*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

just ask yourself " where does money come from ????" " what gives money value ??? " that in itself should open your eyes to the system of slavery that we are in

Very good point, also do some research on money, there are a lot of different symbols that mean something. Most may think its crazy or a coincidence butknowing the history of the US you can put it together....
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Christianity, like every other religion on this planet was started to preserve the greatest story ever told, Sun Worship. If you in fact watched Zeitgeist, you would have been aware how there were many prophets before Jesus that used the same story. In reality all of these stories are merely metaphors for man worshipping the sun.

I'm surprised this thread is still around...
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by nnarum

Another thing I've noticed to strengthen my argument, look at the Dow. It's staggering above 8000 right now, and the media hasn't even shown a thing. Before the election it was all about the economic crisis and meltdowns... Now the markets are still suffering, but it's not that big of news... The media is a joke. I rarely turn my TV on anymore because it's all biased bull. Even ESPN...

I speak on this daily
Yeah, it's even worse that 6-7 companies own all the channels.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I've always questioned the origin of�Christianity and from the ancient maps and text it shows that the origins BY NAME clearly shows that it started in AFRICA, was adopted by Romans who already had already �ran thru the tombs in egypt and brought back to Africa�as� ROMAN CATHOLIC�church...�the pope at the time authorized MICHAELANGELO to paint�mary and jesus as being white when there are pictures and statues of a black virgin and her son �that date WAY b4 Jesus...�Im not tryin to turn it into a RACE war but its FACTS�
Christianity, like every other religion on this planet was started to preserve the greatest story ever told, Sun Worship. If you in fact watched Zeitgeist, you would have been aware how there were many prophets before Jesus that used the same story. In reality all of these stories are merely metaphors for man worshipping the sun.

And... you know this to be a fact because you were around about 2000 years ago? Oh no wait... maybe the people who made zeitgeist were around atthat time or maybe they have a time machine, G.T.F.O.H! Nobody on this planet right now knows the true facts about God or Religion, thats why people say theyhave FAITH! you dont have to have facts on a piece of $%%@%%# paper to have FAITH.
Faith = Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. If we knew for a fact that there is a GODthan the word faith probably wouldnt even exist. Listen... live life to the fullest, believe in what you want to believe and worry about the afterlife when youdie.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

I've always questioned the origin of�Christianity and from the ancient maps and text it shows that the origins BY NAME clearly shows that it started in AFRICA, was adopted by Romans who already had already �ran thru the tombs in egypt and brought back to Africa�as� ROMAN CATHOLIC�church...�the pope at the time authorized MICHAELANGELO to paint�mary and jesus as being white when there are pictures and statues of a black virgin and her son �that date WAY b4 Jesus...�Im not tryin to turn it into a RACE war but its FACTS�
Christianity, like every other religion on this planet was started to preserve the greatest story ever told, Sun Worship. If you in fact watched Zeitgeist, you would have been aware how there were many prophets before Jesus that used the same story. In reality all of these stories are merely metaphors for man worshipping the sun.

The egyptian did worship the sun ... its in the hierogylpics... its all METAPHORICAL, some people wont want to believe because they will feel as if theyhave no purpose but in actuality you will break free of the spiritual enslavement thats been put on THE WORLD WITH PICTURES AND TEXT THAT CONTRADICT EACH OTHER
Originally Posted by 18key

So Jay is evil? Or is he trying to educate people? I'm lost here, but on your side I guess as far as believing about the all seeing eye and what not.

He's not evil, he just desperately wants to be a rich white man. He emulates the clothing style, speech and actions of rich white men. He is obsessed withFreemasonry because it epitomizes this white way of life and power.
Originally Posted by NothingBefore





......... . .

what exactly do you proclaim this "truth" to be? not mocking you, I'm actuallycurious...

It's scary how many people are taking Zeitgeist's claims as fact when all these scholars who have been studying this stuff for probably longer thansome of you were born and have absolutely nothing to gain in or out of the validity of the claims know how ridiculous the associations that movie tried to makeare.

Will you question everything except the thing that fits your preconceived belief system? It's really scary. Look into the associations of the individualsfeatured in zeitgeist. These people are PLAYING YOU. I hope you all don't put your faith in "the Venus project " or "new agetheosophy" out of resentment for Christianity and the tales Peter Joseph and the like have fed you. I encourage people to question what is presented tothem but that has to include these people claiming to give you the answer as well doesnt it?

