Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Have to rep this
Haha yeah we need some sort of crappy prize for the loser like a divas mini belt or some really crappy piece of wrestling merchandise that they're embarrassed to own

I got something perfect for the last place finisher..
Hopefully they push Lou Carper. Would like to see him come back as a baby face and challenge Braun when he is ready to squash another jobber and out comes Lou Carper :pimp:
[h2]Dave Meltzer on Paige - "Looking really negative right now about her returning... She's probably done with the company."[/h2]
Meltzer talks about the report going around about WWE telling Paige to break up with Del Rio or she would be fired. He said he doesn't think the original source made the claim out of thin air. However, Dave said Mark Carrano (from talent relations) might have hinted to it but doubts he said it that directly to her because that wouldn't be legally okay. He said Mark Carrano or somebody in power would be smarter than that. Paige and Del Rio being separated in the draft was a message. He said the fact that the story is out makes him think she's probably done with the company. "If she is done, they're probably trying to maneuver to where she can be released and she can work elsewhere because she is under contract to WWE for a long time."
[h2]Sext new theme for his face turn? --> [/h2]
there's not enough A's in man

And Stacy Kiebler gooolllly :evil: word to David otunga
Mehhh seth's theme was best when he was wwe champion. I loved that theme. Perfect riffs and stops in the beat.
Man I just can't listen to this London podcast..Dude is the most boring, monotoned person I've ever heard give an interview..
if paige isn't coming back, her and del rio should have a edge/lita gimmick in the indys
In 2016, I feel that male vs female matches are inappropriate. There is a definite mismatch present and showcases male-on-female violence. I feel like that's going to be an unpopular opinion around here too for some reason.

When I was younger I didn't think anything of it but now as a married 26yo and not a preteen watching the Two Man Power Trip and seeing how the world is now. Just feels wrong.

I feel you. I loved the power trip but I didn't even remember that altercation until I just went back to watch it. That was OD.
I was trying to embed this, but whatever.

I kinda want to see how much of Cody's checklist has been knocked off.

this was in Winnipeg. the old Winnipeg arena was closing down so WWE came and had back to back TV here. I didn't get to go to either show though by this time I was the only one watching wrestling out my friends. I was too young to go by myself and I was too old to go with my mom. :lol:
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