Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

I honestly don't think HHH will really ever have a retirement match... Since he's basically gonna be the new VKM for the next generation... He will always find himself to be a draw, even if its only once a year, ala Taker, maybe even less... Put it this way, VKM was still working matches a year ago....

I hate the mere thought of it but somewhere in the back of my mind I think this would be the case.
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A few good shoots on hbk. The one about nash strong-arming Vince for equal pay on a finish that hbk got paid more for shows a few kinks in the clique.

Anybody find his theme song absolutely ridiculous? I mean, us wrestling fans are used to it. But I was watching a match with my roommate and he was dying at the lyrics
Anybody find his theme song absolutely ridiculous? I mean, us wrestling fans are used to it. But I was watching a match with my roommate and he was dying at the lyrics

It is, actually :lol:

Still, that says more about HBK as he got the song over regardless.
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It's a same the Vince never gave JR a fair shake or respect, but JR didn't do himself any favors by being allowed to be the butt of joke and embarrassment. He really does have a great wrestling mind
If you were a kid born in the 80's and never did this in front of the mirror I feel sorry for you :lol:

I don't know how he developed that pose, or came to the conclusion that it would be his signature pose. But damn if it's not PERFECT.

Same goes for Triple H's corner pose, Randy Orton's corner pose, Big Show's one hand chokeslam pose, Kane's pyro pose, Taker's kneeldown pose, Rock's corner pose, Edge's slide into the ring, and Kurt Angle's spinning thing he does.

All perfect. This is another thing we are missing in the WWE Universe era. The lack of individuality when it comes to taunts and poses. All are SO important when it comes to being memorable.
I don't know how he developed that pose, or came to the conclusion that it would be his signature pose. But damn if it's not PERFECT.

Same goes for Triple H's corner pose, Randy Orton's corner pose, Big Show's one hand chokeslam pose, Kane's pyro pose, Taker's kneeldown pose, Rock's corner pose, Edge's slide into the ring, and Kurt Angle's spinning thing he does.

All perfect. This is another thing we are missing in the WWE Universe era. The lack of individuality when it comes to taunts and poses. All are SO important when it comes to being memorable.

Hey now, don't front on Curtis Axel's...something...that he does during his entrance, and...something that Cody Rhodes does.
I don't know how he developed that pose, or came to the conclusion that it would be his signature pose. But damn if it's not PERFECT.

Same goes for Triple H's corner pose, Randy Orton's corner pose, Big Show's one hand chokeslam pose, Kane's pyro pose, Taker's kneeldown pose, Rock's corner pose, Edge's slide into the ring, and Kurt Angle's spinning thing he does.

All perfect. This is another thing we are missing in the WWE Universe era. The lack of individuality when it comes to taunts and poses. All are SO important when it comes to being memorable.

Hey now, don't front on Curtis Axel's...something...that he does during his entrance, and...something that Cody Rhodes does.

:lol: hoodie removal x creep grin doesnt cut it

Curtis Axel's Cam Newton esque pose is :x
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