Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Its your opinino whether you like sheamus in ring skills or not, but you gotta admit he is a great athlete and a great worker.. remember money in the bank 2013? sheamus pretty much singlehandedly carried that much, not gonna lie.. just think about this. there will never be another performer like sheamus in a long time. he is the total package. he has the mic skills if given the right material, he has the in ring skills, the charisma, the fanbase, the drawing power, and last but not least, the look. whether you like it or not, u have to admit that sheamus is one of the top stars in this company.. hes probably top 10 in terms of star power, only behind triple h, daniel bryan, john cena, and batista..

you do realize that not everyone has to go by their scripts? i hope you realize that cm punk and john cena are probably the only ones who get to write their own promos.. cm punk obviously wrote his own shoot promo in 2011, then he wrote some more when he was facing the rock. john cena always improvises, based on the fans reactions, thats how u know thath is promos are not given by the creative team. cant believe people are this ignorant.. sure, MOST of the roster has to follow the creative teams script, but there are some exceptions, like cena and punk. give sheamus the same control over his promos and he will be GOLD

I'm done wit you. you have no clue about how the business works. at all. those "shoot" imterviews and "pipe bombs" were known in advance. whether you wanna believe that or not is up to you. that was the point of it. that was punks CHARACTER. these guys may have input on scripts but do not single handedly write their own script. john cena reacts to the crowd by having one liners he never just goes off topic and rambles about the crowd. ever. and you said That there will never be another like Sheamus in a long time. which actually makes no sense. the sentence itself makes no sense. or the opinion you
made is stupid. this guy is the total package now. and no one will come along like that In a long time. you must be 10 years old. I'm done. someone ban this dude from this thread
dude is that much of
a fan to think that the pipe bombs weren't a work. and actually bought into exactly what they wanted everyone to do. week in and week out Vince said here punk go out there and bash my company and product. idiots man. if you can't see that that was a character that Vince created than you are a mark. and probably think Kane and undertaker are brothers. and santino is from italy
The gif though 

Dont know if posted, but worth a peep haha. I might have seen it on here first, but if so, sorry for the repost
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Man the gimmick Yoshi had in that 2nd pic could've had soooo much potential if they would've given him Tensai's theme instead of keeping that Jamster ringtone theme on him.
Yoshi Tatsu has one of those themes that you want to get a high score on Dance Dance Revolution on LOL. It's pretty darn catchy.
u just lost all your credibility when you said that

How you gonna be a 26 yr. old mark that lives in your mom's attic and with a straight face question someone's credibility?..

Are you Club and just working us all?..Or are you "soon"?..
Still can't believe days after, this #SheamusSlurping is still going on :smh: .
I fell for the bait way back with scripted promos discussion with @cmpunk. And damn the barbarism he won't ever be as good as RKO who he hates cause he beat his idol @ Wrestlemania a few years ago I'm guessing. Randall stays getting panties dropped for him while Sheamus stayed getting dropped by dudes you'd think he beat up in real life. And when is the last time we heard of the fella with a lady? Randall got in Mickie James' guts and that alone eats the :smile: in my book. Not to mention jojo and countless other trollops. Don't hate on Randall Keith and big up Sheamus like he's the greatest gift to the business, let alone a guy that walked out on the company right before the biggest/most prestigious PPV of the year. And don't feed trolls people, they grow exponentially with every meal...
ClubManPunk seriously man. Cut it out.

Messing up the flow of the thread. It was funny at first but moderation man. Stop.
So...Who would you guys vote for "best spine-buster" ? Past or present ..

My pick: The Rock
Arnold Anderson has the best spine buster.

I actually liked Kidman's spinebuster. The one where he is facing you and he pulls your legs from under you. It is like a sit-out spinebuster.

True..watching that is like watching MJ setup the moonwalk.

I guess that's why the peoples elbow IS the most electrifying move in sports entertainment
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