Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

Might as well just make them a tag team at this point. smh.

But Ziggler is in full YOLO mode

This is what I've been saying. Just go to japan and he'll be more than appreciated there. Just like Shelton.

Dude is too damn good of a wrestler to rot in the WWE.
Literally breaks my heart that he went from WHC to a top jobber in the last few months
It's appalling that Dolph is basically in a worse position than Zack Ryder. He may have started to kill is own momentum, but the WWE initially did that themselves, overreacting at the pop he got, only to do o e of the worst double turns in recent memory, where neither guy gets over. Let's take a guy who screams heel with every mannerism, and make him a sympathetic face. Nice :rolleyes
Kinda weird a few months ago he was WHC with AJ on his arm and Big E as his enforcer. Now they're both shining while he's not doing much.
I'm all for Brodus Clay going back to what was supposed to be his original gimmick if that's what this beef with Woods leads too. The whole Tons of Funk thing (at least to me) has ran its course
Titus vs Cesaro could actually be a good and entertaining match, but it was solely made so Cesaro could swing all the Thanksgiving food out of Titus
I'm sure someone has stated this already.. But the Cena/Orton match is the perfect time for a Cena heel turn.... Will never happen.. But if this was the Attitude Era, Cena would be a heel in a couple weeks.
I'm sure someone has stated this already.. But the Cena/Orton match is the perfect time for a Cena heel turn.... Will never happen.. But if this was the Attitude Era, Cena would be a heel in a couple weeks.
My friends and I thought he was turning heel at Survivor Series when his music came on after the orton show match.
All the little kids would cry and stop buying those colored wristbands. They should start buying Goldust merchandise if there is any.
That doesn't feel right without Teddy saying "12 man tag match playa!!!!! With the UNDATAKAH!!!!"

Punk's elbow is ******g terrible :rofl:
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Awesome tag match. No Orton, no Cena, Big Show, and no McMahons, can't ask for anything more :lol: That was basically a 30-40 match to close out the show.

Saw something that said the WWE is thinking about restarting the Rey vs Sin Cara "feud" for Wrestlemania. Apparently his Sin Cara's merchandise is still a good seller (um, huh?), and they want to do that never-ending mask thing. Let's not attempt to build towards a match the has a chance to be very good (or entertaining botchfest), but let's build towards masks.

I hope the punk/Bryan teaming up ends up with punk turning on Bryan and we get a nice long overdue much needed punk heel turn against a face Bryan. But hey I doubt wwe writers are smart enough to come up with that.

I remember the South Park episode where they made fun of family guy and the writers logic is they use "idea balls" to come up with a story/joke. Reminds me of wwe writers :lol:
Give Zayn his mask back and make it a triple threat :pimp:

I was already a fan of Dolph but I like his attitude lately. It's bull the way some dudes are treated in the WWE. Here's to hoping he gets back on track.
I'm sure someone has stated this already.. But the Cena/Orton match is the perfect time for a Cena heel turn.... Will never happen.. But if this was the Attitude Era, Cena would be a heel in a couple weeks.

How many perfect times has there been for Cena to turn Heel these past 3-4 years? :lol:
I always thought WWE should use the Generico gimmick as Sami Zayn's alter-ego. Almost like how Keiji Mutoh transforms into the Great Muta. That would be cool.

Peep, SHield vs. RHodes was 30 mins? I turned it off because I said I will watch it a little later.

People. PLEASE watch Neville vs. Sami Zayn. I was more entertained by this than the Cesaro/Zayn match.

The latest episode of NXT. I can post a link if you watch. Otherwise I won't waste my time. You know how you dudes only watch wrestling that have 12,000 people in attendence :rolleyes
Brooke Tessmacher is on IG twerking with her whole hill william family.

The surge of embarrassment I felt can only be described as "chilling".
I like Ziggler and think he has upper midcard/infrequent main event potential but I think he's overrated by the IWC and NTWT. He desperately needs to go back to being a heel though, and maybe some new entrance music/
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