Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

I'm gonna give those matches a whirl, but I gotta say that after watching that top 10 moves video I'm not very impressed..
*Puts FlameSuitOFDoom on*..Macho Man is more entertaining in the ring than Shawn Michaels..There I said it, and I'm not taking it back..
That MM top rope elbow is a thing of beauty..I don't think I can ever recall him botching one..Punk should never be allowed to do that move..Miz's Figure 6>>>Punk's elbow drop..
I thought karl anderson was just a joke thing and people were playing along. I just assumed since his name was brought up right after all the ron mysterio talk.
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Posted this probably a couple months ago. Not a classic of course obviously, and though I hate the word swag, Macho Man's swag was over 9000 at this moment. Dropped 3 straight Elbows on Alex Riley and Tyler Rek's daddy, washing this dude completely, all while decked out in leather like a boss.

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- As noted, WWE NXT star Judas Devlin was brought in for RAW in Nashville this week and is backstage at tonight’s SmackDown tapings in Atlanta. Devlin has fans on Twitter speculating that he may be debuting as a new member of The Wyatt Family after this tweet mentioning Sister Abigail:

“I feel the pain Sister Abigail…”

It was recently reported that Devlin was out of action with a spinal injury but earlier this week he tweeted that his back was feeling “taut” or tight, which could be a reference to those injury reports.

*Puts FlameSuitOFDoom on*..Macho Man is more entertaining in the ring than Shawn Michaels..There I said it, and I'm not taking it back..
I don't know enough Macho Man to make this a fair assessment but  I know a ton of people who would agree with you. 
I don't know enough Macho Man to make this a fair assessment but  I know a ton of people who would agree with you. 

Macho Man was phenomenal..I'm 35 so I got to grow up on MM, Snuka, Piper, Hogan, Sheik, Flair, Steamboat, and all those great 70's/80's guys..So when Shawn came along and was doing top rope elbows and running around the ring like a speed demon, I had already saw all that with Randy..Dude was always jumping over the top rope or jumping off the top turnbuckle to the outside or doing super athletic moves..Steamboat too..He was very athletic and was doing top rope moves and having top echelon level matches every night..So when I hear people talk about Shawn or Kurt or Eddie and how innovative they are and how they never had bad matches and could make anyone look good, I just think to myself "Well I already saw 3 or 4 guys 10/15 years before them do the same thing"..That's why it's hard for me to put the guys from the 90's/00's over the guys I grew up on..And you gotta remember when I was 5 and started watching wrestling religiously the guys from my era were doing 20-40 minute matches on the reg, so for someone to tell my about Shawn or Kurt doing "ironman" matches it just doesn't seem impressive to me..Because when I was a little kid guys were doing 30 minutes every night and going an hour once a week..
Macho Man was phenomenal..I'm 35 so I got to grow up on MM, Snuka, Piper, Hogan, Sheik, Flair, Steamboat, and all those great 70's/80's guys..So when Shawn came along and was doing top rope elbows and running around the ring like a speed demon, I had already saw all that with Randy..Dude was always jumping over the top rope or jumping off the top turnbuckle to the outside or doing super athletic moves..Steamboat too..He was very athletic and was doing top rope moves and having top echelon level matches every night..So when I hear people talk about Shawn or Kurt or Eddie and how innovative they are and how they never had bad matches and could make anyone look good, I just think to myself "Well I already saw 3 or 4 guys 10/15 years before them do the same thing"..That's why it's hard for me to put the guys from the 90's/00's over the guys I grew up on..And you gotta remember when I was 5 and started watching wrestling religiously the guys from my era were doing 20-40 minute matches on the reg, so for someone to tell my about Shawn or Kurt doing "ironman" matches it just doesn't seem impressive to me..Because when I was a little kid guys were doing 30 minutes every night and going an hour once a week..

I don't think this ADHD generation can handle weekly 30-60 minute matches....they'd call it boring
^Thats how Vince has conditioned the audience/viewers to think, which is very sad. Sucks that they bring all these former ROH/indies guys in who are used to wrestling those types of lengthy matches, only to be neutered and put in at max 6 minute matches, unless you defy the odds like Punk and Bryan.
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I think if they were given more time in the ring, the audience would eat it up..But then that would mean less time for boring pre-scripted promos..And we know Vince loves his tv shows to have multiple energy zapping talk sessions..It was cool back in the Attitude Era to have a bunch of talking because the talent was given way more freedom and the stuff they were saying on the mic actually felt like it was off the cuff remarks instead of sounding like actors on a bad soap rehearsing lines..
They just signed a female arm wrestler :lol:

I saw that yesterday..She's good looking, but I bet money she'll either be out of WWE by this time next year or she'll get brought up too soon and flop..
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