Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Also repping that 4 horsemen life. Arn has the coldest spine buster. Others are mere facsimiles. At best.




We need the roman reigns gif of his mannerisms before that spear at extreme rules.

Dude was trying to go into that edge/randy Orton "place" and ended up looking like he was motorboating the air :lol:
Gotta respect the OG, but something about Farooq's always had that extra factor that he himself could quantify best.

Still planning to bust that out in real life.
Here's your #2. Even though AA clearly got the best, this a personal favorite of mine. Loved how he stayed standing and just tossed them.

Don't sleep on these either:

Love how Tista did the one hand push off

And we all knew HHH took cues from AA

Certain overlooked moves that are just personal favorites of mine:


European Uppercut (Before Cesaro made em famous, even though his are :pimp:)

Scoop Powerslam
Certain overlooked moves that are just personal favorites of mine:

European Uppercut (Before Cesaro made em famous, even though his are :pimp:)
Scoop Powerslam

Great list..I have to add Ricky's arm drag to that list too..
Certain overlooked moves that are just personal favorites of mine:

European Uppercut (Before Cesaro made em famous, even though his are :pimp:)
Scoop Powerslam

Lord Steven Regal + Eddie Guerrero with those Euro Uppercut

Dean Malenko had a mean Scoop Powerslam too. He hit Ultimo with one Starrcade 96. VICIOUS. Crowd went off!
Man Arn Anderson's moves were so damn CRISP. The snap he got on his moves are unmatched. His DDT and Spinebuster in particular. My goodness DOuble A
DDT might be my favorite move of all time. Same with the sharpshooter.

Only DDT I like, and ever will like, is Jake's..All them tornado, double arm, and other variations are a poor imitation of Roberts' DDT..
Have you all pinpointed what it is about Natalya's SharoShooter that makes it look weird? Her initial step-through looks off. I think Bret/Sting's first left footed step is a little closer to the opponent's right shoulder?

Somebody find a gif of it for me vs. Bret vs. The Stings
Only DDT I like, and ever will like, is Jake's..All them tornado, double arm, and other variations are a poor imitation of Roberts' DDT..
Not even Ziggler's?

Even though yall hate on it because of the set up, I LOVE Ortons hangman DDT

Here's my thoughts on the DDT..Jake's was absolutely perfect..So how could something that's not perfect be better or equal?..
I came across these gifs assuming they'd be offensive moves from both Rollins and Steen, but damn, Steen whooped Rollins *** :lol:




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token puro post

Hashimoto is one of the best DDT users ever

dont forget Raven too
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