WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

unfortunately i have dish too
That sucks for Dish subscribers.

I hope my cable company doesn't drop WWE PPVs because I doubt the WWE Network will be accessible to me given where I live.

Hope I'm wrong though.
Mad I'm gonna miss the first 2 hours of RAW/Launch night on Monday, have class and a presentation :frown:
^Funny thing is, Vince Russo is rumored to be joining TNA again. If TNA wants to be really killed off, he's your man.
I'm hoping that the WWE Network doesn't apply time zones. With Directv I watch RAW live, I want to be able to watch the preshow on the Network prior to RAW rather then waiting for the west coast time.
The Miz went from boring Clevelans to the Real World NY to the host of Smackdown to main eventing Wrestlemania and tops it all off by marrying Maryse! The American Dream ladies and gentlemen!
I think I kill about 3 and a half hours a day at work just listening to these Review-a-Wai podcasts
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