Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

at what point do the writers and Vince, or whoever is involved, realize that the product is buns? They had momentum rolling after WM and it has come to a screeching halt over the past few months.  

Getting boring chants during your main event should raise some flags, or are they really that ignorant? 
Could be setting up for Cena/Bryan at WM with Bryan winning. Perfect way to setup the next season of Total Divas too. Unification now and then lead to Bryan getting back in the picture.
Bryan's done with main events.  Sorry, but true.
So when Cena and Orton faced off, was it to silence like Royal Rumble 2011 :lol: ?
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John Cena challenged Randy Orton for a champion vs. champion match, but he declined. Kane then tried to go after Cena, but Triple H stopped him. Kane tried a few more times, and Triple H kept stopping him, promting Kane to grab HHH for a chokeslam, but Orton came over and calmed Kane down. They all then went to the back and Cena took the mic and talked to the crowd.

Triple H then came back out and Cena challenged him to enter the ring and see if he still has it. Triple H took off his tie and started going to the ring, but Vince McMahon came out and stopped Triple H. Cena then taunted Vince, who took of his tie and jacket, but Stephanie McMahon came out and stopped him. The Authority then walked to the back, and Vince was doing the Los Matadores Ole! chant with his jacket on the stage.
I can definitely see the titles being unified at TLC, neither guy has a program now. Mania sells itself, and that match would do bigger numbers for TLC.
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