WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest



Well if this glitchlike pause is true, let's enjoy this gem of a match glitch free
Yo I always thought they used like special prop chairs that were like the same materials as like cookie sheets but these crazy ****** use real steel chairs lol.


@ 1:26:00


Paul Bearer is expected to be announce for the HOF on monday. Takers is expected to induct him.

Expect a title change to happen on Raw.
This week on #NXT

Solid match between Emma and Summer Rae
Solid match between Adrien Neville and Tyler Breeze

Not sure if it's on the preshow or the main card but Big E has a title match against Swagger @ the PPV.
Man some of those creative horror stories.

Number 5: The Florida Trip

 Dave Meltzer noted in an issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter a few years ago that Vince had, seemingly on a whim, decided that he had to have an urgent meeting with the creative team.  Vince, who has been known for his somewhat erratic behavior (putting it mildly), then demanded everyone fly down to his pad in Florida.   This meeting was so incredibly important, it simply couldn’t wait. However, as soon as they all went through the (long and stressful) journey getting down there, Vince suddenly decided he doesn't want a meeting after all, wouldn’t let them into the house when they arrived and they all had to fly back to Stamford for yet another meeting with Stephanie.
Number 1: Vince McMahon's Top Gear

In an interview earlier this year, Court Bauer recalled to Bryan Alvarez how, after a meeting in Stamford one night, he ran into Vince in the car park, and was then challenged to an impromptu drag race by the billionaire CEO. Reluctantly, Bauer went along with it. Bauer was then pleasantly surprised when his own vehicle (which wasn’t a patch on Vince’s car) actually managed to catch up with Vince. Bauer then claimed that Vince’s response to this was to try and drive him off the road. Frightened, Bauer slowed down. “Let me get this straight,” a shocked Alvarez then asked Bauer, “You’re saying Vince tried to KILL you?!” “Vince likes to win,” Bauer responded. Yikes.

Shovel gonna shovel.

Number 7: "Am I F***ing Going Over?!"

One traumatized writer gave Powerslam writer Matthew Randazzo the following account of one of his earlier meetings with Triple H a few years ago:

“I remember being nervous the first time I delivered the script to the McMahon dressing room where HHH would dress (he would never use the locker rooms with the rest of the boys). When HHH answered I told him the RAW script was ready for his review. On the first occasion, he grabbed the script, flipped through it but did not read it, and asked me point-blank: ‘Am I f***ing going over?’ This first time that I delivered the script to him, he did indeed win his match, so I said yes. Then he politely gave the script back to me without reading it and said, ‘That’s all I needed to know,’ and walked back into the McMahon locker room. A few months later when Gewirtz had another weekend off, I delivered another RAW script to him on a PPV Sunday. And it was the same routine. He nonchalantly flipped through it and said, ‘Am I f***ing going over?’ This time, however, he was to lose his match via disqualification. He would keep his title. I said to him, ‘Well, sort of.’ Then Hunter froze. He said, ‘What do you f***ing mean, sort of?’ I said, ‘You lose the match via DQ, so you still keep the title.’, ‘What page?’ he growled. After I told Hunter the page number this occurred on, he ripped that page out, threw the rest of the script to the floor in a rage, and slammed the door in my face. Needless to say, the next day during the agents’ meeting, the script had somehow changed and now HHH won his match – cleanly. This was hardly an isolated incident.”
Has to be the US Title, right?

Completely forgot it existed, I was about to suggest the Tag Titles.

And the IC title really is the title of doom. Where the hell has Big E been?

Squashing 3MB on Raw and getting into a backstage fight with Swagger on Smackdown :lol:

Good look on the NXT matches DC, and that 4 way CW match, seen that one like 3 times




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