truth (if you follow that the other parts of the movie dealt in truths) because that's exactly what the movie is dealing with -deception and lies- especially considering the fact that the movie proposes New Age Religion and technology as humanity's salvation. Research the associations of the others involved and shown in the movie as well. Theosophy is the very philosophy that the same corrupt elite follow and wish to implement with the New World Order and this is who the Zeitgeist movie claims to be against. a bit strange isnt it? Ive taken interest in a lot of the material myself, which is why I started watching all these other movies as well. Whether you are Christian or not, freedom is what is most important and that is what is supposedly threatened if you believe there is some truth to what all of these people are saying. so think objectively when you watch all this stuff, don't just get involved in the Christian bashing. (not saying anyone is, just saying look carefully at the people giving you the information as well and what theyre proposing.)

Zeitgeist Part 1 Exposed

The New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement

Exposing the Satanic Empire

Zeitgeist Exposed and Refuted

Nope YOU ARE COMPLETLY WRONG.... CHRISTIANITY IS BASED OFF OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN TEXTS IN THE TOMBS... I HAVE SEEN THEM WITH MY OWN EYES... I'VE DONEACTUALLY RESEARCH LISTENED TO LECTURES AND SAW THE PARALLELS WITH MY OWN EYES.... COSANTINE ( the supposed first christain emperor) went into the tombs andstole symbols, text and symbolic figures associated with ancient egypt...The Egyptians before Christianity had always been a deeply religious people, and manyreadily embraced the young religion, having had their old beliefs effectively destroyed by the coming of the Roman Empire and the final dethroning of thegod-king Pharaohs. Many of the concepts of Christianity were already familiar to the Egyptians from their ancient religion, such as the death andresurrection of a god, the idea of the judgement of souls and a paradisiacal afterlife for the faithful... sorry to burst ya bubble but MODERN DAY CHRISTIANITYIS A PLAGURIZED VERSION OF OLD WORLD RELIGON...


I hope this is not what this thread is going to turn into...people not knowing how to discuss without arbitrary argument.�I'm not sure I have a"bubble" for you to "burst"...or exactly in what sense I am "completely wrong" in.�Since you offer little to no specifics for meto even address I guess the only thing for me to do is assume you're following what was proposed in Zeitgeist (since that's what I was referring to andyou chose to reply to me).� Pretty much everything proposed in Zeitgeist regarding Egyptian religion and Christianity is refuted many timesover in the very first link in my last post to the point where the claims made are beyond ridiculous, as stated by several different individuals, includingnon-Christians, whose professional expertise�are specifically religion and Egyptian studies. If you have some specifics yourself, which I think you areclaiming that you are, since youve done research and seen "scripts" with your own eyes....Id also like to see or hear what youre talking about.(preferably without�the condescension of "bursting my bubble", me being "COMPLETELY WRONG" etc, etc.)�since Im only here trying to discussand Im not particularly looking for argument. Im interested in opinions and information you or anyone else has to share - Im not trying to curb, insult, orjudge anyone's beliefs and I don't recall directly stating what mine were either. So Im not sure what "bubble" you think youve burst.� If youare going on Zeitgeists proposal on religions alone�to shape your belief system Id suggest you view the�above video in entirety if you havent already....if youcan truly view it objectively and still follow what Zeitgeist proposes as solid then we differ there because I saw a lot of�fallacy and agenda�revealed throughthat critique.

please watch. and discuss with respect if you can so it can be a constructive discussion.
Maybe Obama was "elected" to keep the population at peace and not worry about things now because "their" man is in... The one they wanted.Now they don't have to worry about things... And the government is off the hook for awhile again...

I mean look at this lady, she's in heaven...
nnarum wrote:
Maybe Obama was "elected" to keep the population at peace and not worry about things now because "their" man is in... The one they wanted. Now they don't have to worry about things... And the government is off the hook for awhile again...

I mean look at this lady, she's in heaven...


Im black btw... me and my boyz talk about OBAMA calming everyone down cuz of whats about to transpire in this country... calm b4 the storm
BTonNT wrote:

