Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

The Unified titles became the WWE Undisputed championship and that went to Smackdown along with Brock when the brand split happened. Raw needed a title so Eric Bischoff just made up the World Heavyweight Title and handed it to HHH. You can see the vid a couple pages back.

I don't see it? :nerd:
remember when Dolph beat Cena at TLC last year?

Le Sigh...

Also, Punk name dropping like a mug. Must be nice to be bullet proof.
matt classic, Colt Cabana and scotty goldman aka the 3 faces of Colt Cabana :lol:
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RT @iLikeSamiZayn: If you don't love @CMPunk, you must at least love The Ring Crew Express, @MartyDeRosa or @ColtCabana.
[COLOR=#red]Just started it up... "Epic" "Historic".... Cena vs Orton for the 4,000th time...

thee ONLY thing that interests me is the Unification.

4 big time players in the ring... Daniel Bryan's name gets cheered LOUDLY... His YES chant cheered LOUDLY... Cena and Orton. Good call.[/COLOR]
Since the Total Divas wore the same clothes last night I expect Luke Harper to do the Top Rope PowerBomb spot again tonight
Man there are so many CHANTS in the WWE right now.

Just like how a few years ago in the NBA EVERYONE had a signature pre-game ritual. I think folks do stuff like that so their signatures can be in a video game LOL
Of course they kidnap the one with a massive beard like theirs.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahha this is funny. I thought the Shield were about to kidnap CM Punk

But I was about to say, Wyatts should kidnap Bryan, hold him hostage or something. Give him a break for a few weeks. Let him rest in the real world. Storyline wise, someone has to save him though. WHo?
Guess we won't see these dudes for a while.

Good thing we have Cena & Orton to hold us down.
They been running commercials for the smackdown taping for 2morrow here in CT. Punk and Bryan fight the Wyatts again on smackdown. So take it for what its worth. But I dont think this kidnapping lasts very long
Roman Reigns talks too much to be the muscle of the group. He needs to not talk.
I agree. He's still a badass, but he was there was this air about him when all he did was saiyan scream and hit big moves. Now it feels like he's talking more than Dean in these spots. :lol:
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