It's scary to see the type of deception these people have put forth because I was intrigued by the film as well....but it's 100x more scary that youall have accepted what they've told you as concrete fact when your own research would easily prove otherwise. All I did was google the names of theindividuals cited in the film BECAUSE I LIKED THE FILM. and I found all the ties and associations they themselves had. Can't research yourself? Sit throughthe video I posted, a kid did it all or *$%% youtube it yourself...theres others as well. theres plenty of info out there....dont just follow one side withouthearing the others. Zeitgeist is propoganda...it's like a little truth before the BIG lie. And it looks like it's already got a bunch of minds. scary. If you turn into one of their sheep youre gonna find out too late that these people actual worship lucifer and they are associated with the exact groupthat they claimed to be against. It's scary how quick people are to follow.
Originally Posted by BTonNT

It's scary how many people are taking Zeitgeist's claims as fact when all these scholars who have been studying this stuff for probably longer than some of you were born and have absolutely nothing to gain in or out of the validity of the claims know how ridiculous the associations that movie tried to make are.

Will you question everything except the thing that fits your preconceived belief system? It's really scary. Look into the associations of the individuals featured in zeitgeist. These people are PLAYING YOU. I hope you all don't put your faith in "the Venus project " or "new age theosophy" out of resentment for Christianity and the tales Peter Joseph and the like have fed you. I encourage people to question what is presented to them but that has to include these people claiming to give you the answer as well doesnt it?

It's scary to see the type of deception these people have put forth because I was intrigued by the film as well....but it's 100x more scary that you all have accepted what they've told you as concrete fact when your own research would easily prove otherwise. All I did was google the names of the individuals cited in the film BECAUSE I LIKED THE FILM. and I found all the ties and associations they themselves had. Can't research yourself? Sit through the video I posted, a kid did it all or *$%% youtube it yourself...theres others as well. theres plenty of info out there....dont just follow one side without hearing the others. Zeitgeist is propoganda...it's like a little truth before the BIG lie. And it looks like it's already got a bunch of minds. scary. If you turn into one of their sheep youre gonna find out too late that these people actual worship lucifer and they are associated with the exact group that they claimed to be against. It's scary how quick people are to follow.
I hear ya, but the same can be said about religion, not say everything in Zeitgeist is truth, but neither is religion. To each his own I guess,glad we can have this conversation for a sneaker board LOL.
Originally Posted by BTonNT

http://www.youtube.com/v/KiU7bidWIdY&rel=1 ���

I hope this is not what this thread is going to turn into...people not knowing how to discuss without arbitrary argument.�I'm not sure I have a "bubble" for you to "burst"...or exactly in what sense I am "completely wrong" in.�Since you offer little to no specifics for me to even address I guess the only thing for me to do is assume you're following what was proposed in Zeitgeist (since that's what I was referring to and you chose to reply to me).� Pretty much everything proposed in Zeitgeist regarding Egyptian religion and Christianity is refuted many times over in the very first link in my last post to the point where the claims made are beyond ridiculous, as stated by several different individuals, including non-Christians, whose professional expertise�are specifically religion and Egyptian studies. If you have some specifics yourself, which I think you are claiming that you are, since youve done research and seen "scripts" with your own eyes....Id also like to see or hear what youre talking about. (preferably without�the condescension of "bursting my bubble", me being "COMPLETELY WRONG" etc, etc.)�since Im only here trying to discuss and Im not particularly looking for argument. Im interested in opinions and information you or anyone else has to share - Im not trying to curb, insult, or judge anyone's beliefs and I don't recall directly stating what mine were either. So Im not sure what "bubble" you think youve burst.� If you are going on Zeitgeists proposal on religions alone�to shape your belief system Id suggest you view the�above video in entirety if you havent already....if you can truly view it objectively and still follow what Zeitgeist proposes as solid then we differ there because I saw a lot of�fallacy and agenda�revealed through that critique.

please watch. and discuss with respect if you can so it can be a constructive discussion.

Im sorry fam.....but that video is complete disingenuous BS.

Many of the claims made in Zeitgeist were stretches of the truth but that video is even worse.

The whole Egyptian mystery system revolved around resurrection, humans attaining God-Like status while on Earth through freeing the soul trapped in your bodyby following the 10 fetters (10 commandments), it was based on the judging the purity of the heart and the actions if one's life after death, as a matterof fact....where was Moses born again? Egypt right?

