WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Question, has the WWE ever even introduced "the universe" to Byron Saxton? If not, they just have this dude doing backstage interviews and nobody knows who he is.
Looks like the Emma dance may be catching on....

Titus with the whistle back :lol: :pimp:

Darren Young has a shirt now :lol: :pimp:

Dolph "No Entrance Anymore" Ziggler |I
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Ziggler has fallen so far that he needs a distraction from Darren Young just to roll-up Titus :lol: :smh:

Question, has the WWE ever even introduced "the universe" to Byron Saxton? If not, they just have this dude doing backstage interviews and nobody knows who he is.

Really digging the animosity that the writers have built up within the shield. Looking forward to Reigns getting prepped for a title shot in the future.
Uso's have no sell as singles competitors. Swear for the bunch of times I've seen them, I don't remember ever seeing them cut a promo :lol: .
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Cole's commentary has been steadily awful for years, but how has JBL's commentary been so terrible since he came back? Him and Cole just bash guest commentators, or just talk in a condescending way that kicks the chair out from under them, no matter whether heel or face. How is that supposed to help anybody?
So are the Uso's destined to be a tag team forever?

Yupp, currently there's only room for one singles competitor from the Anoa'i/Maivia family and that's currently Reigns. The Usos fit the high flyer tag team mold that the kids love. It works for the WWE, so it should remain intact.
:lol: :rofl: they basically gave Christian 3 seconds of momentum heading into the Chamber
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