WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

You know Vince would love to have Hogan and Cena for the title at WM then at Summerslam and do the same thing the next year. :lol:
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I think I kill about 3 and a half hours a day at work just listening to these Review-a-Wai podcasts
Do you go back and watch the show when they review it? I never listen to them because I feel I am cheating if I don't watch the show.

Kurt Bauer and John Pollack did a nice lengthy talk about Big Mabel on this week's episode of the King & Fish. I suggest yall dudes check it out.

A lot of the WWE ones are fresh on my mind over the years, whether it's from recently watching the entire PPVs, matches from certain DVDs, reading reports or YouTube highlights. I listened to the Vengeance 2001 podcast earlier and I remember every bit of that PPV except Dudleyz vs Kane & Big Show and Scotty 2 Hotty/Albert vs Christian/Test. Funny thing I did forget was leading up to that PPV, it was based entirely around HHH's comeback from injury, including being on the promotional poster, yet he didn't come back til the following month at Royal Rumble :lol:

Hogan hosting WM 30?? Welp, he's leg dropping Orton or Cena...or Bryan in the main event to set up for next year :rofl:
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Since there's less than a week until EC I need sign ideas. I'll be in attendance and in view of the camera. Of course the [COLOR=#red]#NT [/COLOR]sign is a must but any other ideas?

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I think I kill about 3 and a half hours a day at work just listening to these Review-a-Wai podcasts
Do you go back and watch the show when they review it? I never listen to them because I feel I am cheating if I don't watch the show.

Kurt Bauer and John Pollack did a nice lengthy talk about Big Mabel on this week's episode of the King & Fish. I suggest yall dudes check it out.

Listening to this now :smokin
The element of surprise in returns is no more with the internet. Damn shame. Imagine hearing Hogan's theme out of no where, rumors or no rumors?
I find it quite hilarious when 4W rustles people with his shoe pickups, especially when he posted all those Yeezy Roshe's in the Broshe thread. :lol:

He definitely puts in work though.
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They probably want a ratings pop so people will tune in bc of this announcement.

Still think surprises are better to maintain interest since u never know who will show up and u don't want to miss it so u keep tuning in.
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How the hell does Hugh Morris still have a job?..He never had any personality and his work was always average at best..Can't WWE find a better person to teach these young guys?

You always have to have a tough hard-nosed douche on the staff, and it was either him or Hardcore Holly

Hmmmm, looks like they're attempting to draw much more interest for the Big E/Swagger match. That actually could be very good. Del Rio vs Batista on the other hand...:rolleyes
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