The Roman government established Christianity as the state government and banned the study of the Egyptian religion, its predecessor. Virtually all ancientreligions share many of the same archetypes and similar stories, Christianity is just an evolution of that packaged by the Roman government. You can twist andturn these details however you like and scholars will debate their view of the most minuscule details for eternity. But the indisputable historical story isclear. Alexander the Great conquered an old and tired Egypt, opened the library at Alexandria to "western study", was anointed God and appointedscholars to become initiated in the Egyptian religion and sciences. Those studies find their way into Greek culture and is carried into Rome history, thisculminates with the declaration of Christianity as the official religion of Rome in the 4th century by Constantine.

People should do their own research and stop following these biased sources ( that goes for both sides of the discussion).
abeautifulhaze wrote:
Originally Posted by BTonNT


I hope this is not what this thread is going to turn into...people not knowing how to discuss without arbitrary argument.�I'm not sure I have a "bubble" for you to "burst"...or exactly in what sense I am "completely wrong" in.�Since you offer little to no specifics for me to even address I guess the only thing for me to do is assume you're following what was proposed in Zeitgeist (since that's what I was referring to and you chose to reply to me).� Pretty much everything proposed in Zeitgeist regarding Egyptian religion and Christianity is refuted many times over in the very first link in my last post to the point where the claims made are beyond ridiculous, as stated by several different individuals, including non-Christians, whose professional expertise�are specifically religion and Egyptian studies. If you have some specifics yourself, which I think you are claiming that you are, since youve done research and seen "scripts" with your own eyes....Id also like to see or hear what youre talking about. (preferably without�the condescension of "bursting my bubble", me being "COMPLETELY WRONG" etc, etc.)�since Im only here trying to discuss and Im not particularly looking for argument. Im interested in opinions and information you or anyone else has to share - Im not trying to curb, insult, or judge anyone's beliefs and I don't recall directly stating what mine were either. So Im not sure what "bubble" you think youve burst.� If you are going on Zeitgeists proposal on religions alone�to shape your belief system Id suggest you view the�above video in entirety if you havent already....if you can truly view it objectively and still follow what Zeitgeist proposes as solid then we differ there because I saw a lot of�fallacy and agenda�revealed through that critique.

please watch. and discuss with respect if you can so it can be a constructive discussion.

Im sorry fam.....but that video is complete disingenuous BS.

Many of the claims made in Zeitgeist were stretches of the truth but that video is even worse.

The whole Egyptian mystery system revolved around resurrection, humans attaining God-Like status while on Earth through freeing the soul trapped in your body by following the 10 fetters (10 commandments), it was based on the judging the purity of the heart and the actions if one's life after death, as a matter of fact....where was Moses born again? Egypt right?

The Roman government established Christianity as the state government and banned the study of the Egyptian religion, its predecessor. Virtually all ancient religions share many of the same archetypes and similar stories, Christianity is just an evolution of that packaged by the Roman government. You can twist and turn these details however you like and scholars will debate their view of the most minuscule details for eternity. But the indisputable historical story is clear. Alexander the Great conquered an old and tired Egypt, opened the library at Alexandria to "western study", was anointed God and appointed scholars to become initiated in the Egyptian religion and sciences. Those studies find their way into Greek culture and is carried into Rome history, this culminates with the declaration of Christianity as the official religion of Rome in the 4th century by Constantine.

People should do their own research and stop following these biased sources ( that goes for both sides of the discussion).

you're the man,,,, you basically typed the way i wanted to but couldnt because I dont have ALL the pieces put together.... but I've touched on each andeverything you stated.... this man knows his stuff...
I hear ya, but the same can be said about religion, not say everything in Zeitgeist is truth, but neither is religion. To each his own I guess, glad we can have this conversation for a sneaker board LOL.
please notice I never said anyone should be religious or follow any religion. If you are atheist, muslim, christian, whatever that's fine.What I am referring to is the deception of Zeitgeist which is a HUGE deception. These are people who outright worship Lucifer, dude. these are the people whofollow the exact same belief system of the "illuminated" elite. They aren't atheists these are RELIGIOUS people and theyre deceiving people tofit the very agenda they claim to be against.

Im sorry fam.....but that video is complete disingenuous BS.

