XXXTENTACION shot and killed in Broward County

You say I’m trolling you piece of **** the dude clearly playing with god in a super disrespectful way let me get off this website I’m out I can’t deal with demons and ignorant clowns what I posted was valid

he died cause he was playing with an imaginary friend?
Congrats, you are an adult making money. SMH!

Am I suppose to be impressed by your income?
Or because you going to Vegas?

Calmed doing salty one ... no one cares!

I'm actually happy you making money, you wouldnt be getting females cause of your Grammer B.

I'm just saying what's there to be salty about for me I make good money and I'm going on vacation.. you think an internet troll smarta** will get to me haha u wish brother...

And don't worry I won't give in to PURE PRESSURE like these kids you were mentioning about haha
You didn’t say weed was bad before. But u just did now. Weed is in no way a gate way drug. A empty mind and bad judgment is a gateway drug my man. A solid individual who has been smoking weed for more than 10 solid years and I have never tried any other drug
SMH ... did I said it was a gateway drug? LoL

You guys cant comprehend to save their lives. I'm speaking about me, I know me, unless you know me better than me?
I support the POTUS to. I’m not white either...
Doctors are doing it wrong... spending all that time and money going to med school to make $190-200k when you coulda just been a nurse and make almost twice that
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