Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Bret Hart had some sunny days!!
Lol yeah he did.

Rumor was Chris Candido used to let others in the locker room have a go with Sunny, HBK then had a closer relationship with her that irritated Candido.

The relationship stopped and Sunny then had an affair with Bret, which led to HBK mentioning the "Sunny Days" promo which led to more tension with a married Bret Hart.
I'm going to happily participate either way, but...

1) To give you an analogy it's like there being a locker room secret santa in the WWE and the Kliq only wanting to be each others Santa.

2) Getting a deadbeat Santa would suck for anyone. I'm not sure why the people who post most frequently in this thread deserve an insurance policy. Or why you feel the need for one, because...

3) I doubt someone will deadbeat this sort of voluntary thing where there are ( social) (e)-consequences for non-conformity. Having a relatively small group (30ish ppl) makes that chance small.

4) The people who post most frequently in this thread, are going to be the easiest to shop for. Those guys will mostly like get things they have an affinity for regardless of who is buying it because their likes/dislikes/opinions etc are the most readily and abundantly (moreso than what is in the questionnaire) available. ie. most who've read this thread will know DC like Paul London. Or that half the dudes in here would be happy with a pair of AJ's panties.

5) Having one group is the way to derive the greatest benefit (a heightened camaraderie) for the NTWT community. Which is really what something like secret santa is about at its core. I don't want to speak for 4w but I suspect this is why we have something like the ppv prediction contest, and also why the standings of it don't have a "frequent poster" division

Like I said though, I'm going to participate either way. I don't have the initiative to plan something like this, but am glad someone does.
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Dude used roids??
I doubt HBK used roids.
Shawn failed a steroid test in 93 which forced Vince McMahon to suspend him while he was still Intercontinental Champion.

That's why you had that dual IC champion storyline with Razor Ramon when Shawn came back from suspension. 

Shane Helms has also accused him of a roid user as well as a heavy drug user.
Woah, didn't know that.

Bruh, the bumps that he took in this match. The suplex to the outside where he banged his achilles against the railing. When Razor pushed him off the ladder and his leg got caught.

I actually prefer this match over their WM X match
How do I find out if I am a frequent visitor? I think i've been in these wrestling threads for quite a while to warrant a spot on team frequent haha
ive always wondered and now that i just saw his name scrolling though the thread, was there any footage of owen harts death?
The people that would be on a different list are people that I never see in these threads, ppv contests, or 4W's master NTWT spreadsheet. I don't want someone I've never seen in this thread before, to get paired up with someone who has been posting in here for years.
I think there were only a few names overall on the final list that I put into the group that I never see in here. Those people haven't sent in their questionnaires yet, so that shows you, they haven't been checking this thread, and I doubt they even turn a questionnaire in.
A lot of us have spent every Monday and PPV Sundays together in here for YEARS, and are a close group of people. It just wouldn't be fair to put someone into the main Secret Santa pool that comes in this thread once every three months to post an old wrestling match.

This is the best I can break if down and I hope everyone understands. If anyone else besides Goofy08 disagrees, let me know.
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ive always wondered and now that i just saw his name scrolling though the thread, was there any footage of owen harts death?

I believe the only people to witness his death were the people in attendance that night bc they were showing a pre-taped vignette to the television audience at the time of his death. They never released that PPV on tape either.
The people that would be on a different list are people that I never see in these threads, ppv contests, or 4W's master NTWT spreadsheet. I don't want someone I've never seen in this thread before, to get paired up with someone who has been posting in here for years.
I think there were only a few names overall on the final list that I put into the group that I never see in here. Those people haven't sent in their questionnaires yet, so that shows you, they haven't been checking this thread, and I doubt they even turn a questionnaire in.
A lot of us have spent every Monday and PPV Sundays together in here for YEARS, and are a close group of people. It just wouldn't be fair to put someone into the main Secret Santa pool that comes in this thread once every three months to post an old wrestling match.

