Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

seriuosly, skip to the end real quick.. why would the wwe cut his microphone OFF if it were scripted.. why would punk publically bury the company in front of tv, would the creative team really allow that? he even mentioned roh.. 

Everyone is laughing at you.
Harper been my guy since jump so I'm glad to see him gaining some recognition.

He excels at being subtle...something Bray Wyatt can not grasp for the life of him.
Unfair to say that about Bray when I am sure "they" are telling him to crank his character up. Easy for Luke to be subtle when he is playing the role he plays in the pecking order.
At this point I see him as a ham that could stand to cool his jets a little...and I LOVED that guy in NXT. Then he hit the main roster and slowly became a caricature of his character.

You see how even the "smart" fans are starting to get tired of him?

If he would crank up the physical aggression and be more concise with his promo work I would like him 100x more.
2 of my favorites. Which promo was better, Joey styles or Paul Heymans? You know they both ment everything they said Some body embed for me don't know how

yea bray needs to get more sick and twisted with the mind games and stuff,i feel like he needs to crank it up a notch but honestly hes still my dude,cuz they ****** him over with this cena ****.

im willing to give him more time,id like to see more physicality to go along with the mind games and make a nice combination of both.

like i said they got some of the best talent they've had in years but their giving them the same sorry *** story lines that been recycled already with the weak roster they had before.

this roster has the potential to bring back a lot of fans they lost after the attitude era was over.the creative staff needs to read this thread.SERIOUSLY 
like i said they got some of the best talent they've had in years but their giving them the same sorry *** story lines that been recycled already with the weak roster they had before.

So true...I think this is the best roster they've had in 10-15 years.

And that Heyman shoot is like the greatest of all time.
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Wonder what they're really doing with that US title.. Coulda put it on Swagger and just have Dutch talk about why no one else should have it...swagger won't even have to wrestle. Everyone wins.
Wonder what they're really doing with that US title.. Coulda put it on Swagger and just have Dutch talk about why no one else should have it...swagger won't even have to wrestle. Everyone wins.
Really? why would you have an irrelevant mid carder hold the U.S title when you could have a top 5  in terms of star power and talent (sheamus) hold it, and defend it on a monthly basis, restoring prestige to the championship.
you know its true. the mid card belts have been made to look like **** for the past couple of months. its time to restore some credibility. yall should be thankful that sheamus is the one willing to restore their prestige.. if this were cena or orton, they would flat out refuse.. they would tihnk that they are above these belts. but sheamus doesnt think that way, hes a loyal, selfless employee
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you know its true. the mid card belts have been made to look like **** for the past couple of months. its time to restore some credibility. yall should be thankful that sheamus is the one willing to restore their prestige.. if this were cena or orton, they would flat out refuse.. they would tihnk that they are above these belts. but sheamus doesnt think that way, hes a loyal, selfless employee
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