Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Sheamus got his *** beat by Sin cara.

and Yoshi Tatsu

Yoshi Tatsu

Sheamus as wwe champion looks badass, idk how else to convince u guys that sheamus is a legitimate badass
Man the gimmick Yoshi had in that 2nd pic could've had soooo much potential if they would've given him Tensai's theme instead of keeping that Jamster ringtone theme on him. :lol:
Is there anyone on the roster who is more badass than Cm Punk and Sheamus (besides roman reigns)?
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Time to make this thread a little more interesting. :nerd:

My friend can't go to Target. He can't go to Great America, the grocery store or any mall anywhere. It's been a long time since I've seen him escape a restaurant without getting Instagrammed by diners at nearby tables. People mob him in the airport and tweet angrily when he doesn't stop to sign autographs because he has a flight to catch.

My friend is famous, and it sucks.
When we first met, he told me he was going to be a pro wrestler and I couldn't wait. Pro wrestlers were ballers -- they rode in limousines, wore sequined robes and married fine ladies with big hair. Most importantly, they were famous, and to a girl who grew up in a town with gravel roads and no sidewalks, fame and fortune meant instant happiness.

Five years later, he was making enough money wrestling to quit his "real job." He was still carpooling to shows with other wrestlers to save on gas money, crashing on couches and eating fast food, but he wasn't wearing a name tag or sitting in a cubicle. And that was about as much as he'd ever hoped for -- he was ecstatic.

Now, he's the recently retired seven-time World Champion, and he's one of the most isolated people I've ever known. A few weeks ago he found a young fan and his mom cramming Easter candy into the mail slot of his front door. Just before that, he walked out of his back door to throw out the trash only to be met by fans camped out in his alley for hours just to see him.

We get mad about how much of our information Facebook is selling to advertisers, and this guy has people stalking his Dumpster. But if he complains, people roll their eyes and say if they had his money, they wouldn't complain about anything. The money? I'm sure he likes it just fine, but I often wonder how much of it he would trade to be able to go to a Cubs game without it ending up on TMZ.

The nervous ninny in me lives with the constant fear that someone's going to stab him. On the rare occasion I can get him out of the house I get to witness how overbearing and creepy people are toward him. "Bodyguard!" my husband and I nag. "That's stupid," he says. "What am I going to do, drag some guy around with me forever? Why can't people just leave me alone?"

Seeing my childhood notions of fame bastardized every time we hang out, I'm secretly glad it's him and not me. I can't imagine finally being able to do anything I wanted to, financially, but not being able to do any of it in peace. Being on a flight to some far-off land and not being excited about it because there's nowhere to hide on an airplane and everyone is staring at me. Think about my friend the next time you buy anti-diarrheal medicine at Walgreens and no one tweets about it. I do.

Til this day I feel that was one of the best ideas WWE has had in recent memory, and they wasted it on a video game.

Barrett, Sheamus, McIntyre, Paige with Regal as the mentor type?  Money.
Sheamus is too big of a star to be associated with those 3.. Mcintyre is part of 3mb, a jobber squad. wade barrett is a mid carder with no big wins or credibility. paige sounds like a man and her mic skills are terrible.. regal is a veteran but he doesnt have the same star power as other veterans. hell he isnt even at christians level, and thats saying a lot. sheamus deserves better than to be stuck in a stable like that. just because there are europeans in the roster doesnt mean u put all of them i the same faction. thats just borderline racist. would u put every single american on the same stable? nope. then why would u do the same for europeans?


Man the gimmick Yoshi had in that 2nd pic could've had soooo much potential if they would've given him Tensai's theme instead of keeping that Jamster ringtone theme on him. :lol:

Agreed. I don't see how they changed up his gimmick to be more serious, but leave that whimsical *** Mario Kart theme :lol:

The way this dude speaks about Sheamus and Punk is so erotic.

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If were gonna start talking about dudes appearances I'm gonna join in.

Randy Orton got that bad boy. Like that bad boy in high school. Would smoke cigarettes in the parking lot and wear a v neck or some ish. And the tattoos are a nice hit too. He's got a slim and slender build. The tats work well with his streamlined physique. Those abs and that V taper abs that ends by going into his tights. Plus he's tall,dark and handsome. And you know what they say about those longer dudes......
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Til this day I feel that was one of the best ideas WWE has had in recent memory, and they wasted it on a video game.

Barrett, Sheamus, McIntyre, Paige with Regal as the mentor type?  Money.
Sheamus is too big of a star to be associated with those 3.. Mcintyre is part of 3mb, a jobber squad. wade barrett is a mid carder with no big wins or credibility. paige sounds like a man and her mic skills are terrible.. regal is a veteran but he doesnt have the same star power as other veterans. hell he isnt even at christians level, and thats saying a lot. sheamus deserves better than to be stuck in a stable like that. just because there are europeans in the roster doesnt mean u put all of them i the same faction. thats just borderline racist. would u put every single american on the same stable? nope. then why would u do the same for europeans?
Son...I'm not even gonna dignify this turd of an opinion with a response. 

Be better than this, man.
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I think he tries to mask these stange feelings by pretending to like Sheamus and Punk.

In reality he loves Rick Rude('s body), Val penis, goldust and rico
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