Many of the claims made in Zeitgeist were stretches of the truth but that video is even worse.

The whole Egyptian mystery system revolved around resurrection, humans attaining God-Like status while on Earth through freeing the soul trapped in your body by following the 10 fetters (10 commandments), it was based on the judging the purity of the heart and the actions if one's life after death, as a matter of fact....where was Moses born again? Egypt right?

The Roman government established Christianity as the state government and banned the study of the Egyptian religion, its predecessor. Virtually all ancient religions share many of the same archetypes and similar stories, Christianity is just an evolution of that packaged by the Roman government. You can twist and turn these details however you like and scholars will debate their view of the most minuscule details for eternity. But the indisputable historical story is clear. Alexander the Great conquered an old and tired Egypt, opened the library at Alexandria to "western study", was anointed God and appointed scholars to become initiated in the Egyptian religion and sciences. Those studies find their way into Greek culture and is carried into Rome history, this culminates with the declaration of Christianity as the official religion of Rome in the 4th century by Constantine.

People should do their own research and stop following these biased sources ( that goes for both sides of the discussion).

"stretches of the truth" is quite a moderate description because quite clearly there are outright lies in that video. It's funny that you'dapply that label to the critique (which Im a bit skeptical on whether you even actually watched.... but it objectively addresses every association made inzeitgeist regarding the supposed roots in other religions and counters them with full and actual facts). That video is"worse" in what sense? Give me a fact presented in that video that is "disingenuous" or a lie...because there are CLEAR and EVIDENT lies inthe Zeitgeist film. And on top of that how is it that somehow this film is "worse" when Zeitgeist proposes the ideologies of ACTUAL LUFICERWORSHIPPERS and fails to mention these associations...that's not disingenous? I could go through that film and type out how many lies were presented inZeitgeist and objectively refuted by non-Christian scholars but clearly if individuals can't watch it themselves and are only looking to place labelsacross anything that they dont want to see, then it would be a waste of my time. I believe this guy's video also goes through to explain the role of theRoman Catholic Church, romans obviously being the ones who originally crucified Christians, later adopting and modifying the religion into Catholicism butobviously you didnt take the time to watch. (or it could be another one of his vids or another one I saw) Also, the other statements you made are also prettygeneral

"The whole Egyptian mystery system revolved around resurrection, humans attaining God-Like status while on Earth through freeing the soul trapped in yourbody by following the 10 fetters (10 commandments), it was based on the judging the purity of the heart and the actions if one's life after death, as amatter of fact....where was Moses born again? Egypt right?"

I dont know what the "Egyptian mystery system" is...I dont see that mentioned in Zeitgeist nor have I heard of it....."humans attaining God-likestatus"...I dont see how this supposes that Christianity is rooted in Egyptian religion as there are plenty of religions and mythologies that you couldsuppose a claim of one coming from the other if this is the sole basis of your argument. Ive never heard of "10 fetters"...I googled it and it cameus as Buddhist teaching not Egyptian. "Judging the purity of the heart and life after death"....how many religions hold values about afterlife andmorality? not only is this a very general statement which could be said across the board of religions...but in any case does this in itself suppose one comesfrom the other? I fail to see how Moses being born in Egypt means Christianity was modeled after Egyptian religion....or would that be Judaism being modeledafter Egyptian religion? Does it require explanation that one thing doesnt infer the other? Or perhaps some people just want it to...this is the precise typeof leaping association without any reasoning that doesnt make sense to me.

People should do their own research and stop following these biased sources ( that goes for both sides of the discussion).
I find it interesting that I am the one who was proposing this exact same thing and I am the one who mentioned that I was in the process ofwatching different videos and interested in hearing different opinions and valid information not just hearing what people think they already know particularlyabout me....never did I say I "followed" anything. Only stated that nearly all that was presented in Zeitgeist regarding Christianity was false(which I still hold and see as completely true...as the individuals commenting on it were actual scholars of the subject with no other agenda and the leaps andbounds made in the video were obviously twisted and fabricated by peter joseph for a reason) and still no one has refuted or actually even discussed anydetails presented in Zeitgeist or the critique to tell me anything otherwise. Should I have to go through every single one to avoid being labeled? Or is itbecause some Christian kid made the videos and that makes the facts he presents biased...disingenuous....BS. And of course because I posted the vid and saidit presented some important facts of course that tells you what I am already too right? I was genuinely interested in getting some decent conversation andinformation here...and received just the opposite...yet of course I get the lectures and statements telling me how "Im wrong" and "my bubblesburst" and the video I posted is "BS" etc etc when clearly individuals like devildog who quite obviously can not think for themselves just makecompletely nonsensical ambiguous statements tied in with completely subjective judgements and insults and of course d-riding and getsthe big pass cause they obviously support the same ideology. I mean Im completely open to disagreement but its like you call something BS butyou dont go into what part of it makes it BS...its just general insults. this is such a pathetic excuse for a discussion its funny. I shoulda known this wasntthe place.

