Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

I saw him tweeting about his maid the other day. Reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry bangs his maid. Get them native yambs Yesse.
Seems as if everyone already forgot. And then they wonder why wrestling doesn't follow continuity or replays the same damn highlight 8 times during one episode. Sigh.

Or why Edge and Christian aren't brothers anymore but close friends

Or why Daniel Bryan & Kane weren't just Tag Team Champions as Team Hell No

Or why oh nevermind

I'm afriad I've got some bad news!!! You know what Cody Rhodes as a heel wasn't half bad. You take the Dashing One mix in some Bad News Enforcer, hen sprinkle a little bit of the Total Package Zack Ryder and top it all off with Mr. Space Mountain, the Show Off, the new Nature Boy Doplh Ziggler.... and I think we have something special there. Very Horsemen-like.

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yes i do... in terms of position on the roster.. tag teams dont count( which means no shield and no wyatt family), only single wrestlers.

1. Daniel Bryan
2. John Cena
3. Triple H
4. Batista
5. Sheamus
6. Randy Orton
7. Roman Reigns
8. Bray Wyatt
9. Cesaro
10. RVD/Wade Barrett/Del Rio?

yeah.. sheamus could EASILY make it in the top 5 list.. its not like the roster is packed with star power anyways. jack swagger is wayyyyy down the list. would u rather have a top 5 worker as the u.s champion or a random replacable mid carder. imagine if cm punk were here though. the roster would be packed. there wouldnt be enough room for one championship if punk came back. 

I asked for numbers, you gave me your trash rankings. Girl,bye.
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I must be the only person in the world without a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or anything.. Just good ole fetlife...

as weird as it sounds when I was younger goldust was one of my favorites. esp when Luna walked him like a dog hahaha
John Pollock @iamjohnpollock
Jim Ross announces he will start doing play by play for Golden Boy Boxing on 5/26 on FOX Sports 1

I had a weird dream

Dream 1
Seth Rollins/Damian Sandow/Mysterious NXT Type dude were wrestling in front of my house. Like in the middle of the street. Bomani Jones shows up and I said to him, while pointing to Seth, "Dude is aight." Bomani says, "Yea that is my baby." I looked at him like huh? Other than talking to some neighbors, I really don't remember anything else.
Just realized I hadn't posted in this thread all week...Work and moving has had my schedule all kind of messed up. Watched Raw on DVR on Wednesday night. Adam Rose is terrible. I feel the same way about @CmPunk contribution to the thread this week. Good lord.
Just realized I hadn't posted in this thread all week...Work and moving has had my schedule all kind of messed up. Watched Raw on DVR on Wednesday night. Adam Rose is terrible. I feel the same way about @CmPunk contribution to the thread this week. Good lord.

It's the #NEmovement. Non existent movement. Whenever he posts we just act like he's not there
Classic moment right here. Only a wrestler of this magnitude could beat the streak. Thoughts on how badass he looks?

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