Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

HHH had three terrible matches with Brock, a turd with Kevin Nash and wouldn't job to Punk. His Taker matches were okay. He just seems slow and has a plodding match style. His match with Bryan was good but it was probably because of Bryan.

I dunno. I'd say Cena has managed to have been able to have better classics while still managing to be a turd of a wrestler.

Not to say Brock is OMG but you look at the last two years and he's been involved in a MoTY the last two years (Brock/Cena and Brock/Punk).

Listening to SCSA podcast. He's got Eric Bischoff on today.
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Top 5
Daniel Bryan
The Shield
Bray Wyatt

Bottom 5
Paul Levesque for being married to Stephanie McMahon
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Can't connect with fans, so bunnies will suffice.

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Top 5:
The Shield
Bray Wyatt

Bottom 5:
Eric Rowan
Curtis Axel
The Miz
I haven't listened to any of JR's podcasts yet, but looking forward to this week's.  He has HBK on, and they have a story about how HBK was sitting in Gorilla (along with Vince and Hunter) at WM30 during Taker's loss, and the reaction to everyone backstage.  I don't believe Shawn knew Taker was losing.
I'm building my franchise around LOB/The Shield

Roman Reigns = Kam Chancellor
Seth Rollins = Earl Thomas
Dean Ambrose = Sherman

Best thing to happen since the attitude era...
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I haven't listened to any of JR's podcasts yet, but looking forward to this week's.  He has HBK on, and they have a story about how HBK was sitting in Gorilla (along with Vince and Hunter) at WM30 during Taker's loss, and the reaction to everyone backstage.  I don't believe Shawn knew Taker was losing.
Listen to his podcast with Mauro Ranallo
Top 5
Daniel Bryan
The Shield
Bray Wyatt

Bottom 5
Paul Levesque for being married to Stephanie McMahon
Typical IWC fanboy. wtf is wrong with you man? how can you hate legends like triple h, sheamus, and batista? first of all sheamus doesnt even hog the main event, he puts over plenty of people.. hes always in irrelevant storylines. whens the last time he went for the world championship anyways? batista just put over reigns and daniel bryan both CLEAN. hes been booked weak as hell since his return. kane puts over countless people. hes one of the most selfless guys in the company. he puts over literally ANYONE, he doesnt give  a crap. triple h is very selective about who he puts over. i dont blame him, u cant just put over a guy who is not going to be successful in the future. you gotta be 100% sure u can trust the person before u put him over. besides, hhh put over chris benoit, daniel bryan, the shield, batista, john cena, jeff hardy, randy orton, sheltan benjamin. hhh may hurt a lot of peoples momentum (cm punk, kane, booker t), but every time he puts his effort and heart into putting someone over, he succeeds. just look at daniel bryan and shield
Sheamus has had a terrible boring character for years, and the list of people HHH held down/buried for various reasons is probably 5 times longer than that.
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Sheamus has had a terrible boring character for years, and the list of people HHH held down/buried for various reasons is probably 5 times longer than that.
sure his character is boring but its not like it actually bothers me because he doesnt do promos as often as he does matches.. and his matches are pretty entertaining. when he had a match with big show, he changed his character to a barbaric warrior. its not like hes hogging the spotlight like john cena was. its easy to just skip past his segments. for example, i dont like los matadores but you dont see me complainining about them . i simply just skip through their segments. hhh hasnt held down anybody except for cm punk, booker t, and kane on his 1st championship run.
Well said cmpunk cmpunk . I think Cena has done far more damage to people's careers that hunter at this point in wrestling. As much as people complain about the shovel he does put a gang of people over. How many people has Cena (legit) lost to since his rise to dominance? Far less I'm sure...hmmm edge d Bryan Randall and Mr brooks...and then my memory gets hazy...
Well said@CmPunk. I think Cena has done far more damage to people's careers that hunter at this point in wrestling. As much as people complain about the shovel he does put a gang of people over. How many people has Cena (legit) lost to since his rise to dominance? Far less I'm sure...hmmm edge d Bryan Randall and Mr brooks...and then my memory gets hazy...
The thing is that cena is actually good at putting over FACES, but not good at putting over heels. hes just really bad at it.. he no sells a lot of their promos and he no sells his losses.. for example, everyone knows that bray wyatt is just another monster for him to overcome man. its another "slay the dragon, overcome all odds" storyline. it just gets old and its hard for the crowd to take his opponents seriously with all this crap. he killed umaga, great khali, and kane's momentum. dang man. hell he even killed rybacks momentum. damn ryback has fallen so much. remember when ryback was a top face, had an awesome unique character, and dominated everybody? now hes nothing ever since he turned heel. all because of stupid wwe creative team turning everybody heel cause they dont want anyone to be more over than john cena.. happened to punk during his title reign, happened to ryback, happened to big show, happened to kane, damn! i hate cena
When y'all saying cena doesn't put ppl over are u guys referring to him straight up refusing to lose to someone or creative just never booking him to lose?
Had no idea he flexes like that backstage
dont be surprised. he has a ******** of influence backstage. he obviously has the power to book himself. why do u think he barely loses clean? what else do u expect from a selfish top star?
dont be surprised. he has a ******** of influence backstage. he obviously has the power to book himself. why do u think he barely loses clean? what else do u expect from a selfish top star?

this is so in character with your username :rofl:
I haven't listened to any of JR's podcasts yet, but looking forward to this week's.  He has HBK on, and they have a story about how HBK was sitting in Gorilla (along with Vince and Hunter) at WM30 during Taker's loss, and the reaction to everyone backstage.  I don't believe Shawn knew Taker was losing.

supposedly he is dropping some serious info on the match and decision. and jr said hes not just using this to get listeners. that Shawn is gonna drop some serious knowledge.
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its a little bit of both honestly

once you get that taste of the top who really would wanna let it go? especially when the top spot comes with the money and popularity. and you get to bang Nikki Bella
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