you're the man,,,, you basically typed the way i wanted to but couldnt because I dont have ALL the pieces put together.... but I've touched on each and everything you stated.... this man knows his stuff...

everything you guys are talking about is irelivant !!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets not talk about religion because this subject can go for days . lets talk about themonitary system . a fact that we are all aware of today . a huge problem that faces us all . for instance . these so called " bail outs " where doyou think this money is comeing from ??? the fed disided to print it all up since the economy needs it right ??? they also were now forced to lower interestrates down to almost 0 . why you ask ?? there system that they have for generations been building is about to crumble . put in reality what they are doing isperpetuating that de-valueation of the DOLLAR . by pumping money into the supply it takes value away from the other money in cerculation , inturn devalueing it. obama HAS THE POWER TO STOP THIS !!!! by makeing the us print it own curencey that does not come with debt attached . but he wont . for its the same peoplethat put him in power and gave him all his money for his campain that would fall if this were to happen . OBAMA is not gonna do a dam thing for us . hes just apuppet . i know we cant just go live on " the vienus project " but what i took away from the movie is that we have to start changeing the way we liveon this earth . we cant always do things for money !!! but start doing things for mankind .
ron paul for president !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look him up on youtube . this should of been our president !!!! he would have made a change in our lives .
Ima afraid your government dont have you under a spell. You just watch to much tv. Think about it. You imitate what you see and If you like it you imitate it.You have money so you cop the dp instead of buyiing a cd that can increase your wealth. Just random thoughts disregard my statments please.
Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

ron paul for president !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look him up on youtube . this should of been our president !!!! he would have made a change in our lives .

Appeasement ftl. He sounds good, i support him but not his views.
I watched the video that you posted..thats why I chose to comment on it.

I will correct myself, both the video that you posted and Zeitgeist are equally disingenuous.

But you claim to know nothing about the ancient Egyptian mystery system and then continue arguing that Christianity was not based off of it.

there are plenty of religions and mythologies that you could suppose a claim of one coming from the other if this is the sole basis of your argument. Ive never heard of "10 fetters"...I googled it and it came us as Buddhist teaching not Egyptian. "Judging the purity of the heart and life after death"....how many religions hold values about afterlife and morality? not only is this a very general statement which could be said across the board of religions
Did you read my original post? Didn't I state that most ancient systems of belief share similar archetypes and stories? The difference is thehistorical fact....Egypt was a Roman province and the cultural exchange and influence is clearly documented. BTW fetters is not a word exclusive to Egyptiantheology, it means shackles or restaint.

Just read the principle of Ma'at and tell me if they sound familiar: Ma'at as a principle

You claim to advocate research but you are debating from and uneducated and biased position. You are just now Goggling terms and subjects that I have readmultiple books on. Im not trying to sound pompous...but if you are looking for the truth...take a break from the videos and do some real reading.
also look up " browns gas " or " hho " or " water for gas " . this realy works !!!! its just a start but hey its a start in theright direction . if just us here on nt would do this to are cars we would make a huge diffrence in the world . and its also a way of geting back at the elite. i developed a better one then the one they sell , just useing stuff from home depot . if you have any ?s pm me . but im not doing this for any monitaryreason . i dont want to get rich . i just wanna help out mankind and our planet
please notice I never said anyone should be religious or follow any religion. If you are atheist, muslim, christian, whatever that's fine. What I am referring to is the deception of Zeitgeist which is a HUGE deception. These are people who outright worship Lucifer, dude. these are the people who follow the exact same belief system of the "illuminated" elite. They aren't atheists these are RELIGIOUS people and theyre deceiving people to fit the very agenda they claim to be against.
I didn't know that. But it makes sense because these dudes went in on everybody. And yes that is the same belief the elite has. I read/heardtheir belief is that Lucifer was too "cool" for God/Heaven or something like that. They have their own church and festivals too. Pretty weird mindblowing stuff when you look into it.
i do , that was my cultures original belife ( before we were inslaved by the spanish and made to belive in cristianity ) . ( aztec ) our calender was baised onthe movement of the sun and the stars . not only did we worship the sun but animals as well ( snakes ) . im alot more inclined to believe there thieorys oversome walking mommy that is supposed to be our savior .
Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by 18key

So Jay is evil? Or is he trying to educate people? I'm lost here, but on your side I guess as far as believing about the all seeing eye and what not.

