Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks for the nice words on my sneakernews feature tried to make NT proud with that WWE championship belt. Trying to figure out what PPV to go to but the product has been so bad lately might just be Wrestlemania and EC.

Had a feeling when I seen that championship. Wrestlemania that is all if it were me.
Last night's episode of Total Divas was the best/worst of all time.

The writers do the absolute minimum to maintain the veil of "reality". The acting between Cameron and her meat head boyfriend was sooooooooooo bad :lol:

I want to see Cameron get shoved into a mud puddle more than any other person on the planet.
Unifying the world titles would mean the IC Title would be important again, and with the inflated roster, winning the WWE Title will have more meaning to it, the main event slots will be more appreciated by the talent and just the overall competitiveness in the locker room will crank up.

Natalya is hottie. She has no reason to be jealous of Eva Marie. I love Natalya's curves omg!
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Unifying the titles would be great. But they need to trim the fat on the roster. Too many dudes on tere with no direction. Either give them direction or cut them loose. And yes, this includes ziggler unfortunately
Last night's episode of Total Divas was the best/worst of all time.

The writers do the absolute minimum to maintain the veil of "reality". The acting between Cameron and her meat head boyfriend was sooooooooooo bad :lol:

I want to see Cameron get shoved into a mud puddle more than any other person on the planet.

Agree with this so much. I don't even think her and Naomi are linked with TOF anymore, but I can't wait for them to split up Cameron and Naomi, and Cameron fades into oblivion
Last night's episode of Total Divas was the best/worst of all time.

The writers do the absolute minimum to maintain the veil of "reality". The acting between Cameron and her meat head boyfriend was sooooooooooo bad :lol:

I want to see Cameron get shoved into a mud puddle more than any other person on the planet.

Agree with this so much. I don't even think her and Naomi are linked with TOF anymore, but I can't wait for them to split up Cameron and Naomi, and Cameron fades into oblivion
Tons of Funk was doomed the second Brodus made that girl cry in the first episode. :lol:
Lots of Roman Reigns love in here. Anyone remember when NT thought he was the weak link when The Shield first debuted?
I always said he was good in the ring. Strength and speed.

But being the weak link in the shield isn't necessarily a bad thing. Considering all members are INCREDIBLY talented
I always said he was good in the ring. Strength and speed.

But being the weak link in the shield isn't necessarily a bad thing. Considering all members are INCREDIBLY talented

And that's why Reigns needs to stay part of the group until WM... He is still very limited in the ring and I'm sure his physiology isn't up to singles run status yet... Just traveling with the other 2, and being in the same ring 4-5 nights a week is a huge help... He's got great upside and looks to have "it"... But he's still got a ways to go...
I actually thought everybody said Rollins was the weak link :lol: it was sort of confirmed as he gradually ate the most pins, plus him being face masquerading as a heel. All 3 are top notch though, all bring something different to the group
Lots of Roman Reigns love in here. Anyone remember when NT thought he was the weak link when The Shield first debuted?

Boy were we wrong haha.

Thought the same way too. Him being teamed with more experienced guys like Ambrose and Rollins didn't help my perception of him when I first saw The Shield. Just thought he was the big/bruiser dude of the team. But then ironically, him being teamed with the same 2 guys also helped him improve a lot in such a short period of time.

I'd love to see Ambrose vs Reigns with Ambrose playing heel. On the other hand, It would be cool to see Rollins vs Reigns with Rollins playing face. I can already see Rollins selling that spear :pimp:
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Reigns is still the weak link, him dishing out a few Spears changes nothing

He's got the look Vince craves for.

Ambrose will be a great heel, probably the top heel by 2015.

Rollins will be a very popular face. Not a top face but i think he will be more popular with the fans than Kofi ever was.

Reigns will get the monster push after WM, So far it's being discussed that he will turn face. We will have to wait and see if he's better off a face or heel.
Reigns should be fine as a face as long as he isn't dancing with R-Truth or being overly corny like Sheamus
Remember guys, he hasn't even hit another Shield member with an accidental spear yet.... When that happens, it's time to start talking...

"It's....it's....IT'S GOTTA BE REIGNS!!!"

My elf's gifts are slowly trickling in. 2 of the 6, maybe 7. Checked the tracking and it says the rest are delivered, so I'll wait til the 27th then cause ruckus if they're not.
I need help yall. MAJOR help. I might can find a way to get this to the WWE 2K Devs and there is a good chance they will listen. PLEASE tell me what I need to fill in the blanks

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