Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

man I really I wanna check out takeover in Toronto. I just don't wanna get tickets and then have nakamura and joe get called up to the main roster before that.

I think Nakamura will still be in NXT.. because the Japan tour will be in December.. Samoa Joe I really don't know..
datboi81 datboi81

How's training going

Actually just quit my full time gig to focus more on this. My job kept me from training as much as I liked and I got smaller. Tomorrow starts my full time training process. Getting booked more though and should be able to travel a lot easier now. I've got some goals lined up this year to complete in Houston and hopefully can move on to something bigger after this.

Thanks for asking man.
Actually just quit my full time gig to focus more on this. My job kept me from training as much as I liked and I got smaller. Tomorrow starts my full time training process. Getting booked more though and should be able to travel a lot easier now. I've got some goals lined up this year to complete in Houston and hopefully can move on to something bigger after this.

Thanks for asking man.

Good **** bro :nthat:
In 2016, I feel that male vs female matches are inappropriate. There is a definite mismatch present and showcases male-on-female violence. I feel like that's going to be an unpopular opinion around here too for some reason.

When I was younger I didn't think anything of it but now as a married 26yo and not a preteen watching the Two Man Power Trip and seeing how the world is now. Just feels wrong.
I think it strains the credibility of a federation to schedule such sideshow-style mismatches. You see stuff like that in small Japanese MMA promotions, tiny karate expert vs 600 pound sumo, retired kickboxing champ against untrained young bar brawler...it's nothing you'd expect out of a billion-dollar enterprise.

Women generally don't do well in direct physical competitions with men. Olympic womens' teams regularly lose to elite amateur boys and a journeyman tennis player once beat the Williams sisters back to back after a brewski-filled summer afternoon. It's interesting in these modern times to explore themes of equality in all forums, but perhaps that initiative should not expand to serious athletic competition.

All that typed, they did not have to do Lita like that tho. 

I don't think many of the wrestlers these days could pull off an Iron Man match.
Some competitors I've taken note of for their in-ring endurance are Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, A. Cesaro and Sami Zayn. John Cena deserves mention here for his performance in grueling bouts, and although they've yet to prove their mettle on the biggest stage, athletes like Samoa Joe and Nakamura have both been noted for successfully grinding out matches during their careers. Ziggler and Sheamus seem to have pretty good tanks on them as well, and Kevin Owens seems to carry through his longer matches with a remarkable amount of energy, particularly given his size and and taxing offensive arsenal.

Seth Rollins has to be feeling absolutely alone. Without his brothers from the Shield, who he stabbed in the back in an ill-advised deal with the devil, or the protections of the corporate machine, Rollins is effectively in the same place he started as an NXT newcomer...a talented and confident wrestler with everything to prove. I expect he'll address his career crossroads soon, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to start with an apology to the fans he arrogantly shunned while he was on top of the world.

I don't expect he'll win them over immediately after his actions over the past year or so, but if he sincerely recognizes the error of his ways and commits himself to become the best competitor he can be, he'll gradually gain their respect on an organic level as well as prove to himself he can be Seth F. Rollins without the backing of the Shield, the Authority, J&J, or anyone else.
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