Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

WCW took Mike Awesome and made him the Fat Chick Thrilla. I'd personally love to had sit in on creative meetings when some of these tragic gimmicks get created. Like I don't understand the thought process.

Russo: So we have the ECW Champion coming to Dubya See Dubya, what should we do with him
Booker 1: Oh let's just keep him how he is, super agile terrorizing big man heel!
Bischoff: Nah that's too boring we need to spice it up a bit
Booker 2: Well I was watching Saturday Night Fever and John Travolta looked pretty cool in his disco suit
Russo: I love it but he can't be into attractive women! Just look at all the fat WCW fans in the crowd!
Bischoff: Yes Mike Awesome loves his women with a whole lot of meat on them and his disco ball and platform shoes

:smh: WCW turning a high flying Heavyweight to That 70's Fat Chick Thriller

I don't remember the quality of this match, but I do remember how awful and hilarious the finish was :lol: If you only want to see the finish, just click the second vid

Those matches Mike Awesome had with Masato Tanaka in ECW were brutal.

No damns given by either of them
Stop eating God dammed chain food crap... Order from a local place... Why do you support a huge corporation when they're always ton of local places that need customers to stay afloat... And once you find a good pizza, you'll never want to order crap pizza again...

End rant... Also, if it's 1am and the only place open, different story...
Says the man that prefers WWE over INdy Promotions

Those matches Mike Awesome had with Masato Tanaka in ECW were brutal. :x

No damns given by either of them

Joey Styles was ethering Awesome on commentary when they wrestled again @ ONS '05

"Suicide dive by Mike Awesome...it's a shame he didn't succeed in taking his own life" :wow: :x :smh:
It's the worst for me because I work on a toll bridge :smh:

Can't use the phone for anything other than music, no movies, TV, no laptop, can't have something to read... nothing outside of a radio. And it's DEAD during graveyard shift :lol: :smh:

Easiest money you can make though.

Yeah I agree about Nattie. She'd make a great trainer too. Paige too when she's much older.
How did you get that job?

How do they pay?

You ever worried about getting robbed?
No way they let kenta on the main roster dolo for like his first year or so. He'll be part of a stable/ tag team or have a manager.
Those matches Mike Awesome had with Masato Tanaka in ECW were brutal. :x

No damns given by either of them

Joey Styles was ethering Awesome on commentary when they wrestled again @ ONS '05

"Suicide dive by Mike Awesome...it's a shame he didn't succeed in taking his own life" :wow: :x :smh:

Yea, that stunk. I did like how Styles eventually came around during the match since Awesome was busting his *** to make it good. I loved that feud. Sucks he didn't catch on in the WWE other than winning the Hardcore title that first Invasion night. He didn't even have a lot of matches in general in the WWE before and after his knee injury.

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You guys SERIOUSLY need to go to youtube and watch the episode of Baywatch with Hogan and Macho.

The **** is tooooo much :lol:
The ending to this :x :pimp:. I don't even remember Chavo being in the WWE in 2001. He must've only been on Jakked and Metal :lol:

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