This is the best I can break if down and I hope everyone understands. If anyone else besides Goofy08 disagrees, let me know.

I hope I get 4W and he sends me his Audi :smokin
I fully agree with separate lists..Not to sound like douche, but I'd be pretty PO'ed if I took the time to scour the net for something cool for someone and end up getting nothing because some dude came in the thread just enough to post that he wants to be in on the S.S...I know it's not supposed to be about getting something, but rather giving something, but if I'm going to spend my time and money (which I don't have much of) on someone else then I'd like to know that someone is doing the same for me..

And JD, I know you said you didn't put any kind of limits or minimums on this but I think that's not a great idea..I think there should be a $25 min. and no maximum..Shipping shouldn't be included in the total amount you've spent on the gift..That way nobody is going to get 2 actions figures and the sender claims it cost $15 dollars shipping so he met the required minimum..And should we maybe add pants size to the survey in case someone wants to buy some sweats or pajamas (cause I've actually found some pretty cool ones online)..Maybe shoe size just in case a SS is feeling extra generous?..Just a couple thoughts..
sign me up for the SS! I have some solid stuff I need to get rid of. And what is this questionnaire everyone keeps mentioning?
I fully agree with separate lists..Not to sound like douche, but I'd be pretty PO'ed if I took the time to scour the net for something cool for someone and end up getting nothing because some dude came in the thread just enough to post that he wants to be in on the S.S...I know it's not supposed to be about getting something, but rather giving something, but if I'm going to spend my time and money (which I don't have much of) on someone else then I'd like to know that someone is doing the same for me..

And JD, I know you said you didn't put any kind of limits or minimums on this but I think that's not a great idea..I think there should be a $25 min. and no maximum..Shipping shouldn't be included in the total amount you've spent on the gift..That way nobody is going to get 2 actions figures and the sender claims it cost $15 dollars shipping so he met the required minimum..And should we maybe add pants size to the survey in case someone wants to buy some sweats or pajamas (cause I've actually found some pretty cool ones online)..Maybe shoe size just in case a SS is feeling extra generous?..Just a couple thoughts..

I wish I still had my old sting mask from the late 90's i'd send you that if you were my SS. Had that thing autographed too and I lost it when I moved :smh:
Dont think anyone was better at taking the sternum-first, turnbuckle whip, than the hart brothers

I wish I still had my old sting mask from the late 90's i'd send you that if you were my SS. Had that thing autographed too and I lost it when I moved :smh:

I hate you for having an old sting mask from the 90's..I hate you for getting his autograph..And I hate you for losing it when you moved..I hope I'm your SS cause if I am then I'm getting you Curtis Axel..
I hate you for having an old sting mask from the 90's..I hate you for getting his autograph..And I hate you for losing it when you moved..I hope I'm your SS cause if I am then I'm getting you Curtis Axel..

I hope it's actually Curtis Axel himself :lol:
The people that would be on a different list are people that I never see in these threads, ppv contests, or 4W's master NTWT spreadsheet. I don't want someone I've never seen in this thread before, to get paired up with someone who has been posting in here for years.
I think there were only a few names overall on the final list that I put into the group that I never see in here. Those people haven't sent in their questionnaires yet, so that shows you, they haven't been checking this thread, and I doubt they even turn a questionnaire in.
A lot of us have spent every Monday and PPV Sundays together in here for YEARS, and are a close group of people. It just wouldn't be fair to put someone into the main Secret Santa pool that comes in this thread once every three months to post an old wrestling match.

This is the best I can break if down and I hope everyone understands. If anyone else besides Goofy08 disagrees, let me know.

Actually, Raw is one of the 2 or 3 reasons I miss cable... And I do miss watching Raw live with you guys... Been a few years, but I remember a lot of random stuff... 4W wasn't around the week DX reunited (below) and I made the thread that week... jesus christ i just realized that was almost 8 years ago....

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