Your girlfriend/female best friend/wife/whatever the heck you want to call her ...

but alot of dudes in here think that they be blowin each other on the dance floor or whatnot where i live they aint that nasty, and not everyone is naked like a greek orgy its a damn club for dudes that like other dudes...and girls just go there to dance and have a good time, so they aint HOLLA'D at or grabbed by their arm by some damn neanderthal..i wouldnt flirt with a dude for drinks thats too much, but also you cant get mad if some guy comes up to you and says ur fine bro, you laugh it off tilt ur drink to him and say thanks homie..but man ive met the baddest girls at these clubs and no, str8 dudes go kick it at these clubs to pick women up, you usually end up there after the regular club gets shot up or some idiots fight or some other nonsense...some of you are such closet cases..if you dont want dudes thinking ur gay then take off that extra tight v-neck and stop lookin in the mirror in the club. :D
WHOA, how do you get on the bad girls at these clubs if they go there so they dont have to deal with YOU (hetero male nightclub experience)? teach me sensei dudes is really saying they'd flirt with gay a gay club, for the sake of getting free drinks?

Seriously?.... That's what we do in 2012?.....Wow.

please quote the post where someone said they'd flirt with gay men for drinks so that we know what you're talking about.

sweep the leg...........SWEEP THE LEG.

edit: upon further observation, homie on the left actually has skill, that spin was cold as hell
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If I'm with my girl, I'll go, why not?
If a dude tries to spit game on me on some, "You got beautiful eyes, homie, what's your name?", I'd be like, "That buying me a drink?"
I'mma get free drinks all night, with the added safety of my girl being with me to make sure I don't get date-rape-drugged and dragged away to bathroom stall/alley way.
What are ya'll afraid of? Might catch the "gay"? Ya'll know you don't have to have sex with someone just because they complimented you/bought you a drink, right?

@ So Nyuh Sei Dae

This is what I was talkin about.
if you two ever get into an argument and there is a crowd of people around she will definitely bring it up.:rofl:
Relationship/ friendship/ marriage/ whatever would be over! I've dismissed chicks for far less. The moisture in the thread is astounding but I aint judging you aint on trial. Who am I kidding yes I am. Free drinks from dudes?

WHOA, how do you get on the bad girls at these clubs if they go there so they dont have to deal with YOU (hetero male nightclub experience)? teach me sensei
first of all young grass hopper, i maybe went to some of these places maybe 3 or 4 times and it was after the film fest we had, i was a projectionist at the time, so we got in for free and free drinks, i went in my work clothes and never brought money but those girls were there because they all worked on the film crews or were actresses or some of them were just there cuz they heard that was one of the events poppin that night so thats why there was bad girls those nights..but also i didnt come up to any of these girls they came up to me...i was just minding my own biz since i didnt expect any females to be there, but anyway i dont approach females like that, im not a thirsty dude, if they like me then we somehow find a way to have a convo it doesnt take a brainiac to figure these things out, but if you go into these things with an open mind you will more than likely end up having a good time and meeting some girl who is just dying for some straight male attention..also where i live the gay guys aint like the ones id imagine in atlanta..big black aggresive?? lol..these are all professional polite folks with your occasional queen but alot of em you wouldnt even know they were gay cuz they are pretty chill,my girl is really good friends with this dude that is a lawyer for dreamworks and this dude watches sports,some **** i dont even do, but yeah you cant tell dude is gay compared to his little asian queen lol.
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first of all young grass hopper, i maybe went to some of these places maybe 3 or 4 times and it was after the film fest we had, i was a projectionist at the time, so we got in for free and free drinks, i went in my work clothes and never brought money but those girls were there because they all worked on the film crews or were actresses or some of them were just there cuz they heard that was one of the events poppin that night so thats why there was bad girls those nights..but also i didnt come up to any of these girls they came up to me...i was just minding my own biz since i didnt expect any females to be there, but anyway i dont approach females like that, im not a thirsty dude, if they like me then we somehow find a way to have a convo it doesnt take a brainiac to figure these things out, but if you go into these things with an open mind you will more than likely end up having a good time and meeting some girl who is just dying for some straight male attention..also where i live the gay guys aint like the ones id imagine in atlanta..big black aggresive?? lol..these are all professional polite folks with your occasional queen but alot of em you wouldnt even know they were gay cuz they are pretty chill,my girl is really good friends with this dude that is a lawyer for dreamworks and this dude watches sports,some **** i dont even do, but yeah you cant tell dude is gay compared to his little asian queen lol.


did you scoop any of these pretty yambs...?

being around them aint good enough, b
i've been to gay clubs and bars and it's no big deal unless you're insecure about your sexuality or have a false sense of manhood . . .
you homophobes are something else . . . you guys act like you're going to get hit on by every gay guy, like you're god's gift . . . don't kid yourselves.
do you guys go to a [SARCASM] "normal" [/SARCASM] bar and club and get hit on constantly by women? probably not.
homosexuals are human beings just like you and me. they have scruples too.

Why is EVERYTHING that isn't supportive of a gay lifestyle considered homophobic? Not liking/caring for something and being SCARED of it aren't the same. Stop throwing that word around.
Why is EVERYTHING that isn't supportive of a gay lifestyle considered homophobic? Not liking/caring for something and being SCARED of it aren't the same. Stop throwing that word around.
true story...

either you're all the way in... or all the way out...
If I'm with my girl, I'll go, why not?
If a dude tries to spit game on me on some, "You got beautiful eyes, homie, what's your name?", I'd be like, "That buying me a drink?"
I'mma get free drinks all night, with the added safety of my girl being with me to make sure I don't get date-rape-drugged and dragged away to bathroom stall/alley way.
What are ya'll afraid of? Might catch the "gay"? Ya'll know you don't have to have sex with someone just because they complimented you/bought you a drink, right?

@ So Nyuh Sei Dae

This is what I was talkin about.
sounds like an attempt to get a free drink.
i've been to gay clubs and bars and it's no big deal unless you're insecure about your sexuality or have a false sense of manhood . . .
you homophobes are something else . . . you guys act like you're going to get hit on by every gay guy, like you're god's gift . . . don't kid yourselves.
do you guys go to a [SARCASM] "normal" [/SARCASM] bar and club and get hit on constantly by women? probably not.
homosexuals are human beings just like you and me. they have scruples too.

Why is EVERYTHING that isn't supportive of a gay lifestyle considered homophobic? Not liking/caring for something and being SCARED of it aren't the same. Stop throwing that word around.

that's the work of the gay illuminati
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I am just saying, I don't like how people throw that word around. EYE am not scared. What the hell is there to be scared of? If folks do what they do in the privacy of their own bed-room, who cares?

But that doesn't mean that I am not allowed to not want to attend a gay-centered function. I have no place there.
The same way I have no interest in a sewing convention.
The same way I have no interest in a St. Louis Rams free ticket.
The same way I have no interest in a free copy of Fallout.

It doesn't mean I hate or am scared of those things. I could just be spending my time doing something that I care for.

It doesn't mean I am not comfortable with my sexuality.
It doesn't mean that I am scared of gay people.

It just means I don't want to go!
OP I think your girl was just trying to tell you she thinks your gay and wants to see what you would do if another male hit on you....


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If you're that pressed for a free drink you need to be working or applying for a job instead of out at any club, gay or otherwise..

or i'm just willing to let people buy me drinks if they want to spend the money on me. i feel like most people appreciate something that's free, you just seem to have a problem with it because it comes from gay men.

so you would go to a kkk rally if they had free bbq? :rolleyes

you might want to rethink your comparison of racists to homosexuals. i'll let you try again.
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