I hope this is not what this thread is going to turn into...people not knowing how to discuss without arbitrary argument.�I'm not sure I have a "bubble" for you to "burst"...or exactly in what sense I am "completely wrong" in.�Since you offer little to no specifics for me to even address I guess the only thing for me to do is assume you're following what was proposed in Zeitgeist (since that's what I was referring to and you chose to reply to me).� Pretty much everything proposed in Zeitgeist regarding Egyptian religion and Christianity is refuted many times over in the very first link in my last post to the point where the claims made are beyond ridiculous, as stated by several different individuals, including non-Christians, whose professional expertise�are specifically religion and Egyptian studies. If you have some specifics yourself, which I think you are claiming that you are, since youve done research and seen "scripts" with your own eyes....Id also like to see or hear what youre talking about. (preferably without�the condescension of "bursting my bubble", me being "COMPLETELY WRONG" etc, etc.)�since Im only here trying to discuss and Im not particularly looking for argument. Im interested in opinions and information you or anyone else has to share - Im not trying to curb, insult, or judge anyone's beliefs and I don't recall directly stating what mine were either. So Im not sure what "bubble" you think youve burst.� If you are going on Zeitgeists proposal on religions alone�to shape your belief system Id suggest you view the�above video in entirety if you havent already....if you can truly view it objectively and still follow what Zeitgeist proposes as solid then we differ there because I saw a lot of�fallacy and agenda�revealed through that critique.

please watch. and discuss with respect if you can so it can be a constructive discussion.

I understand that some of ZEITGIESTS' claims are falsified... there are a few things that are wrong BUT...�it is not completly wrong...� there is soooomuch to�it...�there are documents/statues and books �in the LONDON museum that back these claims...�there is an african historian by the name ofAshra Kwesi who goes into the tombs�deciphers egyptian text, shows parallels with pictures�and so much more...�I've alwaysquestioned the origin of�Christianity and from the ancient maps and text it shows that the origins BY NAME clearly shows that it started in AFRICA, was adoptedby Romans who already had already �ran thru the tombs in egypt and brought back to Africa�as� ROMAN CATHOLIC�church...�the pope at the time authorizedMICHAELANGELO to paint�mary and jesus as being white when there are pictures and statues of a black virgin and her son �that date WAY b4 Jesus...�Im not tryinto turn it into a RACE war but its FACTS�

Another thing I've noticed to strengthen my argument, look at the Dow. It's staggering above 8000 right now, and the media hasn't even shown athing. Before the election it was all about the economic crisis and meltdowns... Now the markets are still suffering, but it's not that big of news... Themedia is a joke. I rarely turn my TV on anymore because it's all biased bull. Even ESPN...
Originally Posted by nnarum

Another thing I've noticed to strengthen my argument, look at the Dow. It's staggering above 8000 right now, and the media hasn't even shown a thing. Before the election it was all about the economic crisis and meltdowns... Now the markets are still suffering, but it's not that big of news... The media is a joke. I rarely turn my TV on anymore because it's all biased bull. Even ESPN...

I speak on this daily
wow , i thought i was the only one walkin around here with my eyes open !!!!! iv known about the ELITE for quite a while , but as iv done more and moredue-dilligance on the subject iv learned that this is not a conspericy theory , its not a buch of bs . its TRUE !!! its right in front of of eyes and we canteven see it . and obama aint gonna help , he was put there by the same elitest that put bush into power , to further surve there needs . there goal is justlike everyone elses " to try and take over the world " there just not doing it by force . there doing it by manipulation . for you out there thatthink this is bull , all i ask is that you do some homework . dont believe whats being spoonfeed to you by the mass media , find out the truth . thats yourfirst step to freeing yourself of the monitary system that you are a slave of and dont even know it .
just ask yourself " where does money come from ????" " what gives money value ??? " that in itself should open your eyes to the system ofslavery that we are in
Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

just ask yourself " where does money come from ????" " what gives money value ??? " that in itself should open your eyes to the system of slavery that we are in

People need to ask themselves that question.
I've read a lot of books and seen a lot of videos on the Illuminati and NWO, most are written by ex CIA, ex FBI even ex IRS. All who end up"missing" or had a "horrible accident". Too everyone in this thread that has mason's in their family or know any they are good peopleand most of them are very low in ranking. Presidents and others are very high in ranking same goes with Skull n Bones, if you think its paranoia that'sfine, but to think a lot of this stuff is just a coincidence you're fooling yourself. I just ask everyone to look @ things with an open mind and alwaysALWAYS question, never follow anything blindly. Some people will get it, others won't. Life is what you make it, but its always good to be aware.
I've always questioned the origin of�Christianity and from the ancient maps and text it shows that the origins BY NAME clearly shows that it started in AFRICA, was adopted by Romans who already had already �ran thru the tombs in egypt and brought back to Africa�as� ROMAN CATHOLIC�church...�the pope at the time authorized MICHAELANGELO to paint�mary and jesus as being white when there are pictures and statues of a black virgin and her son �that date WAY b4 Jesus...�Im not tryin to turn it into a RACE war but its FACTS�

Christianity, like every other religion on this planet was started to preserve the greatest story ever told, Sun Worship. If you in fact watchedZeitgeist, you would have been aware how there were many prophets before Jesus that used the same story. In reality all of these stories are merely metaphorsfor man worshipping the sun.
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