He's not evil, he just desperately wants to be a rich white man. He emulates the clothing style, speech and actions of rich white men. He is obsessed with Freemasonry because it epitomizes this white way of life and power.

I'm not racist, in fact, I think were all the same despite a few necessary "adaptational changes", but this this is exactly what itseems like... "I never prayed to God, I prayed to Gotti." Wha the #$%%?! lol...
I will correct myself, both the video that you posted and Zeitgeist are equally disingenuous.
how? where? I clearly see how Zeitgeist is full of lies...please specifically tell me where the video I posted is.....

You claim to advocate research but you are debating from and uneducated and biased position. You are just now Goggling terms and subjects that I have read multiple books on. Im not trying to sound pompous...but if you are looking for the truth...take a break from the videos and do some real reading.
read what? what should I read to educate myself on the subjet matter? have you supplied me with any links or sources that I can read or look at orhave you simply just told me how wrong I am...and not how I am wrong? I came in for discussion not debate...but all I seem to get are a couple individualsconstantly throwing insults tied in with completely general statements that have little to do with what Ive put forward. Have you told me what is wrong in thevideo or just that it is wrong? So I am the one who is biased and uneducated because I ask how? is that it or what? seems like it's just more insultsalong with telling me just how educated you are on the matter. no?

Did you read my original post? Didn't I state that most ancient systems of belief share similar archetypes and stories? The difference is the historical fact....Egypt was a Roman province and the cultural exchange and influence is clearly documented. BTW fetters is not a word exclusive to Egyptian theology, it means shackles or restaint.
I read the post in which you replied to my post...is there another? I havent gone through this entire thread. Fair enough. Fetters. excellent.and so a cultural exchange between Egypt and Rome means Christianity was fabricated from Egyptian religion. Am I just to take that as enough evidence or am Ijust to take your word on it? These religions are also undeniably different or are they not? Do I have to go through and provide examples? Is the onus uponme to prove just how different they are? I mean you tell me that they are the same and one came from the other yet theres no real details or explanation as tohow. And if you do or can then please provide me with some objective sources as to where I can find this information...preferably not some athiest site or theZeitgeist movie...as I have already seen a list of facts that disprove every single claim put forth in the Zeitgeist movie. Should I have to go through themovie and list every single one and evey single source? because I can. though I probably won't because it seems minds are already made up here. Is thereany real constructive information you have to add? because despite what this may have been turned into by a couple of individuals I was and am actuallyinterested in the subject matter. But it seems all I still have is someone telling me how wrong I am and of course not exactly how I am wrong.

But you claim to know nothing about the ancient Egyptian mystery system and then continue arguing that Christianity was not based off of it.
Wasnt this your claim? Again, what Ive said was that what was presented in the Zeitgeist film was false based on the facts provided in the film Ipresented...If not, again, please tell me how. From watching both, it was pretty clear Zeitgeist is full of holes and lies. All I've said about the"Egyptian mystery system" which I still dont know what is...was that it wasnt mentioned in either film. What argument did I make from it? You saidChristianity was based from it....no? So then how? or did you tell me how? or provide any source I could look at? Or am I supposed to try and somehow disproveyour argument that you havent even made yet?

It's funny how it seems people are always looking for an argument on here. You can continue to tell me how wrong I am and just how educated you are butwhat is that worth if you havent given me or anyone else anything other than your personal beliefs devoid of any sort of clear evidence or facts that we canlook at. Is this constructive? Or are you just here to tell people how right you are? or think you are? Is this the type of discussion youre looking for."im right" "youre wrong"...cause this is all I see going on....and this is most definitely not what I was looking for. again....detailsspecifics? whats wrong in the film I presented? or is it just EVERYTHING...because you read books and you said so?
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