Your girlfriend/female best friend/wife/whatever the heck you want to call her ...

I think heterosexual men grossly overestimate their own attractiveness to gay men. Because I always see the "i dont want guys hitting on me allnight" line and it's a little funny to me
speak for yourself.

i had a guy chuck little stones at my bedroom window outside my apartment last year in order to hit on me.

i ended up moving, because of the thought of this guy creeping outside my place really freaked me out.
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So anyone that doesn't go isn't sure of theirs?

Nah, didn't say that. I'm secure of my own masculinity so I wouldn't have a problem with gay people in a gay club.

Gays are also on regular clubs also and I don't deprive myself of going because I'm afraid of getting hit on or seeing someone kissing another dude.
speak for yourself.

i had a guy chuck little stones at my bedroom window outside my apartment last year in order to hit on me.

i ended up moving, because of the thought of this guy creeping outside my place really freaked me out.
you srs?? thats when you go show how much of a big man you are and whoop his ***...the **** is wrong with you?? so you move away?? ahaha. 
Nope. I am not homophobic(live and let live) but I don't think I would be comfortable in that situation. I don't like clubs anyways. I have been hit on by gay dudes in DC and it felt strange and awkward to be honest. :\
you srs?? thats when you go show how much of a big man you are and whoop his ***...the **** is wrong with you?? so you move away?? ahaha. 
im not gonna beat someone up over that. maybe you would do that, because of your juvenile mentality, but im classier than that.
Nah, didn't say that. I'm secure of my own masculinity so I wouldn't have a problem with gay people in a gay club.
Gays are also on regular clubs also and I don't deprive myself of going because I'm afraid of getting hit on or seeing someone kissing another dude.
If that is how you feel man. I personally have no use for the place so I wouldn't go. I wouldn't get anything out of that experience that would be worth my time or money. Insecurity (not talking directly to you) can't be the reason for everything.

Straight man not wanting to go to gay bar. Insecure!
Straight man not wanting his woman to go on a date one on one with another nab. Insecure.
Straight man not wanting his woman to go outside dressed like a grade A slot. Insecure.

I mean come on yall, give better excuses for behaviors than that.
lol but you would move away?? and that's not something i would do, i thought you were one of these cavemen that think every guy wants their cornhole..and will get it at any cost..

i would've handled that differently,maybe talked to the guy from the window  and told him im not interested and i like women...not moved away..restraining order..lots of options.
We would have to come to 

some sort of 


Sex with the lights on when we get home.

She dresses like a cheerleader.
lol but you would move away?? and that's not something i would do, i thought you were one of these cavemen that think every guy wants their cornhole..and will get it at any cost..
i would've handled that differently,maybe talked to the guy from the window  and told him im not interested and i like women...not moved away..restraining order..lots of options.
What exactly was he supposed to do though?
I don't see why not! 
lol but you would move away?? and that's not something i would do, i thought you were one of these cavemen that think every guy wants their cornhole..and will get it at any cost..

i would've handled that differently,maybe talked to the guy from the window  and told him im not interested and i like women...not moved away..restraining order..lots of options.
well fortunately I dont really care how you would have handled it, so its all good.
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well fortunately I dont really care how you would have handled it, so its all good.
yeah obviously we are 2 very different breeds, i was just intrigued why you would up and leave cuz of that.. no hard feelings.
What exactly was he supposed to do though?
if you wouldnt know what to do in this situation, then i dont know what to tell you..
I don't see why not! 
lol terry crews behind van dame.. love breakin..especially that broom part with the very visible strings. never watched electric bugaloo tho.
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Hell no. I live in DC and gay dudes don't know boundaries here, I'd end up fighting somebody.

and like somebody said, wouldn't she just get hit on by lesbians anyways...I'm not seeing the logic.
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I am saying dude, if he doesn't KNOW the man. But he knows the man throws pebbles at his windows, what is he supposed to do? I would assume that dude would run if he though Club was coming downstairs to whoop him. So what could he honestly do?
I am saying dude, if he doesn't KNOW the man. But he knows the man throws pebbles at his windows, what is he supposed to do? I would assume that dude would run if he though Club was coming downstairs to whoop him. So what could he honestly do?
restraining order, and did he do this before because it made it seem like it just happened this one time and he moved away..if he did it alot then than is know wham sayin?
How can you get a restraining order on someone he probably doesn't know the name of?

I am just making an assumption here but I am trying to think of a situation where a woman is harassing a woman that he barely knows. I mean what can she honestly do?
Been to plenty of gay clubs with my homegirls.

It's plenty of fun. They do know how to party for sure. You do get hit on constantly but if you're masculine looking they don't touch you or get too aggressive.

I've gotten free drinks/ discounted drinks for just going along with the bartenders flirting with me.

No big deal in my book. As long as you know where you stand at the end of the day who cares.


Flirting with other men for free/discounted drinks?

What part of the game is that?
I think i'd be more willing to go with a general set of friends if it really mattered to them than my main. It feels like giving in to that would be almost like giving up your standing in the relationship.

I don't care if the gays in my city are built like Lebron James or Spud Webb.

Either way, there are no potential wins from going to a gay club and you are a straight man.

Dudes saying they going to hit on girls when the whole reason biddies go is to escape being hit on. 95 % chance of denial of yambs penetration.

Dudes in here talmbout they'll play footsie with a bartender for a free/discounted drink.

If you hurting that much for a drink then you need to get on your grind and stop worrying about a social life.

Using that "As long as you secure with your sexuality..." excuse. ***** please, that seems like the pocket excuse to do gay **** these days.

I would ask you what your fathers would think about you going to gay clubs to get free drinks, but his absence in most of your lives is probably what makes you think this is acceptable.

Same dudes prolly be in other threads talmbout how this generation's jeans is too tight.

Father your sons, b.
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Everybody knows that all the baddest chicks go to gay clubs so they can go clubbing w/o getting hit on.. usually with a group of female friends. It's where they go when they wanna dance all up on dudes without feeling like they're gonna get raped after.
I know a couple of dudes who go there to find chicks and just have a good time with them. They aren't looking to hit on anyone, just have a good time w/ a couple of hot girls and maybe get their numbers and hit on them at a later time.
Plus, free drinks if you lead on a gay guy and you're good looking. Then turn him down and say you're straight.
So many benefits.
:lol: @ you thinking these "hot chicks" don't like to get hit on...
In this situation, you reply with this. Word for word:

" want to put ME in an uncomfortable situations, so YOU wont be in an uncomfortable situation?"
The same reason why she doesn't want to go to a straight club is the same reason why you shouldn't go to a gay club.  Because gay thirsty dudes do exist just like straight thirsty out of line dudes.  I grew up with a dude that never said he was, but it was pretty obvious.  That was my peoples and till this day if I could catch up with him I would hold him down like family.  Plus I think my little brother is gay, and I know my cousin is gay he just hasn't come out yet.  So no homophobia here, but I wouldn't set myself up for the fall.  I've had a bad enough problem with gay dudes in straight clubs offering to pay for play, and trying to touch.  Gay dudes get out of line just like straight dudes, and ATL gays are a whole nother bred.  Do not make eye contact.  They don't give a F, and some of these guys out here are menaces to society(gangstas).  After a few drinks or a bean, and they are just as over the top as any other thirsty straight guy. 

And going there to meet women is a BIG no no.  Surgeons down in South America work miracles.  Mess around and get a little to tipsy, and end up making  post op love.  I hear Waka F around and made a bad judgment call, and joined that club without knowing.
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