Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Brie's not over because she looks corny as hell trying to get the crowd on her side. She's best as a heel if she must compete in the ring.

They should team Barrett and McIntyre up. But all these tag teams won't mean anything if they keep burying guys.
Regarding Sting, his possible tenure in WWE should be for one program with Taker for WM. Nothing more....like Club mentioned, I am one of the ones who doesn't like the old veterans taking the spots of up and comers, but I feel as though this is a different situation since it would only be a one time thing. Also, who else would you put on the bill against Taker? They surely aren't going to put any up and comers in there against him...
The dudes who want sting to come in are the same dudes who get annoyed when any other old timer comes in and takes a deserving young guys spot. Make up your minds brehs

I want Sting to come to WWE for that Taker match so bad..And I don't get annoyed when an old timer comes in and takes a "deserving" young guys spot..If Austin wants to come back for WM vs. Punk and that meant that Ambrose or Ryback or Kofi didn't get to have a match I'm 100% fine with that..
I don't mind a "legend" coming back. It's when they are the entire focus and are involved in the title picture is what makes me angry.
I understand why Macho Man would seem overrated in the ring now. But if you strictly focus on that time early 80s-early 90s he was one of the innovators during that time period. He changed the game. Now it looks primitive after seeing HBK, Jericho, Muta etc
I was watching a Rosenberg interview with Punk and Pete was saying that Randy Savage is his GOAT


I wouldn't mind sting coming back either ONLY for a one time thing with taker. Imagine all the vignettes and promos and mind games these two would play on each other :pimp:
Have they EVER had a match together?

Hearing y'all talk about "legends" reminds me of when rko was called the legend killer :pimp: BEST gimmick in recent time.
Tyson and Gabriel being reunited :pimp:

They can't possibly be serious about why Brie didn't get sympathy and isnt getting over with the crowd. I'm sure at least half of them have seen Total Divas and realize she's not that much different from Nikki, the second most unlikable person behind Eva Maria. They spent months with the Bellas basically as mean girls, and so they cant expect the crowd to immediately be on their side just cause the WWE quickly wants them as faces. Plus AJ has a good following as a heel. It also doesn't help that Brie looks like she'd gonna snap in half and looks completely unrealistic in the ring.
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What are these stories of Melina you guys speak of. All I remember is that I used to have fap sessions when I was younger on her entrance to the ring. 
^Im sure there are other wrestlers, but supposedly Batista and Gene Snitsky smashed Melina, and Morrison practically chaperoned dates with her. There's a shoot video of Paul London and Brian Kendrick describing the whole thing. **** is hilarious.
Yes and yes....wait, not Snitsky (or at least not confirmed), but Mike Knox hit. Not sure when that happened, but as far as Batista, that happened nearly around the same time as that storyline about Batista assaulting Melina (or something like that). Around 05/06 when MNM had the tag titles.
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DC, I know he f'd up his neck, but wasnt sure if he was maybe in the offices in Japan.

Someone post up some J-Cup matches from the mid 90s
Also, does anyone remember that there was a 4 Horsemen group with Benoit, LIger, and 2 others, I think Kendo Kashin and/or Shinjiro Ohtani. I vaguely remember a pic of them sporting the 4 fingers, def NJPW. Might've been the time Benoit was rocking that different 4H logo, think it was supposed to be like a Rogue Horsemen logo.
1. Oh ok, I was wondering for a second. I don't know what Hayabusa is doing these days.

2. Liger vs Sasuke 94 J-Cup. Hell the whole card is on YouTube.

3. 4 Horsemen: Liger, Benoit, El Samurai, Gran Hamada
Damn, how is Morrison just going to let the entire lockerroom run train on his girl like that. Unless he's into that ****olding stuff
And IDC how big of a **** Kelly Kelly was, she was downright beautiful. Perfect face imo
Damn, how is Morrison just going to let the entire lockerroom run train on his girl like that. Unless he's into that ****olding stuff
That's one of the main reasons he wasn't pushed further up the card. Him not standing up to Batista, was deemed a no no in Vince's eyes.
I believe this story came from the Observer if memory serves correct.

Edit: also for taking Melina back.
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I will never understand that. You KNOW your girlfriend is smashing other dudes, especially dudes you work with. And yet you still date her?
I will never understand that. You KNOW your girlfriend is smashing other dudes, especially dudes you work with. And yet you still date her?

She does the splits, so many her sex game was immaculate, and was being a generous guy by letting other experience those magical yambs for themselves.
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