Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

Xavier Woods is the most non-brother brother there is. :lol:

Also, this is up there with one of the worst Raw's of all time.

Once again my fellow tag team champ knows exactly what he's talking about..

I don't know how many more times I have to say this, but WWE will continue to suck balls until Vince is no longer involved in the company..
Cena making his "I'm talking to a black guy" voice again.
Del Rio = Sheamus. Both can go in the ring, but their characters make me not want to sit through any buildups for them to get in the ring.
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So the big show slaps people in the chest as one his main moves? oh ok. boringgggggggggggggggggg
Does anyone else think the belts are still gonna be split after TLC? They keep mentioning that BOTH belts will he hanging above the ring. Maybe each guy will get a belt, and then there will be a legit match to unify them at WM.  
I was hoping that punt last night meant Big Show was going to be on vacation for a few months. :smh:
I flipped over just in time to see Big Show on the ground and Del Rio tapping out to Cena. The pure apathy I feel for most of this product right now :lol:
Title unification match so early? Why not at Mania?

Oh well, guess I might scope up some tickets for TLC afterall.
Was Orton a heel or face in the opening segment?  He was angry that HHH helped him win last night.  He said he wanted a clean victory.  Then HHH and Steph start insulting him.  So strange.

They never actually said it was a title unification match at TLC.  They said the WWE and World Titles would be hung above the ring.  It probably is, but WWE may not go that way.  Unless they clarify it later in the show.
Does anyone else think the belts are still gonna be split after TLC? They keep mentioning that BOTH belts will he hanging above the ring. Maybe each guy will get a belt, and then there will be a legit match to unify them at WM.  

They both reach the belts at the same time but Orton gets the WHC and Cena reclaims his precious.
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