Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

So apparently someone went on change.org and started a petition wanting Reigns to remove his vest because he is cheating.

2,500 signatures, apparently close to getting it filled.
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:lol: peep Ramen touching AJ's shoulder and checking on him


^ Seems like BK is really enjoying his time in WWE

For real, along with actually getting paid like other people have said :lol:

So I just found out something that blew my mind. Apparently I was friends with Karl Anderson before he was Karl Anderson. A couple of my close friends wrestled on the indie circuit back in the day. Because of that, I did a lot of hanging with the local boys. I have Reds season tickets, and few times this guy named Chad Allegra would tag along. He was a good enough dude, and funny. I remember hearing he went to pursue an opportunity in Japan, which was the last I really heard, and I didn't keep tabs on him except to hear the occasional "Chad's dad says he's doing pretty well over there."

Fast forward to last night and I read the transcript of the Doc & Karl podcast. Karl name checks the wrestling school down here, and it caught my eye. Asked a buddy if he had seen it, and he said no. Asked same buddy if he had trained at the same time we were going heavy at Bone Krushers and he goes "Uhhh, yeah? You don't remember Chad?" My brain nearly exploded lol. All this time and I never put it together. Now that I know, I cant NOT see it, and wonder how I never noticed it lol.

Wow :lol: :rofl:
Did you ever listen to the Talk n Shop podcasts?...

Nope. And there was a big span right after he left where I wasn't watching wrestling like AT ALL. Literally the only bits I heard were "Chad's having a good run out west" or Chad's doing really well in Japan." We just didn't talk about it. My close friends got out of the business in 2009 and 2011, and that was it. It was never Anderson, or Karl. Always "Chad." Believe me, I'm still amazed it took me this long haha.
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Cody Rhodes needs to start a podcast, he's such a great storyteller. Him & Zack Ryder were on Talk is Jericho talking about amusement parks.
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